January 11, 2014


The not so great thing about tropical places is bugs. Grenada is no exception. We were greeted to our home by a centipede. Lucky for us it was dead but still.

 We have these crazy scary spiders outside our family room windows. I don't even know what kind they are. All I know is that they are big and scary.
Then there are the spiders in out house. They are all over but they keep to themselves and they are small and harmless.
So far I have been lucky to not see any cockroaches in the house but Aaron has. Both times they were coming out of our shower drain and Aaron said they were huge. Ugh. I shutter just thinking about it. Oh and we have flying ants that seem to come and go.
Then outside we have lizards which I love. Eat the roaches little guys. Last but not least, Mosquitoes! I hate them. I look like I have some crazy disease because of them. Lincoln and I must taste good because we are the ones who have the most bites. We have learned not to be outside at dusk. That's when they come out. Oh and the boys room had bed bugs. Thank goodness we got rid of them and got new mattresses and disinfected everything so hopefully it won't be a problem again. Welcome to Paradise!