Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's a.............

She will be arriving in June. The date is debatable but hopefully she will arrive before Andy takes off for high adventure! We are all so excited around here. Lucy was hoping for a girl and well.....so was I!


Kara and Kevin said...

Amy how exciting!! Congrats on another girl. I hope you are feeling well!!

The Mortensens said...

Congratulations Amy! That's great news!

Lauren said...

Hooray! Now you'll have two boys and two girls, and since I'm totally unbiased about two-boy, two-girl families, I can tell you that I think it's the best! Congrats!

Jessica said...

congratulations! that will be so fun for lucy. we (especially ethan) are hoping for a boy here. :)

Alisa said...

yeah!! how fun!

Katie and Eric said...

Hooray for Girls! I have been wondering when you were going to find out. We get to find out in just one more month!:)

KeriLyn and Matthew said...

WoooooWHooooooo!!! Another little girl!!!I know a lot of boys who have been born lately....it is time for a girl!!!

Lindsay said...

Yay! Congratulations!

Emily said...


AmyJune said...

I'm so excited that you are having a girl. Congrats!!! It is a little sad that she won't be the same gender as her same age cousin but they can date each other's friends in college so that is good. Just like Lucas and Julia.

R and R said...

Oh good; two boys and two girls. I am so happy for you all!

The Love Bunch said...

Congrats! That is so great!

N. Tipps said...

It's a good thing they didn't trust you to analyze the ultrasound. Then it would be a boy. A SUPER boy.

Maile said...

Congratulations! That will be so much fun for Lucy! Every girl needs a sister!

Hindmarsh Family said...

Awesome!!! We find out today what we are having! I am a bit anxious.. expecting a 4th boy (but secretly hoping for my girl).
How's the pregnancy??

wishesUT said...

Congratulations! I'm impressed that you're achieving balance. We only have the recipe for boys around here, but you love them no matter what the gender. Lucy will love having a baby sister to mother.

Jenner said...

yay for sisters!

paulak said...

Congrats! That is great news.

The Reynolds Family said...

I feel stupid in even commenting on this this late, but CONGRATS!!! 2 and 2...that is the best combination! Ours is just the inverse of yours! I cannot, believe you are just getting into maternity clothes...on your fourth especially!
