Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tutorial Tuesday #9: Bridesmaid Totebags

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I am so excited I can finally sit down and blog again. I am also super excited I get to share my first tutorial in forever today! I still have a lot of wedding projects that I never got to share, so don’t be surprised if that’s what most of my tutorials are for a while. Oh, and Christmas crafts. 
Today I want to share with you one of my favorite projects from the wedding. And funny, it wasn’t even a decoration. These were actually my bridesmaids’ gifts.I made a lot of handmade things for my gifts to try to keep it cheap. Because let's be honest, weddings are a rip-off. 

How I did it was really easy but a little time consuming. 
Here's what you need to make your own tote bag


Blank linen tote bag (Hobby Lobby)
Fabric Paints or Acrylic Paints (In whatever colors your heart desires) and Fabric Medium
Masking Tape
Freezer Paper
Cricut or X-acto knife and Monogram Template
Foam Brushes


1. I taped my bags front and back to make stripes. I used my ruler to help guide where I put the tape and I made my stripes an inch long. You could do any pattern you wanted really, but stripes seemed easiest to me. *Also, make sure you put paper inside of the bag to keep the paint from bleeding through.

2. I mixed 1 part fabric medium and 1 part acrylic paint (brown) and painted my stripes. I ended up doing two to three layers. But be careful, because the tape likes to buckle once you start painting. 
3. After the stripes dried, I took all the tape off. 
4. To make my monogram, I used the same technique as in my Muggle T-shirts and my Keep Calm T-shirts. 

5. I tied a large ribbon around each of them and a stamped "handmade for you" label. 

6. I filled the tote bags with a homemade pumpkin body scrub (recipe found here), a pair of brown flip flops, a hanger I made for each of them, and a makeup bag I had monogrammed with each of their initials. The makeup bag had some of my favorite things in it. Examples - Lipgloss, Essie nail polish, sunglasses (the ones we wore in the pictures), nail polish remover, a small candle, and some other stuff I can't remember. 

And there you have it. My bridesmaid totes. And just for the record, these would be great gifts for any occasion! Not just weddings ;) Hope everyone had a great Tuesday!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tutorial Tuesday #8: More Upcycle Frames

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Hey again! Today's post isn't anything very special. In fact, I shouldn't even label it a tutorial. I've been working on more wedding stuff, mainly gifts, but I can't post about them quite yet! I'm pretty sure I mentioned in my last upcycled frame post that I had a bunch of other regular photo frames to use for the wedding that I wanted to spray paint brown. Well, I finally am getting around to posting pictures of those.

Basically it started with a bunch of $0.39-$0.59 thrift store frames that looked like this

I tried really hard to pick out frames with some sort of detail around them because it just looks a lot nicer to me. I first sprayed them with gray primer. Notice how spotty it looks? Yeah, well that's because I ran out of the primer. I'm pretty sure I used up every last drop.

The last thing I did was spray them with 2 coats of Krylon "Brown Leather."  I added some of our engagement photos and I now have some more decor for the wedding!

Just 66 more days to go! Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Bachelorette Weekend

Sorry for being MIA last week. I spent most of last week assembling invites and getting ready for my bachelorette party this past weekend. Needless to say, my sister did a great job and we had a nice, relaxing weekend. Oh, and thanks to the future in-laws for letting us borrow their condo in PCB. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the weekend! 

Our door sign

My sister's beautiful cupcake display
Oh, and the cups in this picture I ended up making as a gift for all the girls that came. Tutorial post to come!

The pretty banner she and a friend made! Also make note of my creepy friends in the bottom right corner. 

Of course I had to take a picture of the pretty napkins and my card

Chips and dip, chicken and cheese crescent roll-ups, and buffalo chicken dip. It's making my mouth water just to see this picture. It was all so delicious.

Our chocolate fondue we had for dessert the second night. Noms.

Told you she did a fabulous job. I couldn't ask for a better maid of honor!

Pool time

Hanging out on the beach the first night
My sis also made that sash!


Our condo neighbors and all my girls

She loves me

My Auburn loves

Lingerie ;)

My awkward palm-tree. I'm truly the most awkward person ever

They wrote down my silly quotes while opening my lingerie and read them back to me as "What I'm going to say on our wedding night." So funny. Everyone should do this.

This was my reaction. I mean seriously people, you cannot make this up.

Beach day!

Drive to dinner

The group at Spinnaker's

Helping me make a crown out of toilet paper to cross off my list

The finished product

So there you have it! A little glimpse of my bachelorette weekend! If I post anymore, it'll give too much away ;) Now if October would just get here already! Hope everyone had a happy Monday!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Thrifted Frame Makeover

Like I said before, I have been wedding crazy lately. Therefore, I've been running lots of errands and popping out lots of projects. As one of my wedding stops, I decided to try the thrift store to see if there was anything I could make something from. My main idea was to look for frames that I could use to hold our engagement photos and have them sit around the venue. And boy was I in luck. I found a bunch of different sized frames that had cool detail and all I had to do was spray paint them brown. I'll have pictures of those eventually. 

As I kept searching the shelves, I came across this super cool frame! 

It was pretty dingy and dusty, but nothing a little spray paint can't fix.  Plus, it was only 3 bucks and I had the perfect idea of how to use it.

Like I've said before, we are having a photo booth at the wedding. (Thanks to dad!) Not to mention, I've already shown you some of the props I've made for it. Here and here. I decided this frame would be perfect to use as a chalkboard to just "display" the photo booth. 
Kind of like this one. 

Except, this is mine 

It really doesn't look like I did anything to it, but I promise I did. It desperately needed a new coat of paint.
 Before I did anything, I took off the back and the glass. I was slightly taken aback when I saw I needed a screwdriver to take the back off. I have never seen that on a frame. Maybe I just don't get out much. 

I then took some ivory spray paint and went to town on the frame. 

To make it a chalkboard, I cleaned off the glass piece and used 2 coats of my chalkboard spray paint. This turned out to be disastrous on the first try. While it was drying, the wind decided to blow really hard causing all of my newspaper to fly up and hit the freshly painted glass, leaving streaks and chunks of paper stuck to it. Epic fail. However, I accidentally found out one time that Goo-Gone takes off spray paint. Who knew? So, I decided to start over. I took my messed up glass, soaked it with Goo-Gone, and started scrubbing. (FYI, this was done over the bathtub). It worked great getting it off the glass...but then I had another problem. It was now all over the bottom of the bathtub. And my hands. And my arms. I felt like I was in the Cat in the Hat. You know that scene, where the kids can't get rid of the pink junk? Yeah, that. It was miserable. But thankfully it eventually all went away and I was able to try spraying it again. In this case, the second time was a charm!

I also absolutely adore the detail on this frame. And I could not be more excited that we are officially down to the double digits! Happy weekend!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tutorial Tuesday #5: Wedding Favor Tin

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It's Tuesday and you know what that means! Another tutorial. As the wedding creeps closer, there are 1000 more things added to my to do list for every one I scratch off. I feel like I'm drowning in all things wedding. As many times as people have volunteered to help me with my extensive list of wedding crafts, I should have already jumped on that. I'm finding that my A-type personality and my crafting OCD are hindering my ability to take up peoples' offers. I really need to let go of my perfectionist personality. It doesn't seem to be working for me anymore.

As for this week's tutorial, I had some inspiration. It's something I saw on Pinterest that I thought would work perfect as a favor holder at the wedding. It's a monogrammed galvanized tin. :) 

We decided to do bubbles for our "getaway" and I figured a tin bucket would work perfect to hold these babies! I'm so excited with how it turned out. And like I mentioned before, this had some inspiration. I'm sure you've seen it floating around Pinterest.

Here's what I did to make mine.

Cheap galvanized tin
Spray paint in color of choice
Wired ribbon
Vinyl in color of choice

I found this cheap tin in the party supplies at Wally World and I used Krylon Dual Paint and Primer so I didn't have to prime it first. It worked surprisingly well! Have I mentioned how much I love spray paint. It pretty much fixes everything. I spray painted it with two coats and I did the outside and inside. 

I used my wired ribbon to tie a bow to each handle. I'm really not the best bow-tier. 

The last thing I did was cut a monogram "K" out of my vinyl with my Cricut. Making sure I put the K on straight was the hardest part. I required an extra helper to make sure all the loops didn't stick together before I got it all the way on the tin. 

And there you have it. Another Tutorial Tuesday has come and gone!
Happy crafting!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tutorial Tuesday #4: Guest Book Pens

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Hi friends. It’s another Tuesday which means I have another tutorial for you! I wasn’t able to post last week’s favorite things, and for that, I am sorry! But, I have a good excuse – I’ve been in Orlando/Disney World since last Wednesday and ended up not having wifi like expected. But, this morning we had to stop by a Starbucks for one of my fellow travelers to do some schoolwork. So, I decided to take advantage of the free wifi (and an iced mocha – mmm!)

This week’s tutorial is wedding related, but it can be used for most anything, really. I’ve started focusing on the details I want and I started with the easiest thing I could think of. Guest book pens. 

Kind of lame, but slightly important. I knew I didn’t want the store bought guest book with the fancy pen that sits in the base, but I don’t really know why I decided to make them the way that I did. I just figured it would look pretty. So, this is how you make your own.

2 Papermate black ballpoint pens
Hot glue gun
Two floral stems

*Before I began, I ended up spray painting my twine so it would be brown (to match my wedding colors) instead of tan. The tan twine gave them a “rustic” feel, which, at this point, isn’t exactly the look I’m going for. I don’t even know what to call my wedding style, honestly. DIY? Crafty? Make everything wedding related on Pinterest? I don’t know. And I don’t care. As long as looks decent, I’ll be satisfied. 

Anyways, after spray painting my twine and letting it dry, I dabbed a spot of hot glue on the side of the pen at the very top. I stuck an end of my twine in it and began wrapping the twine around the rest of the pen. Easy, right? I dabbed a few more spots of hot glue as I wrapped it around and then finished it off at the bottom of the pen. Then, I cut the entire stem of my flowers off so that I was just left with the bloom. I then used the E6000 to glue the flower to the top of the pen. (E6000 holds better and doesn’t risk pulling off easily like hot glue does). And, there you have it. The easiest wedding project ever made. 


Hope everyone has a great week! Happy crafting! 


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