yesterday paramore's new cd came out. it is soooo good. their sound is way different...kinda from their last album but every once in a while if you listen hard, you can hear some chords from some of their old songs. yah i know im pretty dorky.
the past few days have been fun. i only have a couple of days left here at the ol' nursing home and then i am on to bigger and better things. im really excited too...which probably sounds bad, but i am just so anxious to get out of here.
speaking of anxious i woke up feeling very anxious and nervous. i had very vivid dreams last night, some which included scorpions attacking a group of kids i was with. sooo weird.
last night we played tennis. i surprised myself-- i actually hit the ball several times. last time me and beth played it was terrible. however, i got myself into trouble bc i borrowed ashley and tyler's raquets without asking and they got mmaddd. oops. itll be okay...i mean, they baked my watermelon.
on monday i was running up in the mountains and my car key fell out of its little pocket in my shorts! so whitney had to drive up and drop off my spare key. i had to climb through my sun roof which was a feat in itself. i was pretty scared though there for a bit bc i couldnt get a hold of anyone. i thought i was going to have to run home! yikes!
i am so nervous that i am unable to eat. hopefully all the anxiousness will pass by the time the day is over.
i hope today flies by.