Yesterday, I wanted comfort food - which, for me, involves hot, steamy chicken soup, Chinese ribs (not pre-fab buffet), oxtail stew or Bananas Foster ... none of which would be suitable considering my lowly state of financial affairs and the extreme heat. I couldn't bear to light the stove for stew or soup, and can't afford the ingredients for my all-time favorite dessert; at least not today.

I had not had a tomato sandwich in ages, and it sounded really good (and comforting) right now.
There's several ways to make a tomato sandwich; my favorite is two slices of old fashioned Sunbeam White Bread, some Miracle Whip, beautiful chilled tomatoes, sliced, and salt and pepper.
I improvised with:
2 slices thick, multi grain bread
Mayonnaise (on one slice)
One large Beefsteak Tomato, sliced thick - pile it on!Garlic Salt
1/2 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
Smash it together, and go for it.I've found my new comfort food.