Thursday, September 06, 2012

First Day of School!

 Well as much as some of my kids might have told me they didn't want to start school they were all very happy and excited kids on the first day of school and it has carried through the entire week! We have lucked out with good teachers all around. Yay!! And Lucas started kindergarten this year. He kept begging for me to put him in full day but I did not. I told him I'd be too sad without him!! So when he got off the bus today he said "Mom, i think you DID put me in full day kindergarten"
"Why?" I asked
"Because I was there for a full day"
"oh, did it feel long?" i asked
"Yes, it was a full day"
I thought that was pretty funny!
 Lucy - grade 4!

 Ethan Grade 3

 Lucy getting on the bus
 Ethan and his est friend sam
 Ethan getting on the bus
 Lucas - my sweet kindergartener

 Look at all these cute kids.Our street is full of kindergarteners. Her are the half day kids but several others on our street go full day. There are 8 kindergarteners total on our street!
 Lucas getting on the bus for the first time ever! He told me the bus was his favorite part of the day
 And here is my buddy for the next two years. She was really wanting to go to school today! She starts Joy School next week.


Christy said...

Okay - seriously - your kids are so cute. Jane is practically edible :) Love to see that you all are doing well!

libia said...

todos los nlños estan muy grandes y lindos saludos amiga y hermana