Showing posts with label Friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friends. Show all posts
February 3, 2011

Congratulations to MY TOP COMMENTATORS (February)

Assalammualaikum beautiful and handsomenessss. 

Happy holiday everyone and Gong Xi Fa Cai to all Chinese readers out there! Wishing you Happy Chinese New Year. Every month I will announce whose my Top Commentators by refer to the TOP COMMENTATORS's side on my right sidebar. For this month, the 1st winner goes to a kind-hearted girl named MJ. And for the rest of you who are listed below. Congrats babes, so happy you won today! Thanks coz comment my entries. I'm so glad to have a loyal commentators like you. Reward? Of course you will get some since you become my loyal commentators right? Refer this previous entry if you want to know those special prizes =D. I'll bet you will get surprise. Not much I think lol. But it's worth you know. Terima dengan hati terbuka ok? =) 

Link list of my Top 10 Commentators on February:
  1. MJ
  2. Zaty Luvlianncezzz
  3. Tya
  4. Nur Ardilla Najwa
  5. Nurul Nadiah Mamat 
  6. Nub
  7. Kentangkiler
  8. Hyda
  9. Mofaizmz
  10. AinN

Happy enjoying my clicking on your advertisement of nuffnang later ok ?

January 30, 2011

My Heart Exploding Words.

: This is just exists.

Dear Diary. I hate Liars. I hate friends that lie. I hate friends that keep things from you that they seem to enjoy telling everyone else about. Words of my mum; Things are always less extreme when you come out and say it at first.

I lived my whole life honestly. I swear, I did. I didn’t do things to hurt people. I didn’t lie to people (of course small lies I did), and I tried to be a good girl.

Commitment is really important for me, really. If I’m in a relationship, then it means I commit for him, and only him. But for now, I just love being single. I’m not afraid of commitment. I’m just not ready for another commitment. This week, I met a lot of immature man out there. They love to tease girls and act like macho la sangat. You're totally sort of son of bitch.

I'm sure have a lot to say, for the one who walked away.
People who give up on something worthwhile, on love, on dreams, on the future, on me are not worth my time. I’m sorry but I’ve started deleting people from my life. If I stopped talking to you, you’re most likely one of them. So stop with the drama, please. Our time was long ago. You missed your chance. Let me move on and be happy, we’ve both walked our separate ways. Enough with the drama.


Take a breath and listen this meaningful song.

Girl in a Coma - Their Cell

So I'm saving all my secrets, oh, for a deaf man
blabber on I blabber on
I stare empty at a wall 
Oh, oh, oh..
and make it try to sing along
Oh, oh...
carry on I carry on
now you’re shackled all you pain is stiff
tattooed lovers they don't like to reminisce
keep pictures of those people you once loved
in a safe oh in a safe
oh no you lost the combination oh no you have the wrong address
scribble names unscramble names
now oh you’re shackled all your pain is stiff
I know, I know, I know you’re planning your vengeance
well, tattooed lovers they don't like to reminisce

who knows, who know, who knows what name they're screaming now
so I'm saving all my secrets, oh, for a deaf man
well I blabber on, I blabber on and on and on and on
you lost the combination, oh no, you, you have the wrong address
scribble names unscramble names
see this world is not just a ball
of vagueness you can just bounce off
see this world is not just a ball
of vagueness you can just bounce off
dear Jane, well I wrote this line to say 
hope you still can recall my name
dear Jane, I wish everything is okay
oh Jane, forgive all they may say
dear Jane, well I wrote this line to say 
I hope you still can recall my name

Seriously can't stop listening to this song !

January 23, 2011

Appreciation (Update yang tertangguh)

All i can say is a million hundred thanks to you beautiful !! This is a really-quite-big-surprise jugaklah bila dapat tahu she wrote about me in this Entry. She is very supportive and sangat good-hearted. She also charming !  I love her eyes in this picture and no wonder why she put this on her blog. 'Saya tidak secantik mereka' ? Oh no Tya, you more beautiful than me. Its fact. Dah shut up ! Just believe it :p

Introducing you :

Click HERE untuk mengorat this sweet lady =)
(dah ada pakwe la)

Tag Award from MJ ku sayang

Thanks MJ tag akak. MJ ni selalu leave comment kt my entry. Yang 1st sekali comment, mesti dia. And everytime aku check, dah agak da mesti dia comment punya haha. Alert betul MISZ JAH kita sorang ni :p

Here are some questions.

1. Apakah nama betul anda dalam surat-beranak?
Aimi Ahmad Razman

2. Sudah berapa lamakah anda berblogging dalam dunia blogger ini?
Start 8 Oct 2010. So dah nak masuk 4 bulan dah

3. Apa impian anda untuk menjadikan blogger ini pada tahun 2011?
idk, hurm still thinking :p

4. Kritikan dan pandangan anda tentang blog cik Syamila?[cik sya kata kena jujur, tak boleh tipu tahu..haha]
I suka font sidebar you teehee

5. Anda nak tak jadik pengikut setia cik sya? haha..jwb2!
Insyallah =D

6. Tag kepada 11 orang yang rajin
will update soon ! if sapa2 yang nak, amik taw. free je :)

P/S : Oh my Allah , i don't have idea what happen to my header ! For temporarily, i choose that eyes picture as header :') Hentam la labu.

The conclusion is,

They're totallyme !!

January 16, 2011

3 stories in 1 (Quick Update!)

Assalammualaikum adik manis =D

1. Buffered Earnings

I am very busy right now and I really miss my blog and also you, my readers. I had planned not to focus on blogging anymore but since I check my Nuffnang account, it was surprised me! I got Buffered Earnings. Praise to Allah. Alhamdulillah. I just do not know why i got BE so damn quickly because I have just registered Nufnang about 2 months ago! So now i believe, Rezqi from Allah comes in many forms ;)

2. Alia sayang

Oh, of course she is a blogger and sangat lovely and sangat comel! She wrote about me at her blog! I was touched and feel appreciated. Thanks sister. Yea ok we will always keep in touch insyallah. And i will be your good advisor since i'm elder than you :)

3. Quotes of the day

As i promised, I will serve you with the beautiful quotes. Do you remember? Tak ingat pun takpelah
ok lets check out!

Now I'm gonna blog about 'single quote'. 

 Don't worry if you're single. God's looking at you right now, saying, 
" I'm saving this girl for someone special "

Therefore, Muslims and Muslimahs, don’t beat yourself up if your crush does not show an interest in you, or if you have been single for a very long time. Allah has a plan for you, all of you :)

P/S : Puh-lease tick pada mana yang berkenaan :p

❒ Single ❒ Taken ✔ WHO CARES ? I'M AWESOME

January 4, 2011


She was really WOW me ! I do not think i will get this award or even prizes from her. Appreciated. To anyone hush hush pegi follow dia, fosho you will get prizes too! But for 100th followers only. Tak kn nk bagi setiap follower kot, muflis la mcmtu teehee. Oh ok, for this opportunity, aku nak promote her Sporting Contest. If you interested, why not you participate sekali?  Don't be shy ye, just enter :)

Thanks Intan for your kindness. Pleased to meet you. 
Klik for resizing


Ok, award ni pula from Atikah Amalina yang sangat comel. Dia ada tahi lalat kt pipi tau. Sweet!

Ucapan pada pemberi award:
A million thanks to you beautiful coz tagged me this stylish award. It made my day :)

Kongsikan 8 fakta tentang diri anda:
I am Hijabbed and i am proud of it
A Aimi doesn't need a guy to be happy
I make a plans then ask my parents
Addict internet
Faithful person
I made mistake and so do you?
hillarious. dats all!

Tag award:

December 27, 2010

Cantiknya cantik

Aku merasakan aku ini terlalu sangat dimanjakan dengan hiburan kosong, t.v, internet, fashion, makanan, ekonomi, dan keturunan. Dan aku sangat hargai apa yang aku rasa ni. Hope lepas ni aku lebih sedar diri. Harap-harap ada la kawan sejati yang aku temui lebih banyak. Aku dah bosan asyik ditikam dari belakang dipergunakan oleh manusia yang kononnya kawan, masa susah timbullah frasa 'mintak tolong'. Then after that, proses 'menikam' pun berlaku. Siap pangkah dulu belakang aku ni. Nak tikam kat mana dan bila dah tikam dengan cantik yang menikam puas hati yang kena tikam memang superb 'best'! Akhirnya aku dah tk kisah dgn semua adegan tikam-menikam ni. Dari belakang ke, depan ke, bawah ke, macam dah lali. Dan alhamdulilah aku dah maafkan penikam yang jahat tu. Aku rasa luka tikaman aku lagi cepat sembuh bila aku maafkan diaorang. Tikam lah aku, aku tak jemu untuk memaafkan penikam-penikam tu. Aku merasakan jika aku hidup dengan memeram dendam, amatlah rugi kerana dunia yang besar ni menjanjikan banyak sekali cinta, sayang dan kebahagiaan. Dengan cara dan masa yang tepat dan sempurna, aku pasti temui benda-benda cantik. Aku kena tanam dalam diri aku bahawa aku boleh belajar dimana sahaja, bila-bila masa sahaja. Aku pasti semua perkara di dunia ini juga begitu. Sebusuk mana pun sesuatu perkara itu, pasti ada yang wanginya. Begitu juga sebaliknya. Aku akan belajar lagi agar dapat menjadi seorang 'heroin' yang pantas dan cekap dalam menerima 'benda' wangi dan busuk ini. Sesuatu yang baik pasti ada harganya, termasuklah cinta. Samaada cinta kepunyaan aku, mahupun cinta orang dikeliling aku. Begitulah harga yang aku bayar.

Aku cukup kagum manusia yang hidup dengan cinta yang dibina. Tk kiralah bertunang mahupun berkahwin, aku merasakan itu satu langkah yang hebat yang aku sendiri belum pasti samaada aku mampu berbuat sedemikian. Apa pun, yang pasti, aku mahu belajar untuk melangkah sehebat kawan aku dan menghidupkan cinta bersama orang yang tersayang. Berlaku apabila seorang kawan aku yang tidak lagi sekawan apabila dia sudah mempunyai teman hidup dan komitmen dan tanggungjawap. yeah! She's married. Pada mulanya aku agak merajuk atas tindakan 'sekawan' dulu, tapi akhirnya aku sedar persahabatan yang aku mahu beri padanya adalah amat halus dan kecil jika dibandingkan dengan kehebatan dan kegagahan kebahagiaan yang dia alami dengan pasangan hidupnya. Pasti dia memilih yang terbaik untuk dia dan hidupnya. Aku rasa cinta tu memang satu keperluan dalam hidup. Tk kiralah pasal laki ke, scene dan family. Tanpa cinta tiada keamanan dan cinta kekadang boleh membuatkan kita hanyut dan boleh membentuk insan. Terpulanglah pada seseorang itu untuk menilai cinta. Harapan aku supaya dijodohkan dengan 'kawan sejati'. Kawan yang ada dikala senang atau susah, kaya atau miskin, mahupun apabila sihat atau sakit. Pernah aku merasakan aku ini ada satu pegangan terhadap sesuatu perkara, tapi aku tidak menghidupkan kepercayaan terhadap perkara tu dengan bersungguh-sungguh apabila bertemu dengan orang yang berpandangan lain dari aku.

Duit? Aku tahu duit penting, tapi jika berkira sangat pasal duit masalah lah! Mungkin aku patut gunakan frasa berkongsi dengan ikhlas :)

Goodbye 2010,

December 19, 2010

Award : Haida

Someone tagged me as her lucky followers. 
click Here for more details.
Named, Haida. Dia suka nombor 111 and that's why dia bagi me award ni because i am 111st of her followers !
How LUCKY and BLAST i am teehee.
Thanks beautiful !

P/S: Lupa nak cakap , I suka award you :)

December 15, 2010

Sorry, i am Useless

I wish someone would say they missed me but no one ever does 
only i do to them . damn , i am clingy.. so is my fat |:

This is for all my friends, who I thought I should apologies to, for not being very good at comforting you lot. I am sorry. I am a strong person and usually don’t turn to others when I am upset. I keep things inside for months, even years, before I tell people and there are some things I have never told anyone and probably never will. Some of them aren't even important. I guess there are lots of reasons why I keep everything to myself. I don’t want judgement. I don’t want to look like a fool. I don’t want to be embarrassed. I don’t want to bother other people with problems that could seem trivial compared to things they’re going though or have been through. I don’t value other peoples opinion because people are biased, selfish and will never know how you feel. I don’t want to seem weak and in some cases. I don’t want people to see that I am upset . I wouldn't say I find it easy to just block things out but I can definitely do it. I am good at putting on a smile and hiding things . 


Thankfully I haven’t had to do any of this lately. But it doesn't make me forget how strong I am. this is why i I am absolutely rubbish at comforting my friends. Because I don’t understand how people can’t just suck it up and deal with it, realize that things have changed, walk away from things that clearly aren't right. I feel awful, but if I was giving myself advice, it would be blunt. I hate to go into emotional bullshit on this blog, because its the reason I scrapped the last one, but when I decided to end my relationship at the beginning of this year it wasn't an easy decision. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it HAD to be done. I didn’t want to talk about it with my friends or family because it does no good, talking does fuck all . 

I live in a world where relationships are superfiSIAL but abundant. But I would much rather live in a world where relationships are limited but full of honesty, trust, love, understanding, and most of all, depth and true connection. I feel like a fish out of water, struggling to breathe in an environment unnatural to me.  Allah, help me find and nurture meaningful relationships, Ameen .

'you say I choose sadness that it never once has chosen me'
Rilo Kiley

December 9, 2010

i love my backstabber.Do you ?

December 7, 2010

A bit about Aimi Razman

Well i dont know how to describe this feeling .

If you see me as a cheerful or a talk active girl . spamming around here and there on facebook . twitter or tumblr . thats because in real life . i’m never good in speaking . i’m never good in expressing my feeling verbally , hence i use words . unlike my siblings , i’m never good in speaking or dealing with people . i don’t have much friends , i despise crowd . i feel life is hard when i can't even defense myself !
*sobsob . 

actually i am an interesting ceh . fun loving girl with a good sense of humor . One thing about me that is important to know though is that at first i come of as a very shy individualistic girl but once i get to know people and are comfortable with my environment i am great . yeah !! it is hard for me to make friends but once i make them , it’s great and i am all different . i joke , laugh and humor people and i also get as much as i give. i am a very kind , compassionate, sensitive as my close friends will tell you . i have a tough shell but on the inside i am soft . i am also a very principled person and stand strong on what is right and wrong . i am also a very straight and honest person . i understand and know that we all put on a show sometimes and do not show who we really are or what we feel but some people do this constantly and those kinds of people i cannot stand . *bangga sekejap . 

i may look so strong outside . but deep inside i’m so fragile . shit happens and there’s no way i could escape from them . i often forget why i’m alive in this flawed world . running down the empty road , passing by every single sign just to look for directions . yes ! i , sometimes forget that i have Allah beside me . then if i know that my God would never leave me . why i still feel so alone and lonely while i can pray ? why i still feel afraid for some unknown reasons ? is it because i didn’t worship Him properly ??
*subhanallah , Allah Maha Besar . disappointments , tears and remorse . they often come as a packet in life . i keep talking to myself . i should stop questioning myself about all the things i’ve done in life . i know visualizing how awful my life is would be too unfair without thinking the brighter side . the happiness that i had all this while , should be happened for a reason .*insyallah . i just don’t know why i feel so mellow in these past few days . you know , it really hurts when you think maybe your life ain’t worth a shit . but , maybe i should at least keep fighting for the ones i love , for mak and babah’s sake , for my siblings and my family and of course for the others who really appreciate my existence . *thanks guys , you rocks !

i won’t cry anymore . because i’m trying my best . because i’ll be stronger .

December 4, 2010

Award : Mira

Pinky Award from MIRA as her follower . nice crazy !

As usual ada syarat-syarat ; WAJIB jawab question baik punya

1. Nama manja

2. Hobi
Surfing internet

3. Umur
24 old already


ni Award untuk blog yang terpilih from MIRA jugak .
Sayang you !
cute hocccay :)

December 2, 2010

I never quite being as muslimah

Terima kasih Tuan Award, Jannah for this Award. Cute je :)

:: Rules to get this award ::

 1. say Alhamdulillah
Alhamdulillah :)

2 . Copy paste this picture then write the tittle " i never quite being as muslimah "
done !

3 . Lafazkan rasa cinta pada sahabat antunna kerana Allah 

 4 . Tag kan pada sahabat blogger tersayang 
update later ...

November 25, 2010

Fact about life

Totally , No !

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