This is just a sampling of some of our Dory conversations:
Lucas: Mom that's a big car
Me: Yeah Lucas you are right, that is a BIG car
Lucas: What car?
Lucas was laying right next to the piano
Me: Lucas can you put your gloves away please?
Lucas: Where are they?
Me: Under the piano
Lucas: What piano?
this is kind of a gross example but he is potty training and has not yet learned to wipe his bottom so he called me to wipe his bottom
Lucas: Do I get a treat because I did a big giant poop
Me: No, remember you don't get treats anymore for going poop but you are right it is big (sick)
Lucas: What's big?
Me: Your poop
Lucas: oh, when did I poop?
REALLY?!?!? I mean I'm standing there wiping his bottom and he's asking when he pooped? Hmmmmmm!?!??!?
So, to Lucas' credit he is not stupid and is really funny and I'm not sure if he's serious when he says these things or if he's trying to be funny! Hopefully he's just trying to be funny....but sometimes I can't believe how much he is like Dory!!
Unfortunately that sounds like me!:) Cute little Lucas.
Who's Lucas?
Amy--You used the "s" word in this post. I'm shocked really. : )
The poop one is my hands down fav.
so i was blogstalking you and needed to leave a comment to say this: my freshmen students are the SAME way.
so cross your fingers that he grows out of it, but in case he doesn't, he's not the only one! someday in 12 years, his high school english teacher is going to have to deal with the same thing!
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