Showing posts with label Christianity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christianity. Show all posts

Tuesday, 1 November 2016


They say you cannot make a silk purse out of sow's ear.

Still, some people - belonging to groups like Agape Community Church - do make it their mission to turn  pork burgers into a very profitable swine enterprise.  TJ and Janice Tee, the parents of Ninja Joe were so successful in their porcine venture that they managed to get their capital back within a year.

How can you lose when a catchy name like Ninja Joe .....

or perhaps Ninja Ah Beng?!?

becomes the carrier to transform the pig ....

into ..

Though , according to the website below - while "pork is becoming a bigger deal in the U.S., its popularity is positively exploding in nations where per capita incomes have surged in recent years,  In both China and Mexico, for instance, pork consumption has grown more than 140 per cent since 1990."


So, the Tees have cottoned on to a win-win market , " to a brilliant idea to sell non-halal burgers in Malaysia!' - although it's nothing like as daring as selling beef burgers in Hindu India!

You have to admire their cheek and guts.  But when you can deploy the name of such a popular halal outlet like

 ... and appropriate the name of Malaysia's much-loved cultural icon as the Malay-Muslim  P. Ramlee (just a slight change of spelling but we know who you are referring to) you cannot go wrong.  What a brilliant marketing tactic - to use Malay-Muslim packaging to sell pork products..

But above all else, the Tees have a much bigger agenda, one inspired and aided by ...

Throughout this whole time, we were blanketed with overwhelming calmness that could only be described as supernatural.  Looking back, it was clear that the peace of God was with us on our journey.

"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7, NIV)

Running a business of this scale didn't come naturally, and every step we took brought us further into uncharted territory.  We didn't have any friends in the industry whom we could call on for advice, but we felt assured knowing that God would lead us according to His Will.

What was God's Will I wonder -  for the food outlet Ninja Joe and its P. Ramly pork burger??

But, listen to this :  Through a series of miraculous events, we were introduced to a Singaporean partner in July this year, and 3 months later opened our first restaurant in Singapore!  Early reception from customers and local media has been positive and we trust that God will pave the way for greater things because he is faithful just as we are faithful to him.

In closing, my favourite Bible verse:

"for I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you,plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV)

God is good indeed.

Extracted from TJ Tee and family, AGAPELINE 16.  (Issue 4, December 2014)

Do I think Soros, the Gates, Robert Kuok, and all the other Financial High Flyers  have a line to the same Connections as the Tees?

I'll be telling porkies if I said "yes".

By the way, the Ninja, according to Wiki, is a spy, a covert agent, sabotage infiltrator, assassin in guerilla warfare.

Aww shucks ... must not over react.  We're all Malaysians aren't we?

We do not play such nefarious games with our fellow citizens.

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

The Mantle of Victimhood

This is going to be a long read - to last until 2016

Aren't humans ever so clever?  In this 21st century, we have made boundless progress in technology which, for instance, enables me to do what I'm doing now.  We can communicate ideas, emotions, thoughts, knowledge, insults, hatred, bigotry, hypocrisy, self-righteousness and ignorance simply by tapping on a keyboard or switching on to gadgets like TV and smartphones.  However this can become too overwhelming for a geriatric dinosaur like me.

It's coming to the end of 2015.  Here in the cold of Leicester, escaping the heat (political and religious) of my Motherland, I'm so glad to be in my 70s and not living my twenty or thirty something years.  I was talking to a young employee of HSBC in Leicester just last week.  A graduate, he considered himself lucky to have his present job even though the salary was pittance.  It was so low that he was not even 'eligible'  for paying back his study loan.  (You have to earn at least  GBP22,000 per annum before the debt-collector knocks on your door.)

I 'take off my hat' to those Malaysian  graduates who have ignored or reneged on paying back their study loans even though they're living and working in well paid cushy occupations.  What cheek!  ("Apa aku peduli!  After all the politicians are raking in duit haram."  What a pathetic, self-serving excuse!)

I was once told how the Chinese have to pay up all their debts before the advent of Chinese New Year otherwise it will bring sway or bad luck for the following year.  As for Malay-Muslims they are very strict and punctilious about paying up their Zakat and Fitrah - if only they could apply that  principle and stricture to settling their debts and other pecuniary responsibilities before Hari Raya Puasa!!

However for most parts of the world they are in line for a lot more sway coming their way and certainly Malaysia will not be spared.  But this has nothing to do with luck or superstition - it's simply greed, perfidy and more greed.

This being the day after Christmas, we get this extract from the Archbishop of Canterbury's Christmas message.

Read the full text  :

This fear of Isis and Islamic extremism and distress for the fate of Christians and Christianity (which has also recently echoed in Malaysia) have been bandied about for the last few years by Christian leaders, politicians and has even touched the heartstrings of HRH Prince Charles.

Read :

Apocalyptic suggestions like 'extinction',  'extermination' have been referred to by Christian pressure groups like the Catholic Charity Aid to the Church in Need.

Academics like Rupert Shortt write about 'Christianophobia' and he states that ''Exposing and combating the problem ought in my view to be political priorities across large areas of the world."

Read this :

.. and this :

On the other hand in Angola  .......

Is this a church?  Is this a temple?  No, this was a mosque -  demolished by the Government of Angola in 2013

Claiming that Islam was a sect, the African nation of Angola becomes the first country to ban Islam, Muslims and has shut down the mosques in the country.

Concerning the ban, Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos said Sunday : "this is the final end of Islamic influence in our country."

The above extract is taken from World Bulletin 3 September 2015.

And just for your information :

In addition, Angola is also a a rich hunting ground for Christian Evangelists.  For example,

Such Christian enterprise in Angola and in many other countries and cultures of the planet should at least help reassure those Christianists suffering from "Christianophobia".


Let's flip the coin and consider this:

Firstly, included in the Archbishop's message was another by Britain's chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis

Chief Rabbi Mirvis somehow is quite incapable of seeing the elephant residing in his room.  That elephant is the Judaic-Zionist-Israeli occupation and tyranny in Palestine.  But then, the Christians, the secularists, the agnostics, the atheists, and the neo liberals are also culpable in that very selective oversight and blindness!

Secondly,  here is the gist of this article from Christian News on Christian Today 21 December 2015  by Jeremy Moodey .
Read :

This article outlines five facts to refute all that "doom and gloom".

No 1: It is an exaggeration to say that Middle East Christians face extinction.

No 2: Many more non-Christians than Christians face persecution in the Middle East.

No 3: There is nothing inevitable about Christian flight from the Middle East.

No 4: Islamic extremism is not the only threat to the Christian presence.  I'm quoting this for the benefit of the many ostriches with their heads buried in the sand. historic Palestine, where Christians accounted for over 20 percent of the population in 1948 but now total less than two percent.  But this decline has had very little to do with Islamism.  Three years ago a CBS News report noted that the main reason for the decline was actually the political and economic hardship caused by 45 years of Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank.  Israel was so incensed that the Israeli Ambassador in Washington tried to have the show pulled from the airwaves.  Even in Gaza, controlled by Hamas, Palestinian Christians emigration is driven more by the trauma of Israel's eight-year blockade and regular bombardments than by Islamist government.

No 5: Middle East Christians themselves do not want favourable treatment.

Thirdly,  Timothy Seidel's article on "Christianity in Palestine : Misrepresentation and Dispossession".


Here's an extract :

Fourthly, pick and mix your victims.

I've loved  and lived with cats for as long as I can remember.  Whenever they are caught  doing something wrong or stupid (like breaking a plate trying to pinch an extra dinner, or tripping over a shoe, or failing to make a successful jump from the fence) they very quickly recover their dignity by licking themselves and pretending their innocence.     And so for humans too.

Often, in terms of strategy, the best form of defence is not to protest but to attack.  But when one has been responsible for so many wars - the War on Terror, wars for regime change, wars for democracy and human rights (all conducted, implicitly or explicitly, with the blessings of the Religious Establishment) - then it's time to conjure a distraction and a makeover of the Judaeo-Christian image.  Instead of being regarded as the perpetrators .........
Our glorious dead??  Will these (mainly) Muslim children be remembered on Poppy Day?
Squaring the Dead in Afghanistan - 2014

.......  why not turn the fox in the henhouse into a martyr.  Why not convert the guilty into victims?

Let us put on the Mantle of Victimhood.

Do enjoy this video clip from two of my favourite comedians - Harry Enfield and Kathy Burke.  You might be able to note the similarity with the strategy of the New Victims - with the grown-up Harrys of the world.

Fifthly, here's a picture gallery of some truths that have to be acknowledged.

Just one query.  Why 'nonjihadist extremists'?  Why not 'White/Rightwing/Christian extremists'?


3.  A Christmas greeting from a Muslim daughter, Kari Ansari.  (The Huffington Post - Dec 25, 2011)

4.  A bridge builder

The Crusades and the decimation of Christianity in the Middle East

Spreading Christianity then

Spreading Christianity today in Muslim Malaysia ..........

..... where there is so much intolerance of Christmas? ?? !!

9.  And, as for Donald Trump, the future(?) President of the USA, he is only articulating what has always been a covert attitude and practice towards Muslims and Islam in this WASP superpower. The reaction of the West is similar to that of the toddler Harry sans the pee in the pants.

Finally, as a septuagenarian Muslim with one foot in the grave, so to speak, I take heart from the Islam that is mentioned in Islamic Relief's global strategy, whose "values and teachings are provided by the revelations contained within the Quran and Prophetic example.  They are ikhlas (sincerity),  Ihsan (excellence),  Rahma (compassion), Adl (social justice), and Amana (custodianship)".


Here's  Vivaldi's piece to  remind me of the Winter of my Disaffection.



Sunday, 8 February 2015

Love or Respect ?

In the context of all the war and bloodshed and violence since the end of the Second World War, it is heartening that the United Nations undertook to adopt the 2010 proposal of King Abdullah II of Jordan to commemorate a World Interfaith Harmony Week for every first week of February.

The 'harmony'  desired is for  " Muslim and Christian leaders to engage in a dialogue  based on two common fundamental religious Commandments :  Love of God, and Love of the Neighbour."  These two commandments they say, are also part of another monotheistic religion - Judaism.

TWIHW added two more commandments  " Love of the Good and Love of the Neighbour", so as to include "those of other faiths and those with no faith".

Of course Malaysia is a participant in TWIHW and it was officially launched  on 5 February by Tan Sri Joseph Kurup, the Minister in charge of unity in the Prime Minister's Department.

However the celebration has been clouded by the photograph of an apparently Muslim woman ;  a representative of YIPCI  (Young Interfaith Peacemaker Community of Indonesia) carrying a placard " I'm Muslim, I love Hindus" at Batu Caves during  Thaipusam on 3 February.

ISMA (Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia) "took issue", questioning the source and the motives of YIPCI's 'campaign' at Batu Caves during Thaipusam.

The Minister however put a positive mark on this foreign-based  YIPCI's 'campaign' in Malaysian territory.  He regarded it as "proof of positive interfaith ties and how people of different religions can respect each other".


Call me stupid.  But I'm perplexed.  What made this  Muslim (?) from Indonesia decide to come to Malaysia, to make a special trip to Batu Caves during Thaipusam  to demonstrate and publicise her message - which on the surface seems positive and moderate - but which carries the imputation that Muslims in Malaysia are 'neglectful'  about 'loving' Hindus and so a Muslim(?) representing an interfaith NGO from overseas has to make amends on behalf of the  'uncaring' Muslims in Malaysia?  Was she called upon to push and enforce this unnecessary and unsolicited (?)  plea?

I understand that YIPCI was set up by two students, a Christian and a Muslim.   This being an Interfaith Peacemaker Community, was there also a Christian there with a placard " I'm  Christian.  I love Hindus."  Maybe not, because we all know that when Christians "love" you, they carry other connotations.

And if it is really "interfaith" was there a "I'm  Hindu.  I love Muslims." placard anywhere?


Somehow for a cynical person like me, the use or rather the over-use of the word "love" sounds phony, misplaced and worse of all,  smacks of condescension.   I remember seeing this  logo as from the 1980s ( at least from my wandering experience) on T-shirts and baseball caps.

The copycats came along with "I love pink", "I love Cappucino" etc. etc.  When this logo which began as an advertising campaign to promote tourism in New York  was used  for " I love Islam",  "I love Allah" , "I love the Prophet", - sometimes substituting the word "love" with the heart symbol,  my heart sank.   Over 1400 years of Islam !  Why should ANY Muslim - from over 1.6 billion of them - resort to this kind of pseudo-Christian pop culture icon to parade their devotion to their religion?

Let's get back to basics - away from the language of advertisement and pop social media.

From the Concise Oxford  Dictionary:  love means ....

  • warm affection, attachment, fondness
  • sexual affection, passion
  • beloved one, sweetheart
  • no score - as in games.

If someone comes up to me and and says "I'm a Christian (or Hindu, or atheist or sun worshipper).  I love Muslims."   I have to ask if they could please not 'love'  Muslims.  Could they  'respect' us Muslims instead?

From the Concise Oxford Dictionary : respect means .....

  • pay heed to
  • relate to, be concerned with
  • regard with deference, avoid degrading or insulting or injuring - to treat with consideration and honour
Of course 'respect' - as they say - has to be earned.  But even if you don't love someone or some belief system, you should still respect them.

Love without respect is dangerous.

In response  to Isma's opinion about  YIPCI, the Minister for Unity, Tan Sri Joseph Kurup  asserted that "moderation, toleration and unity is the key for the country to progress further."  Where's the place for "respect"?

I found this interesting quote by George Sheehan :

If there is a solution to racism, religious persecution, and the evils of nationalism, I think we can be assured that it is not love.  I recall some decades back when the churches were breaking the color barrier, a Southern priest wrote of the waves of nausea he felt when he gave communion to a black person.  Incredible, you might say.  But our antipathies towards others have deep and stubborn roots.  To ask that we love may well be an impossibility.  To ask that we show respect is not only attainable, it helps us attain our own happiness as well.

When (Edward) de Bono speaks of respect as the basis of happiness, he is not breaking new ground.  Respect is no less than justice.

I like de Bono's ideas.  Respect myself, respect others, respect society.  This is a manifesto I can live with.

But above and beyond our theory and practice of Love and Respect - the ultimate yardstick is our NIAT.  And only Allah Knows.

Abah taught us this song "It'a a sin to tell a lie" in the 50s and we used to belt it out with our Abah in the kampung house, much to my mother's amusement.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Appropriation - Ayam Hitam Terbang Malam.

" Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery ".

When you  dress, behave, and talk  like your favourite celebrity or your  hero or role model - then that imitation is regarded as flattery.

It is fascinating to discover so many other words that are synonymous with 'imitate'   and which provide so many different shades of meaning and interpretation.  This list is by no means comprehensive but here they are: words like copy, use, adopt, adapt, fit, employ, duplicate, reproduce, take, convert,  pilfer, purloin, filch, plagiarize and appropriate.

You may notice how towards the end of the list the words begin to mean more and more negative and unpleasant.

For instance;  this one of Madonna in Burqa cannot be designated as imitation-cum-flattery, it's just an ageing rock star desperately seeking attention and publicity.  Mama mia!  She did quite a lot of cultural appropriation in her younger days to boost her career , so you can't expect better of her.

From The Independent, 25 June 2014.

If there are are Muslim hotheads - young and old - seeing this out there, please do not start a je ne suis pas Madonna!

There are also other 'desperately-seeking-attention' pop stars like Beyonce.

Beyonce - Daily Mail 14 Nov.

Okay, no more flippancy!

Dr Wafa Sultan, another ex-Muslim female darling of the Islamophobes (See Comments page of my previous posting   'Pointed Views'),  describes herself as a  'Muslim' even though she said she does not follow and practise the teachings of Islam.  I was quite confused.  It's like claiming to be a vegetarian while still consuming meat!

I found her rationale when I was sorting out my files last night.

1.  From "Doors into Christianity / Christianity Today"  :

Here are a couple of pertinent extracts from the above.

Here I reckon,  is where ex-Muslim islamophobes find their ploy to  abuse and confuse   Islam's Muslims by claiming they are 'Muslims' as well.

The above is not imitation or adapting.  It is simply purloining and filching - another appropriation, like Madonna.


There's the proverb - ' a rose by any other name smells just as sweet'.   The rose  is named rosa (Italian),  roos (Dutch), ruzica (Slovak),  gulaab (Hindi), bunga mawar (Indonesian and Malay), warda (Arabic) whakatika (Maori)  -  just to name a few.  Consider this; would an Italian desire to substitute the name of his rosa to bunga mawar, or would Hindi speakers pick warda instead of gulaab?

In the same vein, the word God and Allah are both as fragrant and sacred whatever name one chooses.  In the case of East Malaysia (where the conversion to Christianity was a more widespread, and rather different, process to that in Peninsular Malaysia),  'Allah'  has been used in their Bibles right from the start.  As for Peninsular Malaysia (where Christians make up just 3% of the population) the word 'God'  was the choice word in the Bible like in all  European countries.  'Allah'  is the word for Muslims in Southeast Asia and for all 1.6 billion Muslims in the world.   In the same vein, please note, the word 'Muslims' refer only to the adherents of the religion Islam, just as there are specific words to apply to Christians (Christianity), Hindus (Hinduism), Buddhists (Buddhism), Atheists (Atheism), Pagans  (Paganism) and Agnostics(Agnosticism) and even Satanists (Satanism)!

Why are certain Christians in Malaysia so adamant, and so evangelical in wanting to take the word for the Supreme Being in the Quran to be used in the Bible?  This may provide the key.

Extract from "Doors into Christianity"

This is "contextualized"  evangelization.  This is dressing up the wolf to look like sheep. This is conversion and plagiarization - the clearest example of the end justifying the means.

This is from the horse's mouth itself.

The means applied for achieving the ends are "to remove 'westernized ideas of what it means to follow Christ' ", to translate into  'the local language'  and 'adapt' the music as well. 


By Joshua Lingel, Jeff Morton and Bill Nikides, eds. i2 Ministries Publications.

Warren Larson's review included this:

Two institutions responsible for translating the Bible for the purpose of conversion are Wycliffe Bible Translators and its sister organisation the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) - a Christian service agency..  Look up SIL's Website and you'll be hard put to find explicit indications of their  commitment to evangelization.  Of course they profess not to be directly involved  in  'building churches' and proselytizing.  But they have other objectives  - even though they claim they  work only to preserve 'ethnolinguistic identity'.  Is there much difference between the arms- manufacturer and the people who utilise their products?

There's just a little hint (note the underlined) to refer to  providing expertise, training or consulting  to  ' ....... or local organizations involved in education, development or Christian service.'

If any one can issue 'Muslim-friendly translations' for saying "Son of God",  SIL and Wycliffe will find the "loophole large enough".   After all, the word 'Allah' is well on the way to being appropriated - with the support of some Muslims and Muslim clerics here and abroad.  They, I'm afraid, have been outmaneuvered and  'contextualised'.

Next on the menu will be Chrislam, non-followers or ex-followers of Islam - converts to Christianity -  who claim to still calling themselves 'Muslims'.  According to their strategy; it  seems that they have the right to do so because  the term  'Muslims'  means 'those who submit to God' .  Consequently the term 'Muslim' would also be subjected to appropriation, away from the believers of Islam!  Hallelujah.

I reckon our Islamic experts, clergy and Islamic academics had better put on their thinking caps and figure out how to protect the  word "Muslim"  for the followers of Islam before the pseudo-'Muslims' start hammering at the gate

This is indeed scary, almost predatory  -   SEPERTI  AYAM  HITAM  TERBANG  MALAM 


3.  And now for another insight into   'Black Hens Flying in the Night'

All Hijabed and Kopiaked  - and with so many places to go !!!!  They managed to beat Madonna in this charade.  And oh my gosh!  Even the  'tikar' on the floor looked like they had just finished a 'kenduri' and 'baca doa selamat'.  Bravo, bravo!

Could you guess that the picture above is not of a group of Muslim ladies and gentlemen in Bangkok?  They are  'contextually'  dressed in Muslim garb but they are Thai pastors, leaders, Bible college students and professionals taking part in a Kairos Course in 2006.

One Thai pastor was so pleased and said,  "We praise God that he has opened our eyes through this course.  We have been receiving many missionaries in Thailand but we have failed to see our part in bringing the gospel to the nations.  It is time we stop making excuses and do our part."  ( Maybe their outfit will play a large part in their missionizing.)

The report further added, " The team in Thailand aims to continue mobilizing the Thai church for missions, i.e. to reach the least-reached people groups within Thailand and beyond."

For all you know, by now, they are already hard at work in  the predominantly Muslim Provinces of Narathiwat, Pattani, Yala and Satun - where some of the "least-reached people groups" are located.  Dressed like this they would be welcomed with open arms.  Throw in a couple of 'orang putih' in kopiak and hijab, the 'least-reached peoples' would be ecstatic!

Read :

Turun ka-sawah memakai tudong,
Padi di-huma layu lengkesa;
Sa-ekor sawa (1)  sa-ekor tedung,
Bersama2 mengadu bisa.

(1) Ular sawa tidak berbisa; senjata-nya kuat membelot dan mencherut sahaja.

The above pantun is taken from "Kalong Bunga"  Buku 1 - di-pileh dan di-susun oleh Z'ABA, DBP 1964.

That ends my case of serial pilfering, purloining, filching, deceiving, plagiarising and appropriation in our neck of the woods,  conducted by evangelists from the world's largest and most powerful  religion.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Taboo or not to be.

 For the Senior Cambridge Examination, Mrs Quah, - my very inspiring literature teacher -  instructed us to learn by heart, and to quote, various passages from Shakespeare's 'Hamlet'.   Here are the first four lines of one of them:

To be, or not to be, that is the question -
Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,

 According to Wiki,  the American-Muslim human rights activist Malcolm X or Malik El-Shabazz (1925-1965) quoted the above lines at a debate in Oxford (1963) about "extremism in defence of liberty".

Growing up in a Malay kampung in Singapore throughout the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s,  we had a father who was worldly wise and street savvy about the world around him (and us).  He was fluent and knowledgeable in both his Malayness and the wider English language milieu that was present then in Singapore and in Malaya.  You would not describe him as "alim"  or  "warak".  His familiarity with  the Arabic language was limited to the ability to read the Quran.  He had  a Quran which also provided a Malay translation and when he was teaching us about 'Rukun Islam' and prayers he always wrote down the translation in English as well.  He wanted us to know the meaning and  the spirit of what we were reciting and doing.

I think  Akim and I were the most bolshie with our queries and I reckon we gave him a bit of a headache.  When Akim was in his early 20s  ( I was then 25),  I overheard him asking Abah:
"Abah, prove to me there's God."   Wow!!   I skedaddled away because this was really strong stuff coming from my very quiet and serious kid brother and I thought I'd better make myself scarce.  I regretted I did not hang around to hear my father's QED.  (QED is something you write when you have proven a theorem in Geometry).  It must have worked because Akim kept  his faith and I could see more strength and acceptance in him especially whenever he suffered his very frequent asthma attacks.

When I was teaching in Sekolah Menengah Yusof Ishak I found myself slowly but surely losing my patience with my Malay-Muslim colleagues (to be expected) and even my students.  When one of them complained to me that it was not 'halal' to buy hot drinks from the Chinese stall in the school canteen and that it was not 'right' to sit next to some one eating Chinese food,  I took a deep breath and said,
"Duit-duit  yang kamu pegang tu, tahu kah kamu jika apek jual babi yang telah  memegang-nya terlebih dahulu?   Dengan cikgu, cuba bincangkan lain perkara bersabit dengan cara membaiki latihan ilmu alam, ilmu hisab, mengaturkan jadual kerja sekolah sambil menolong emak di-rumah, dan bagaimana berjimat cermat dalam perbelanjaan  di-sekolah.  Cikgu perhatikan bagaimana murid-murid Cina tidak kesahkan apa jenis  kasut dan beg sekolah yang mereka gunakan, jelas pilihan mereka lebih murah dari pilihan murid Melayu!!  Satu lagi perkara,  berbanding dengan murid-murid Melayu, Cikgu jarang kali melihat murid-murid Cina merambu di tepi jalan selepas sekolah."

I saw a sea of mixed reactions: sheepish, resentful and approving.  AsH always seems to have this effect on people!!

In the midst of such an environment at work, I had to ask my Abah what's wrong with these Malays and Muslims?  Haven't they absorbed anything positive from their culture and their ugama?  He said, "There is nothing negative about our culture and ugama.  It all depends on the interpretation - on what we choose to select.  It's human nature to choose the easiest path and that choice is often based on irresponsibility.  Your choices can lead to good or bad and we are capable of both.  But remember in all your doings and thoughts you are only accountable to the One, to God.  There is no go-between, there is no excommunication in Islam - there's only you and God."

That advice abides with me from then till today and it has put me in good stead, guiding me through all my ups and downs

As Malays and Muslims -  though today the latter takes precedence - we are made aware of the various taboos, of the 'halal' and 'haram', of the 'dosa' and 'pahala',  from an early age.  These dichotomies seemed rational enough for us when we were growing up.  But today, I see my world being circumscribed and digitized by so many sets and sub-sets and binary applications of these rules that I might as well be living in a fishbowl instead of God's glorious and multi-faceted world.

As a consequence of these 'revelations'  and rulings I begin to wonder if  some aspects of my life would be deemed today as  'unacceptable' -  according to the interpretations of our clerics.


I have entered a Church, not once, but several times.  I have attended a Christmas Mass at Durham Cathedral with the spouse's Aunt Peggy in 1987.

When I was just 15, Mrs Darke. my Guide Captain came to our kampung house to ask my father's permission for me to attend a Thinking Day Service at St Andrew's Cathedral in Singapore.  Of course my father gave the green light - he did not have to sit me down to caution me about what I should or should not do while I was in the Cathedral.  He had faith in me and in the strength of my faith.  And Mrs Darke had no ulterior evangelistic motive!


When our dear neighbour Eva passed away in 2003, Iain and I, and our neighbours Celia and Philip accompanied her in the funeral limousine as we were the only 'family' she had.   For nearly twenty years, Eva was like a mother to me - wise, sweet, and understanding.   Iain wrote the obituary for the Vicar to read during the funeral service in Church.  We chose a song she often played on her piano - we could hear her doing so because we were at No 10 and Eva was just next door at No 11.    And when "The Ash Grove" was played by the Church Organ my heart got stuck in my throat and the tears could not be held back.


Peggy, the spouse's Aunt, was a regular churchgoer at St Anne's, Bishop Auckland.  She respected and loved animals enormously.  Once, she got fed up with the wife of the Bishop of Durham for shooting the magpies in the grounds of Bishop Auckland Castle.  So, very early one morning, she retrieved one of the magpies that had been shot by the lady of the house - and pinned it  on the front door of the Bishop's Castle!

Peggy, like the other Wicks sisters, had an indomitable spirit, creative and a strong sense of civic-mindedness and fair play.  At the height of the Salman Rushdie affair, she expressed to me that no one has the right to insult another religion in the name of freedom of speech.   Peggy did not have an easy life, she had no opportunity to travel far away from home but she was always fascinated about different worlds and different cultures.  So whenever we visited her, about 4-5 times a year, I made sure I cooked a Malay dinner, while Peggy cooked an English dessert,    I also made sure I left her a bottle-full of fried ikan bilis before we went home to Leicester  She could never get enough of it!   When she passed away in 2005, the Vicar had chosen her favourite hymn,  "All things bright and beautiful, the Lord God made them all".  And I joined in that hymn to celebrate the life and times of a loving and lovely lady.


When I settled down in Leicester around 1985, Dorothy and Frank Moule became our dearest friends. Frank was a painter-decorator who left school at 14 and who, through sheer hard work and determination, went to University as a mature student when he was in his mid-40s, determined to be a teacher.    In his first year, Iain was his lecturer/tutor and Frank - who was ten years older than Iain - was his favourite student. During my first winter in Leicester, Frank and Dot bought me an electric blanket so that 'the little tropical flower' would not suffer too much in the cold.   Frank went on to  take his Masters, and even wrote an autobiography about his life as a painter and decorator, a union man, and a university student: I gave him his title - "Sitting on a Paint Tin".

We attended the service for Frank's funeral at the Unitarian Church in 2002.  It was a non-denominational Church and Iain wrote and read his celebration of the life of a good friend, an honourable man and a noble soul.  I asked Iain to add this, from and of Hamlet at the end of  his reading;  "Good-night sweet prince; And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest."

I sobbed my heart out for Frank and Dot and his three kids.  To the right of me, sitting by herself in the pew was another lady distraught with sorrow - it was Frank's estranged, older sister.


So there we are.   That's my admittance of the number of times I have attended Church.  It has not tainted my faith or diluted my commitment to Islam.  As for uttering Merry Christmas and enjoying Christmas trees, I have done that enough times, I think, to ensure me a place in hell - according to the instructions of  Malaysia's  clerics.

But I held firm to my Abah's words - " in whatever you do, you are accountable only to God".


Here is Frank's choice of the song (his personal hymn) to be played at his funeral service.

What profits now to understand
The merits of a spotless shirt -
A dapper boot - a little hand - 
If half the little soul is dirt? 
                (Tennyson 1809 - 1892)

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Christmas - Part 2

Some of my readers may remember my old-fashioned Hari Raya Cards from the  1950s/1960s on this blog.   See :

Seen below are a couple of my Malayan  (that is, pre-Malaysia) Christmas Cards from the same period.

The front and back cover

The inside pages.

A Traditional English Christmas Card  from the 1930s

And here's my own home made 2001 Christmas and New Year Card for my mates at the Leicester Royal Infirmary.

But all is not well in this 21st century.  Nothing is held sacred: everything is subject to use and abuse - anything goes as long as it serves some material, and usually self-serving, purpose.  We had a dose of it and maybe more during Hari Raya. Now it's the turn of Christmas - although the greedy shenanigans have gone on for far longer in the heart of Christmas Land .

A.    The Trouble with Christmas 
(or: How Christmas is Politicized for Very Dubious Agendas).

It was in 2010 when we read this inane piece regarding the Red Cross and Christmas..

But this 2010 attitude on the part of the Red Cross was nothing new.  In 2002 we heard on the radio about  this same Red Cross policy.  In response, my irate spouse wrote this letter:

A copy of the spouse's letter.

B.    Christmas and Politics 2014

This year Stoke-on-Trent City Council decided to rebrand Christmas and describe it instead as 'Winterfest'.  Amongst other changes:

1. Christmas lights will feature Jack Frost with a firebird chasing him.  There won't be any little baby Jesus or Santa and his reindeers.

2.  Christmas cards will not carry words like 'Happy Christmas', only 'Season's Greetings' and 'Happy Holidays'.

3. The traditional Nativity Plays will not have the infant Jesus, Mary and Joseph.  There's talk of using spacemen, footballers and Elvis Presley. One resident angrily remarked,  " I assume it is so that Muslims are not offended."

Can you see the common feature here with the 2002 and 2010 Red Cross 'policy'?   Many, many white, Christian and secular Brits are being fed the idea that the "Disney-fying" of their traditional Christmas celebration is because of those bloody Muslims!   I have heard those last two words many times in many different encounters not only from white Brits but also from the Blacks and the non-Muslim Asians (Indians).   It is truly a multi-cultural reaction!

This was the response of the Muslim Council of Great Britain:


Did the Department of Energy and Climate Change (Decc) really send out an internal memo about 'reducing use of fairy lights and cutting down emissions from Santa's sleigh"?

Were Decc employees really told to use only 'Season's Greetings' and not 'Merry Christmas' and "in the interest of inclusion, avoid images with skin"?


I can only repeat: a better way of setting people at one another's throats could hardly be imagined.   And at Christmas time of all times!!!

For another account on how to whip up scare stories for Christmas and Christians in Malaysia, this has to wait until this wicked witch can locate her broom.

To repeat the statement from the Muslim Council of Great Britain, "... may these holidays bring joy and happiness to your loved ones".

Monday, 22 December 2014

Christmas - Part 1

That time of year is coming upon us again - the season of goodwill and peace to all men (and women, oops!).   It's also the season for  shopping, for putting up ornate lights and decoration in the city centres, for giving and receiving presents, for boozing ( in the West mainly )  and for eating - and I must also add - for over-consumption and over indulgence.

It's similar to any other religious festival (discounting the boozing for Hari Raya of course) and "secular" festivals like Chinese New Year and the Gregorian New Year in most parts of the world.

In Malaysia, of course, all religious festivals are celebrated with gusto and they are all gazetted as public holidays.

But consider this.   In the UK (according to 2011 figures) 4.4 % of the total population are Muslims and the vast majority of these are located in England where they make up just over 5 % of the resident population.  In this primarily Christian country, Muslims do not enjoy a public holiday during  Eid.

In China, which has an estimated 1-5 % Christian population, Christmas Day is not a public holiday.

Christmas Day is a gazetted public holiday in Malaysia - which has a Christian population of 9 %. Yes, Sabah's Christians make up just over 30% of Sabah's population and in Sarawak, 43 % of her population are Christians.   But what of Peninsular Malaysia?

Malaya,  a primarily  Muslim  country, had been invaded and ruled by Christian nations like Portugal, Holland and Britain since the 15th century.  She  became a part of Malaysia in 1963.   Here, Christmas Day was gazetted as a Public Holiday by the colonial authorities long before Merdeka in 1957  -  even though Christians make up just over 3% of the Semenanjung's population (2010 statistics).  I reckon the percentage must have been even lower in pre-1963 and colonial days.    But is this surprising?   Malaya, after all, has been a  part of the Christian British Empire since the late 18th century.

So remember the Muslims in England: 5 %  of the population, and they have no leg to stand on if they want Eid to be declared a public holiday in this "primarily Christian country"!

I recall Allahyarham Usman Awang's poem:

Baiknya hati Melayu itu

tak terbandingkan

Selagi yang ada sanggup diberikan

Sehingga tercipta sebuah kiasan:

"Dagang lalu nasi ditanakkan

Suami pulang lapar tak makan

Kera di hutan disusu-susukan

Anak di pangkuan mati kebuluran"  - Thank you, Zaini Hassan, for reminding me of Usman Awang's acerbic wit!)

However, the "anak di pangkuan"  mentioned in this poem has mutated into ... fat cats, copycats, cool cats, hep cats, cat's pyjamas (whiskers) - mostly, but not entirely with the aid of the NEP, under the aegis of  the (old) UMNO.   Nearly 60 years after Independence in 1957, the Malays are fighting like cats and dogs.  They have lost the ability to smell the rats.  They have allowed themselves to be manipulated, to be used as cats'  paws - resulting in bitter disputes and in-fighting.

Oh dear, I must stop these references to 'cats'  - they don't deserve to be reflected in the asinine aspects of my bangsa Melayu. 

Sadly the Malays who have been hoisted on the NEP have instead turned into the Other "kera"  -  "seperti kera diberi bunga".  

Even more challenging, the Malays of the 21st century have to re-boot themselves into "Melayu Sederhana" , now that they have been painted into a corner by the uninvited home decorators.  It looks like  si kera  must liberate, liberalise (?) themselves and begin to lay out a carpet of flowers from their little corner right up to the front door -  while all other things remain unequal.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

453 (Great Britain) - 21,000 (Afghanistan)

21,000 Afghani civilians = Big Dark Square.  453 British service personnel = Small White Square.

Now that  Remembrance Day, Armistice Day, and Poppy Day  have been laid to rest - for this year - it's time for more reflections about invasions and killings post-1945.  The First and Second World Wars were basically tribal wars between Christian- European civilizations in their bid for supremacy,  not only in Europe, but in the rest of the world.

People from other non-Christian 'civilizations' were also dragged into this bloodshed - those from the British, French, Belgium, German, Italian and other Empires.  As for the involvement of the WASP  (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant)  USA, they chose to do so - and at the end of both world wars, they became - till today- the most powerful nation on earth.

The bloodshed of both world wars has been recorded in endless books, documentaries, videos and  movies.  This year marks the 100th anniversary of the First World War, a war that killed almost a whole generation of young men, a war aptly described as a "war fought by lions and led by donkeys".
People were more at ease when it came to remembering the dead of those two world wars. But the wars and deaths of post 1945 - the killings of the Vietnam War, the 'Troubles' in Ireland, and the invasions of the Middle East pre and post  September 11 were unpalatable.  The victims, overwhelmingly were not "us", and the commemoration of the perpetrators sticks like craw in the throats of the afflicted.

Note this 'protest' by Wigan Athletic's Republic of Ireland international winger James McClean.

McClean's letter to the Chairman of the Club

Read :

Harry Leslie Smith, a 90 year old survivor of the two world wars wrote in 2013

"...... it will be the last time that I bear witness to those soldiers, airmen and sailors who are no more, at my local cenotaph.  From now on, I will lament their passing in private because my despair is for those who live in this present world.  I will no longer allow my obligations as a veteran to remember those who died in the great wars to be co-opted by current or former politicians to justify our folly in Iraq, our morally dubious war on terror and our elimination of one's right to privacy."

Read  :

They are both brave and principled men.  If only Muslims in Britain are allowed to express their reservations and principles in the same way ;  " ..... for me to wear a poppy would be as much a gesture of disrespect for the innocent who lost their lives in the Troubles -..( James McClean) like on  the 'War on Terror' in the Middle East.

" I am not a warmonger, or anti-British, or a terrorist ....  I am a peaceful guy .. "

James McClean, you have taken the words right out of the mouths of many Muslims in Britain!

In a blaze of glory, the last remaining British troops left Camp Bastion, Helmand Province, Afghanistan on 26 October 2014.  Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan was supposedly to
"turf out al-Qaeda ....

 ........ and burn the poppy-crop; to protect an education policy for Afghan women....

... and finally to protect the streets of Britain from Islamist threats."


So what's the verdict now that the British troops are back home?  453 deaths of British personnel were recorded - from October 2001 to October 2014.  Their names and photographs were publicised by the British Government

UNAMA ( United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan) "estimate that 11,614 civilians died .... in Afghanistan.  However, ..... this figure - which only accounts for just over half the war - is likely to be an underestimate.
The Watson Institute of Brown University in the US, estimates that 21,000 civilians have died as of February this year, ..."

"Ultimately  we will probably never know exactly how many civilians died as a result of the conflict or what their names were."   (Note the use of the benign word 'conflict'.)

Read :


So, here's the background for the above diagram.  The large green square represents the 21,000  (underestimated) civilian Afghani deaths  and the white patch within illustrates the proportion of British fatalities.

When Christians moan the fate of Christians in the Middle East and turn to Princes and Patriots for succour -  the carnage of Muslim deaths in Afghanistan  (and Iraq and Libya and Palestine) provides the other side of the coin - the context so to speak.  Hallelujah!