Showing posts with label gift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gift. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Simple Gift by Angela Sullivan

A Simple Gift by Angela Sullivan
A couple of apples and a gift of bath salts in a pretty box. This box sits on my shelf
day after day overlooked while I pic other things to paint. But not today. Today it caught my attention and I reached for it and sat it behind two apples. It still amazes me that each dab of color was intentional. Each dark blue and light area yep.....meant to be. Each shimmer of white and the yellow on the apples all placed there on purpose. I love painting...really.
6x6 oil on edge wrapped canvas.

Monday, April 15, 2013

I Give My All by Angela Sullivan

I Give My All
This is another painting I did to try and perfect the gift or at least get a little better at it. I am still trying to develop one for my bigger painting which I will keep. Again this is not it. For sale or auction at my DPW gallery just follow the link to pay via Pay Pal.
10"x8" oil on canvas panel.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Waiting For My Friend by Angela Sullivan

Waiting For My Friend
This is number three in fact of my effort to paint a study of the one for my own larger
painting. I just can't decide what I want. I guess I will know when I see it. I have seen several paintings of gifts by artist and for some reason I love them. Carol Marine, Carolyn McDonald, and  have painted some outstanding works. I am humbled by there's yet I trudge on. 
Hope you like mine. This is a 10"x8" oil on canvas panel.
For sale or auction at my DPW gallery just follow the link to pay via Pay Pal.

Friday, February 1, 2013


Another gift but the best gift of all is still my little Teddies. 
8x8 oil on canvas panel. For sale or auction at my DPW gallery
just follow the link to pay via Pay Pal.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Next Time

Next Time
Next time I will do better. Next time I wont put off stuff for tomorrow that I can do today. Next time I will tell someone that I love them before it is too late. Next Time.
8x8 oil on canvas panel.
For sale or auction at my DPW gallery just follow the link to pay via Pay Pal.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What's Inside

What's Inside
Don't you just love getting gifts. The anticipation of what's inside is sometimes better than the
gift within. I love the feeling of the smooth crispness of the paper and then seeing the beautiful bow. That alone makes me thankful for whatever is inside.
10x8 oil on canvas panel
For sale or auction at my DPW gallery just follow the link to purchase via Pay Pal.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Giving Love Away

Giving Love Away
I am still in my quest of doing the perfect study which will become a larger painting. And
daily I trudge along paintingmy little heart out. Today once again I paint this Teddy Bear which my
mom gave me for Christmas a couple of years ago. I only have a few of them and treasure each one.
As I think about this little bear I think about my mom. She will be 89 this year. I still call her each day and I can't help but think about all those times she showed me love in so many ways. Like all of the times she did without so I could have what I wanted not what I needed. It is a wonderful thing when you give love away and years later it brings a smile when someone thinks of it.
8x8 oil on canvas panel
For sale or auction at my DPW gallery just follow the link to purchase via Pay Pal.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday
Happy birthday,happy wedding day, happy new job, happy happy joy joy,
To all of you who have a special happening in your day today. This one for you...
5x7 oil on canvas panel
For sale via PayPal at my DPW gallery

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Random Beauty

Random Beauty
I just found these random items laying around.
I gathered them up and grouped them and wah lah!
10x8 acrylic on canvas panel
I actually painted this a long time ago but never posted.
No Longer Available

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bahama Essentials

Bahama Essentials
A pineapple, a gift,a wooden basket and how can you go  to
the Bahama's without a bottle to put that message in to who knows who.
Necessary things for that special trip. That trip you have been waiting for. 
8x6 acrylic on canvas panel.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My Gift To You

My Gift To You
Painted for a challenge at
7x5 acrylic on canvas panel
To purchase contact me
I did find painting ribbon a real challenge. I would have loved for 
it to have turned out a little different but...........