Sunday, December 23, 2007

album leaf

I'M FINALLY IN HOUSTON!!!!!!! Here is some advice: don't ever, ever, EVER fly United Airlines. At least into Denver. So on Friday, my flight to Denver was delayed so I ended up missing my connecting flight to Houston and the last flight of the night to Houston as well. Thankfully I ended up sitting next to a brother and sister who go to BYU and were in the same boat as me so we stayed together. We asked one of the flight attendants on our flight what we should do and he was not helpful and he was a jerk so then we got mad. We got to Denver and had to wait in a line at the Customer Service Desk for like three hours. However, my new friend, Nick, offered to stay in line while me and his sister, Mandy, got something to eat. That was so nice. Anyway, United told us they didn't have any flights to Houston available til Monday and we would not stand for that. So they called Continental and they just happened to have three seats available on the next flight out. WE WERE SOO HAPPY. But we had to spend the night in the airport...which was soo hard because it was freezing and all we had was a blanket which basically was as thin as a sheet. So I don't think any of us slept. We ended up getting seats together, and slept on the plane, and then we got to Houston and they didn't have our luggage! So they told us they would deliver it within 24 hours, but most likely that afternoon, which they didn't, so I had to go and buy a bunch of stuff. I was sooo frustrated. Anyway, when I got home from church I had a message on my cell phone that told me they had delivered my bags and they were on the front porch. I AM SOOO SOO HAPPY.

And that is the beginning of my Christmas break.

Now that I am have my stuff I am going to be taking pictures of great Spring landmarks. Like the house that burnt down next door, Bimbo's bar,and my dog.

Okay so they aren't that great.

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