Sunday, February 22, 2009

Goodbye clothes!!

Not like anyone really cares but this week I had to take the plunge and start wearing maternity clothes. I guess it was bound to happen but I was holding out for as long as possible. It's weird how one day my jeans fit and 2 days later they don't!! All of a sudden I have a pregnant belly! Hopefully someday I will fit back into my normal clothes!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Lucy the Cheerleader!

I've not always been a fan of cheerleaders. I have nothing against them but my preference would be to be the one participating in the sport - basketball, cross country, track..... whatever it is. However, Lucy participated in this "poms" program. She learned a cheer and got to cheer at the high school basketball game. It was soooooo cute. I leaned over to Andy and said, "I can't believe I'm so excited to see my little girl cheering". It really was cute and she got to do it with some school friends and she loved every minute of it. Go Lucy!! (Can you believe this is the same Lucy who a few years ago wouldn't even leave my side? I guess they don't stay attached to you forever!!)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lots to celebrate during the winter!

In about a months time we have 3 birthdays to celebrate in our family. Lucas turned 2 this year and of course he had a ball birthday cake - he is obsessed with balls!
Andy is the GREATEST husband in the world. He always seems to have something up his sleeve and has surprised me much more than I have ever been able to surprise him. About a week before my birthday he surprised me with a ticket to UTAH to visit my parents, Alisa, Ryan, Adam, and college roommates. Yes, he sent me with NO KIDS and although I LOVE them to death it was a much needed break and I loved every minute of my trip.
I was gone for about 4 1/2 days. On the first day my mom, Alisa, and I slept in. After exercising we took off for pedicures and manicures. Then we headed to Jamba Juice and Great Harvest Bread for lunch. Then home to watch a movie and take naps. Can it get any better than that?!??! It was a GREAT day.
That night I met up with college roommates. It was so good to see all of them. Unfortunately I don't have pictures. I left my camera at my parents house (oops!). We went out to dinnner and then they planned a really nice evening at MJ's house with LOTS of treats and we all had fun looking at pictures from college! Thanks girls!!

On Saturday we went to BYU for a basketball game and I even got to meet up with Stephanie (although it was brief - it was really great seeing her!) After the game we got to go to one of my favorites - Cafe Rio!!! I love that place!!
On Sunday my mom made an awesome dinner - salad, homemade rolls, baked potatoes, and dad cooked up some steaks!!!! And for desert we had chocolate eclairs. And I ate every bite without one child tugging and pulling on me!!! It was wonderful!!
Before leaving Utah we also managed to get a little bit of shopping in, lots of exercising, a stop at See's chocolate and well come on we ate plenty of treats. That goes without saying when you hang out with mom!!!
Thanks to Andy for planning the trip and to my roommates and parents for making it a WONDERFUL relaxing weekend!!

And last but not least - Ethan's birthday is 2 days after mine. He turned 5 this year and had a Batman birthday party. It was a really fun party. We have had our share of cake over the last month!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's a.............

She will be arriving in June. The date is debatable but hopefully she will arrive before Andy takes off for high adventure! We are all so excited around here. Lucy was hoping for a girl and was I!