Showing posts with label recycling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recycling. Show all posts

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Introducing... My New Recycled Go To Bracelet!

Ever wondered what to do with little pieces of ball chain that are used to hang tags from clothes? I found a way to connect them, added a nice, vintage chandelier prism and made a bracelet! I like the rock aspect of it too, it's my new, current, everyday go to piece of jewelry and I absolutely love it, as it matches the punk - rock - motorcycle - safari - urban jungle - military trend wonderfully!

So, what's your current go to piece? Let me know in your comments!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sparkling and Ecofriendly

The following double link gold tone rhinestone chain bracelet was created with a piece of rescued chain and a piece of rescued black ribbon. Only the wire and the clasp are new...

This pair of earrings features a rescued piece of silver rhinestone chain and some pink lace, which I kept from the Greek fashion designer THEIA's invitation to her show last fall. The collage was done on sustainable bamboo.

What do you think of my new, recycled and ecofriendly creations?

Monday, November 15, 2010

A week full of recycling projects...

... and there's more.

A friend has this obsession with expensive, designer clothes. Her wardrobe is currently worth a fortune -literally. The other day, however, she came to me with a t-shirt that she has always found not to be flattering on her. Why she bought it on the first place is another story... That piece of clothing was indeed strange: the fabric did not justify its price, as it was definitely not good quality, but there were some stunning crystals and rhinestones sewn onto it here and there, in patterns. These looked expensive, to say the least.

So we decided to cut off the embroidered, beaded parts with the fabric, and then I made a ring and a brooch -to start with. I am saving the rest of the stones for different projects. Here they are:



As you can see, I added some black fabric at the back of the beaded - embroidered pieces of the t-shirt, and then sewed everything onto a ring base, for the ring, and a pin for the brooch. Well, you can't actually see the pin in these photos, but it's there, hahaa!! I hope you like them.

I have already begun work on my next recycling project, but it will be the subject of another post... I promise!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Bad, The Good And The Beautiful Or, Amoronia's Adventures In Beach Party-Land

You know those moments when everything seems to be going wrong, right? A catastrophe often comes when you least expect it. When you're at a party, for example, enjoying yourself. And when you're at a beach party, chances are people will smoke. A crowded beach party means you never know when someone will accidentally burn your beautiful new white top with their cigarette and then rip the criss cross design off with their ring, in a desparate effort to make sure you're OK...

Oh, yes. That's what happened to my new top... But as all crafters know well, a catastrophe can be the ideal starting point for something new. So I decided to wash and dry my ruined top, and then took my scissors, thread and needle and got to work.

These are a couple of flowers that I made, white cotton flowers that look like roses or carnations.

And you know what? I decided to make them into statement cocktail rings, big and small, because these rings will never rip someone else's top... They are wonderfully soft to the touch, and wearing them is like a caress to your finger.

Those Cool White Recycled Fabric Flowers, Adjustable Cocktail Rings are available in my Etsy shop as of yesterday.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Interview with Artists I Admire: Christine Kaiser

Christine Kaiser is an artist I discovered on Etsy, and her works touched me instantly and deeply. Here's what she answered to my questions, when I wanted to find out more.

Have you received formal education as an artist?
'Yes I graduated from the Boston Museum School and Tufts University. I also spent many years repairing painted expensive large scale animal sculpture (by the artist Sergio Bustamante) which is where I got really good at detail line work and color matching. It also developed "my eye " so I could see not only subtle differences in color but in texture and finish. I also took various workshops in etching, photography etc. etc. etc.'

What are the things that inspire you?
'Random stuff. A bug I see, other people's work (mostly that I see on the web) I'm always on the lookout for unusual juxtapositions or patterns.'

What elements do you like to incorporate in your work?
'Relationships between objects, both visual and psychological.'

How would you describe your pieces?
'Fairytales for the modern world.'

Natural vs constructed environment: How much does it affect your work?
'I look at it all, I don't differentiate.'

What kind of material do you prefer to use? Do you recycle?
'I use mostly basswood, poplar and pine (both are North American sustainable wood). I used to work in oils but have swiched to non toxic water based paints. I love all kinds of pencils, from 8B to 6H and everything in between.

I do use old cigar boxes (image below)

and old printers trays (image below)

and lately I have been using pieces of trees that I have been pruning (example below).

I use bits of this and that when they fit in. My 90 yr old mom saves all the brown and white packing paper for me. She irons and folds it :) so most of my packing material is recycled. My painting pallets are all Lids from containers, old paint bush handles get carved into noses and ears. Most of the heavier wire in my work is from my horse fencing. So I recycle what I can.'

Are there any artists that have influenced you?
'Yes, different ones, at different times, for different reasons. Lately I've been playing around with juxtaposition of style and space and have been looking at people like Os Gemeos, CW Wells, Bosch. I've also gone back to two of my old favorites Elizabeth Murrey and Marisol. And all the Etsy members of Team Kitty :)'

How do you spend your free time?
'My husband and I moved to a small farm in the country, after living in Central Sq Cambridge, Massuchusetts for many years. So now much of my free time is spent mowing with my tractor as the swallows swoop around me, playing with my horses, dogs and cats and doing all the things that come with country life (yes I compost food and manure. Making beautiful dirt gives this city girl a thrill). I like to read and sketch and watch the birds and spiders. I spend a fair amount of time on the internet just looking, building my website etc. I do watch TV, my favorite shows at the moment are Breaking Bad, Big Love, and the Tudors.'

All I can say is I'm impressed by the style of this woman! She is an authentic artist! You can find out more about Christine Kaiser at her personal website.