Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Baby GIRL Week #20-23

IT'S A GIRL!!! We found out a few weeks ago at week 20. We are so excited! I wasn't sure how I would feel at first, but after the ultrasound I was able to sit in the exam room waiting for a few minutes alone and let it all sink in. I started making a list of names I liked in my phone and I felt so warm and started to cry as I was thinking about this precious baby GIRL coming into our home. I know that she is supposed to be here and I am so excited to share all things girl with her. Also, I love that she'll have 2 older brothers to help/protect/and love her. We are so thrilled! Matt wasn't able to come to the ultrasound because Oliver was still recovering from croup and wouldn't be a stellar idea to take a sick kid to a doctors office full of pregnant ladies. I found out in the morning and made Matt wait til he was home from work, baked a cake with the gender color inside and caught it all on video as he and Elijah were cutting into it. Their reactions are the best! I have the video saved in our files. Blogger stinks at uploading videos.

I've been feeling pretty good the last few weeks. I've definitely had a growth spurt in the last 2 weeks. I've put on about 10 lbs total so far. I feel so much bigger this time. I wonder if I'm carrying out front more this time. I feel like it. Eating is great. I eat cereal almost every morning. Most the time standing while rushing around trying to get out the door. Occasionally I'll make myself an omelet if I have enough time. I should eat more snacks in between meals but I usually forget rushing out the door and at least one of the boys steal my snack while I'm eating it. I've been really into drinking herbal tea at night too. Calms my stomach if I have indigestion.

Sleep is so important to me right now that I can't bring myself to wake up before the boys to have a little alone time. I need a solid 8 hours or I'm not a nice person. In fact, I've resorted to sleeping upstairs the last couple weeks. Matt's snoring wakes me up and then I remember I have to pee, then I have to blow my nose (I've been pretty congested this pregnancy), and Matt wakes up at 6 am for work and he tries so hard to be quiet but I'm the lightest sleeper this pregnancy. Plus our mattress has been hurting my back and hips. I gave it another try the other night and I woke up so achy the next morning. The mattress pads we have upstairs for guests are super solid and my body loves it. Looks like a new mattress may be in order soon :)

Matt felt HER move at week 22. She is pretty active. Mostly at night or after meals. Cutest little flutters and jabs. I try to do yoga a few times a week. Other than that I've gotten out of the workout routine. November was sick month at our house and I haven't willing to sacrifice my sleep or errand time to fit it in. Maybe when it warms up a little we'll go on more walks. We are such wimps, it's like 50 degrees and we complain about how cold it is here. Ha!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Get those foamy earplugs at the drugstore. I sleep with them every night and can't even hear my alarm in the morning. They work wonders. Send Matt in for a sleep study just to make sure he doesn't have sleep apnea. He needs all his brain cells for work:)