confession: sometimes i feel like carrie bradshaw from sex and the city when i write my blog. another confession: i love sex and the city. but i have made it a personal goal to not watch it anymore. its pretty dirty and not something i should watch anymore. so, starting a couple weeks ago i decided to not watch it. at all. and its been really hard.
so you're probably wondering where in the h the title came from. well, like most twenty something girls living in provo, dealing with the male species, i'm just flabergasted by their way of thinking/lack of acting/obliviousness. i'm not going to go into too much as i don't exactly know who my readers are and where they come from. if i really was carrie bradshaw i probably wouldn't have to feel so censored, but considering my lack of connection with my audience, i figure i should keep this little shpeel short. but, why do guys have to be so stinkin confusing?! arrghh it is driving me crazy.
can i just say that i love my co workers? on friday we had like a 45 min therapy session about divorce. everyone is just so supportive of each other and i love it. its funny how first impressions can change and paradigms shift. im glad that they can. i know that i dont always have the best first impressions and im so glad that i can make second impressions and third impressions and fourth impressions that can show people who i really am.
i got a haircut. but i really really want my long hair back. so im just getting it trimmed everyone so often.
peace out.
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