Showing posts with label weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight. Show all posts

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weight loss update

It's been 5 weeks on Weight Watchers now with a whopping 4.6 pounds lost. You can forget that weekly picture I earlier said I'd be taking. Instead you can have one every 5 pounds or so. So here I am thinking, is that all?

A-ha ... but somewhere inside I am reminded that I have gone through a wedding, VBS, a funeral, and a birthday! I have been able to eat Chick-fil-A Icedreams and all the popcorn I want! I am back on track and it will not take 5 weeks to get another almost 5 pounds off. I have a new outlook ...

*For week 1 picture, see here.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

First weigh in

Well I completely forgot about taking my weekly picture on Sunday for you! Maybe I should do a bi-monthly photo instead. But I can tell you the results of my first weigh in. I lost 2.2 pounds! That's even with having a wonderful steak dinner and dessert after my sister's wedding.

Monday, June 8, 2009

How did my head get on a chunky girl's body??

I thought I'd publish this for all the world to see and maybe hold me more accountable. So here it is - starting picture. Now let me tell you why the sudden desire to loose some weight.

My goal was to loose 15 pounds in 8 weeks. Why 8 weeks? Well, my sister met the man of her dreams 3 weeks ago and they are getting married on August 1! Knowing that, and knowing that I need someone holding my hand along the way, I joined Weight Watchers on Saturday. I just knew I was going to make my goal.

However, plans change. In life, you really need to be flexible or else you'll be sorely disappointed all throughout it. My sister called this morning and asked we could be at the church by 6:00 pm tonight! So I won't look all cute and sassy in her wedding pictures with 15 pounds off. Hey, at least I have a good haircut, right? I'm so excited for them, though!

I will be posting a picture update every week to see if we can tell a difference in my weight. I'm trying to decide if I should wear the same dress every time, what do you think?