Wednesday, March 28, 2012
like a long forgotten dream
The sweets came in a little green tub and just looked so, er, sweet that I ended up putting them in my one of the display cabinets at my my exhibition last summer. Back when I received them I had intended to eat, draw and journal them at the same time. After all the trouble Tine went to in sending them to me I felt that I shouldn't let the fact that they are now past their sell by date put me off. All in the name of research, folks. All in the name of research.
This new travel journal can be viewed HERE.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
have you got a pen?
Moo have recently been making some changes to their business and to the way they use the designer's work. So, this seemed like a great time for me to make some changes of my own, which resulted in this lovely set entitled 'Have You Got A Pen?'.
You can now have these three drawings, plus a number of others, printed on mini cards, postcards and greetings cards. I rather like the greetings cards myself.
See the new sets here;
Have You Got A Pen? mini cards
Have You Got A Pen? postcards
Have You Got A Pen? greetings cards
Cheers, my dears.
Monday, October 17, 2011
but far enough to see
So, I've decided to try a different tack; never bother coming back to this blog. Nothing interesting happens here. Nothing.
Do you think that may work? In the meantime, here's some drawings of pens.
Monday, August 01, 2011
it could be
1970s films - I love a good old 70s film. I don't care what they are about. I'll just watch them for the styling; the clothes, the homes, the decor, the design of the day. As long as they are drenched in corduroy, big flowery prints and bri-nylon I'm happy. I've actually sat through about three series of Man About the House (British 70s sitcom) just to get a better glimpse of the three prints they had on their kitchen wall (one was a green pepper). The other evening I watched a film from the 70s, in which the main character had her own advertising agency. In the background I caught a glimpse of some seed packets that the agency had designed. I immediately felt inspired.
Classic French typography - I love those classic French style fonts; from Bistro signs to wine bottles. I've been doing a bit of research for an invitation I am designing, for an upcoming dinner party, and I've gone down the French route. I ADORE the Metropolitan typography and have been practicing it.
Art Nouveau - I've also been researching (Googling) a lot of Art Nouveau stuff recently. Just for my own amusement. I love everything about it from the architecture, art and, again, the typography.
1960s and 70s recipe books - I've written about my love of these books before. It's the first thing I look for in a charity shop. In fact, I go in charity shops to look for them specifically. I have a rather lovely collection. They are always bought for the drawings although sometimes I'll dig them out for a mung bean and brown rice salad recipe.
Sweetcorn - one of my all time favourite veg. I bought this corn on the cob the other day. As I was choosing it I was thinking about how pretty it was.
So, there's the story of a drawing. And, the story of my life over the last few days.
Monday, July 25, 2011
my deep shade
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
ringing home so true
Here's a little something I've been working on, and meaning to do, for some time now. I've put a pen review on the Pen Addict's fabulous site. When it came to it there was only one way for me to do a pen review - draw it!
Check out my ballpoint review HERE and don't forget to bookmark that wonderful site (I say 'bookmark it' like I know what that means). I hope this will be the first of many reviews I do for the Pen Addict. I already have the next one penned (sorry) out in my mind.
I must say that it seems that pens have become my new shoes; in that I seem to be drawing lots and lots of them. I ADORED doing this drawing. I just loved drawing these pens, so I'm most definitely finished with them yet. It's also for sale HERE.
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
in between tonight and my tomorrows
I don't know if it's any good, but I do know that these pair are the most delicious of subjects to draw. I love all the patterns and textures. And, I'm not sure that I've finished with them yet.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
why don't you come over to my house?
In the meantime, here's a new drawing. A few months ago my coin purse fell apart and I temporarily replaced it with an old purse that had belonged to my niece - when she was about five. It was ridiculously childish purse for 'a lady of a certain age' so, I decided I must replace it and went out to buy a new one. And, yep, you've guessed it; I came home with this much more grown up cloth owl.
This little guy is available for sale (the original drawing, not the purse) HERE.
Friday, March 25, 2011
wish i knew you well
I'm often asked how long my drawings take. Well, at a guess, this one took a mere fifty hours. To appreciate the obsessive attention to detail click on the drawing and stick your conk in. Please do; FIFTY chuffing hours.
Oh dear, it seems that some of you have having trouble enlarging this image. I'll try to fix it, until then you can see the bigger version HERE.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
i'm hanging on the wire
I just wasn't expecting to get to a stage where I hardly have the time to draw. These are two pages from my new Moleskine project; the airmail/penpal/Scandinavian themed one. I managed to sneak an evenings drawing in earlier in the week. At this rate this book will be finished in 2036.
Any advice?
Friday, February 25, 2011
trying to remember just what for
Then what I'd most like to do is get back to blogging. It's just that these days I have lots of things coming at me from every direction. Again, I'm not complaining. Exciting things are happening. It's just that I'm not getting the time to spend with you guys. And, I miss that.
Monday, January 31, 2011
between the lines
Friday, December 17, 2010
i've been whistling down the street
Luckily my stadar (a kind of radar, or gaydar, that detects stationery outlets in the vicinity), which had been going off for the whole trip, pointed me in the direction of a great big stationers close to our hotel. Now, for me, stationery plus souvenirs ticks so many boxes I couldn't have been happier.
So, here are my souvenirs of Clermont Ferrand; a half blue and half red pencil, two stencil maps of France and a ruler. Mission accomplished.
I'm not so happy with the blue and red drawing, above. No doubt I'll mess around with that some more in the future.
Of course, there are also all of the sugar packets, napkins, tram tickets, receipts, bills and business cards I also collected during the trip, but hey that's another drawing. Or six.
These drawing are a part of my aforementioned souvenir themed sketchbook. You can see the rest of the series HERE.
Friday, October 22, 2010
all i wanna do
Ooooh. 'Citing stuff. The book I recently (ish) illustrated arrived at my little home today. It's a great feeling to finally hold it. It's a little book, little but cute. I know I keep on repeating myself, but for those who don't know, it's by Jane Austen. I'll tell you more, and add some photos, in the next post. Right now, I'm so excited I just wanted to share this news with you.
This is one of my favourite drawings. It also graces the cover. This scan isn't so great. In the original you can see every hole that the needle made in the material. Yes, I actually drew every tiny hole. Nothing obsessive about that, I'm sure you'll agree.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
say hello wave goodbye
Yes, there certainly seems to be a theme running through my work at the moment. The drawing, above, was another that I really enjoyed doing. I love having so many different textures to tackle, and each of the dolls had a texture and character of it's own. I've finished with the theme, for now, though. I'm all dolled out.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
before the years flew by
I really enjoyed this drawing. I love the challenge of trying to master a new texture with a few pens and pencils. I like to think I got it, although this version doesn't do it much justice. It looks much better on Flickr, HERE.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
seems i've got to have a change of scene
I enjoyed this drawing, loved the subject, colours and the textures and I like to think it shows.
In contrast, the sea anemones, below, turned out to be quite the opposite. Although, the subject is very beautiful I couldn't get a handle on it. It really should have been lovely - gorgeous shapes, amazing textures, patterns and colours - but I just couldn't make it work. I end up getting so frustrated when I cannot achieve on paper what I see in my head. I didn't enjoy this one, at all.
And, I think that shows too.
Anyway, enough moaning. You can see the rest of my travel moleskine HERE.