Showing posts with label bag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bag. Show all posts

Monday, October 13, 2014


 Hi folks, I have a small, limited edition, set of these bag and badge ('button' in the US?) sets for sale.
The tote bags feature my illustration of Nora Hildebrandt, the original tattooed lady, on the front and back.
 The badges feature a couple of examples of my drawings and a couple of examples of my lettering work.
Also, I'm making a donation, from each set sold, to MacMillan Cancer Support, who I am fund raising for this month - by being sober!
You can get your paws on them HERE. Merci!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Coming soon, to my Etsy shop, limited edition, book bags. Featuring a series of amazing ladies/muses and starting with Nora, the original tattooed lady.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

when the morning cries and you don't know why

Here's one of those spur of the moment drawings.

Earlier today I was clearing out my bags. Three bags in total. Amongst all the usual rubbish I found these items; a tin of tuna, a dolls head, a sock and a peg.

Now, that reminded me of this thing I once heard. I'm not sure how true it is, or how my source came to find this out. But I was told that the mother of the Bee Gees always kept a pork pie in her handbag. At ALL times. Wherever she went, she would have a pork pie (I'm guessing a Melton Mowbray, but I could be wrong) in her handbag. I always found this the most fabulous piece of trivia I'd ever heard. It quietly waited in my long term memory until I had a chance to use it.

Girls, I wonder what unusual things you have in your handbag? Let me know. I might just make it into a drawing. I'm not talking about stuff like chocolate, tampons, nappies, make up, etc. What I'd like to hear about is your, well, pork pies.

Monday, September 03, 2007

everything must go

A bit of a lazy one. I've got some new colour pencils. Just trying them out. An old (ish) drawing, printed and coloured in.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

the shadow bag

Why would you let your bag get to the point where it's bursting at the seams? Full of old sweet wrappers, chewy, bits of paper, receipts, letters, vouchers, used train tickets etc? Why would you do that? Why do I do that? Why do I carry all this rubbish around with me? On so many levels.

Monday, February 05, 2007

little black bag

(click on image to view)

This black leather designer bag cost me a (relative) fortune when I bought it about 10 years ago. I feel the price tag was justified because I have used it regularly for the last decade. And the moral of the story is buy a classic shape and style and it'll last forever; resulting in less guilt.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

a little bag

A little embroidered bag. I've had this bag for ages. Don't know when I got it. Where I got it from. Whether I bought it myself. Whether it was a gift. Just don't know.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

EDM#3 Draw your bag

My bag and...
it's contents.

(click on image to view)

Friday, November 03, 2006

four minute bag

One of the great things about the Everyday Matters group is the amount of inspirational ideas that are discussed and passed on. Whilst skipping from blog to blog one night (as you do) I came across Michelle's blog where I learnt about the 'Four Minute Burn'. Basically you draw whatever you have in front of you for four minutes - the clue is in the title! I can see how this can improve your drawing skills and am going to try and do this on a regular basis (more good intentions!). I have attempted a few but this is the only one I'm brave enough to post!