Showing posts with label flashback. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flashback. Show all posts

Friday, January 18, 2008

A journey with my ‘Kancil’

Back in 1999, mom decided to shrink some assets here and there in order to rearrange our financial life style since we have to cope with her retirement and also since dad moved back in and also very sick (heart problem).

So, she decided to sell off her current car and trade it in with 2 average rated car for herself and for me. She calculated my travel expenses and it is indeed more saving if I drove myself rather than using the public transportation. Besides, both parents health were not that suitable for me to ask their favor to fetch/send me back to Uni.

We search through and decided to get ourselves a Kembara and Kancil.
Back then, there’s a special promotion on Kancil. It’s called the limited edition Kancil. It offers blue, yellow and black color for this edition. YELLOW is in the choice and without hesitations, I picked that one. A very bright yellow Kancil EX-850, manual. Mom wants me to drive manual. It really doesn’t matter to me, as what I was looking forward to is to have a yellow car. Yellow == Ayu. Aaaahhhh… blisss!

On 19th August 1999, is the day I got my yellow car. Mom got her Kembara much earlier, which is in May. Mine was 3 months later due to the plate number. Mom insisted for me to have the same number, which is 1661. * Don’t ask me why… I am not good at all in seeing all these ‘luck’ in numbers & etc. My plate number is WHB1661… I call my car WaHaB… (Classic eh?)

The moment I called up my best buddies informing them about the arrival of my car, they thought I was joking. Yes, I liked yellow so much but they didn’t know that I was a yellow fanatic! They didn’t expect me to actually drive a yellow car.

The very first journey WaHaB went is to the Taman Bahagia LRT Station, to fetch sis & BIL back from work. They also didn’t believe it that I was serious in having a yellow car. They had a shocked of their life when they saw me smiling proudly waiting for them. Hehehehee…

Everyone shocked. All my relatives and close friends was really amazed that I was dare to be daring driving a yellow car in town. But for me, there’s nothing wrong with that right?

The first very moment I drove WaHaB to Uni, even the security officer commented “wah adik… ni first time sini ada kete kuning nih…ranggi yerr… jgn lupa apply sticker k?”…

Since then, all Uni mates nicked me as Ayu Kancil Kuning. To be franked, the nick is still avail/recognized till now. But of course, all my babes calls my baby Merce ‘WaHaB’.

‘WaHaB’ was the best companion ever! ‘WaHaB’ was the witness for my joy, happiness, sadness, scared, excitement and also my prayers.

For 9 years…

‘WaHaB’ witnesses my endless sisterhood bonding with Myn, AngahYan, AdikLela, Kajol, Ernie and also my Aidhan’s sisters and brothers.
‘WaHaB’ witnesses the story of ‘MI11’ & me.
‘WaHaB’ witnesses all my overnights days.
‘WaHaB’ is the one who accompany me running here and there comforting mom, dad & the rest.
‘WaHaB’ witnesses my cries… the moment I had the most down frustrated moments on my results, ‘MI11’, dad and my half sisters.
‘WaHaB’ listens to my frustrations with my life, my family and friends.
‘WaHaB’ was there sharing my happiness during my convocation, my job offer, my first day to work and lots more of happiness.

I am into tears, right now.
I love my yellow Kancil so much.

Letting go, is not easy.

Especially to the things that are so close to your heart.
‘WaHaB’ will still be with me… but I have to let go my dear Kancil Kuning…

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Haji... Part II

...from Part I

the 40days journal notes.

10Jan05 aka 29ZulKaedah1425H
- selsesai sai'e haji around 01:30am, saudi.
- call Malaysia (our home & Kakak's home)
- quick nap.
- wake up 4:30am, off to Masjidil Haram.

11Jan05 aka 30Zulkaedah1425H
- off to Masjidil Haram at 3am.
- met KakHamidah (jog partner) inside Masjid.
- Agency bawak ziarah to Jabal Thur, Padang Arafah, Jabal Rahmah, Jabal Nur, Muzdalifah & Mina.
- Kairin datang hantar susu unta. :) Unfortunately, tak sempat nak jumpa dia.
- Mom started to sakit2 kaki. Maybe sbb dok turun naik bas sangat kot.

12Jan05 aka 01Zulhijjah1425H
- off to Masjidil Haram at 3am.
- sis called from home, informing bout my 2nd call for PTD and some offer from IIU.
- Aqad Qurban...
"Bismillahhirrahmannirrahim... sahaja aku lazimi atas zimmah kamu, bagi menyempurnakan qurbanku kerana Allah Taa'la"
- Terjumpa Kairin kat MasjidilHaram... :)
- Mimpi pasal MakWea, Malim Nawar. :(

13Jan05 aka 02Zulhijjah1425H
- Mom getting better, alhamdulillah.
- Call KakUlin & Myn.
- Buat tahlil after Maghrib with Kakak.

14Jan05 aka 03Zulhijjah1425H
- off to Masjid at 3:15am.
- Kakak dah start nak batuk2.
- mom start pegi masjid balik, Alhamdulillah.

15Jan05 aka 04Zulhijjah1425H
- kakak, confirm batuk & demam.
- bought mom kerusi solat merangkap tongkat for her. :)
- called home and managed to talk with BigD. I cried.
- Dating kat masjid lagi with Kairin. he3...
- not sure what was the situation like, but Saudi annouce satu hari kedepan. Which means, today is declared as 05Zulhijjah1425H.

16Jan05 aka 06Zulhijjah1425H
- kakak beransur pulih, alhamdulillah.
- off to Masjid for Dhuha.
- hantar laundry before Wuquf.

17Jan05 aka 07Zulhijjah1425H
- prepare self, mom & kakak for Wuquf.
- banyak kan lagi solat2 sunat.
- banyak kan rehat & berzikir.
- prepare all mom's necessary suppliments & medicines.

18Jan05 aka 08Zulhijjah1425H
- call abg lan & teta informing them bout the current situation and activity.
- off to Arafah at 10pm and arrive at 11:30pm.
- Street 9, Camp (maktab) 82.
- Alhamdulillah.... dah sampai Arafah. Berdebar2 nak mulakan pekerjaan haji.

19Jan05 aka 09Zulhijjah1425H
- Hari Wuquf di Arafah.
- Bangun from our tido2 ayam at 3am.
- Start to zikir, solat sunat & doa.
- after solat zuhur, dengar khutbah Arafah, zikir berjemaah (zikir arafah) and doa & solat bersendirian again.
- at about 5:30pm, off to Mina.
- supposedly, on the way, should mabit di Muzdalifah for kutip batu.
- but, sinced our bus been resheduled to be the 1st bus, we've been explained that it is ok, dat we fall under 'Mukrah'.
- sampai camp82 @ Mina about 7pm.

20Jan05 aka 10Zulhijjah1425H
- Hari Raya Aidiladha
- all 3 of us suffering from cough & flu.
- at around 3:30am, i told mom about me feeling so ralat tak dapat nak mabit. dalam pada mak tgh comfort me & kakak, kakLeha, one of our jemaah, ajak kalau2 we all nak bermabit. tgk2 jam, mmg sempat and she's going with her hubby. macam miracle. Alhamdulillah. rupa2nya, tmpt bermabit teramat dekat ngan our camp. alhamdulillah...rasa sempurna sangat... :)
- after subuh, we followed KakLeha&Hub and AuntShariffah&gang melontar Aqabah.
- we proceed, to balik Mekkah by bus and back to Mina walking. Yes, walking. Mcm zaman Rasulullah.
-it was a great experience. melihat betapa ramainya umat Muhammad mengerjakan Rukun Islam ke-5. yelah, people from all over the world ade kat situ... Subhanallah!
- dapat tgk camp mujahiddin, dpt tgk org2 yg datang tanpa agent, yg mana tido tepi2 jalan... khusyuk beribadat...ALLAH HU AKBAR!
- sampai je camp, our troop baru nak pegi berjalan melontar. we all mmg sengaja keluar dari troop. due to kesihatan mak & etc...
- balik tu, mmg sume flat.. masa berjalan, mmg x sedar... tapi, bila dh sampai, baru la kenal penat.. :)
- mak tido, sume tido.
- yang pasti, after 12 days bertahan, Alhamdulillah, kami dh bukak ihram.

21Jan05 aka 11Zulhijjah1425H
- hari ni, rakyat Malaysia sambut RayaHaji.
- Alhamdulillah, hari ni khatam sudah 30juzu' Al-Quran.
- bawak mak & kakak g clinic TH.
- sumenya ok, kecuali batuk la. Alhamdulillah.
- penyakit pompuan menyerang... takpelah, mesti ade hikmahnya kan? looks like i hafta postponed my tawaf haji later...
22Jan05 aka 12Zulhijjah1425H
- suppose melontar for 11th&12th Zulhijjah. but, hujan selebat2nya....
- just stay kat khemah berzikir.
- texted sis using auntShariffah's mobile, takut2 dia risau.
- sib baik camp we all yg paling, agak tinggi.tu la hikmahnya... alhamdulillah, khemah x masuk air pun.
- TH nasihatkan jemaah haji Malaysia not to go out and melontar, sampai keadaan reda.
23Jan05 aka 13Zulhijjah1425H
- keluar melontar dgn bas. keadaan mina sangat teruk.penuh selut & lumpur. mayat manusia bertingkat2.. ya Allah... jihad la mereka... sumenya terkorban sbb hujan lebat semalam. Alhamdulillah, tiada jemaah malaysia yg terlibat.
- we all melontar jemaah untuk ketiga2 jamrah, untuk ketiga2 hari.
- alhamdulillah, senang and amat dekat dgn jamrat.
- decided to follow AuntShariffah&gang balik Mekkah early.
24Jan05 aka 14Zulhijjah1425H
- Kakak buat tawaf haji at 2am with other jemaah.
- kakak officially Hajjah.
- mom rehat kat bilik need to force her.InsyaAllah, banyak masa lagi.
- just baca manzil & zikir at room.
- agency informed that package sediakan 6 umrah for jemaah, starting 26thJan.
25Jan05 aka 15Zulhijjah1425H
- same routine.
- mom wat tawaf haji dtemani kakak at about 10pm. they reached back at room at 11:30pm.
- mom officially Hajjah.
26Jan05 aka 16Zulhijjah1425H
- same routine.
27Jan05 aka 17Zulhijjah1425H
- Kairin dtang lepak kat our hotel.
- kakak ikut umrah.
28Jan05 aka 18Zulhijjah1425H
- Alhamdulillah, buat tawaf haji at 3:30am... officially, Hajjah Siti Amiha Ayu. :)
- Syukur sangat2...
- mak ikut, kakak pun ikut.
- start shopping souvenirs untuk family.
29Jan05 aka 19Zulhijjah1425H
- hantar barang using Nationwide.
- g clinic due to my tonsil.
- tak dapat g Masjid.
30Jan05 aka 20Zulhijjah1425H
- buat umrah.
- othr routine.

31Jan05 aka 21Zulhijjah1425H
- went to Aziziah, AuntNajia's place. Seronok dpt jumpa relative kat sini.
- same routine.
01Feb05 aka 22Zulhijjah1425H
- umrah lagi.
- same routine.
- Kairin balik Malaysia.
02Feb05 aka 23Zulhijjah1425H
- dinner @ Sofitel. speacial invitation. :)
- same routine.
03Feb05 aka 24Zulhijjah1425H
- umrah.
- buat khatam&tahlil arwah.
- pakai inai.
- same routine.
04Feb05 aka 25Zulhijjah1425H
- dapat tau pasal MakWeaMalimNawar.
- dapat bahagian qurban.
05Feb05 aka 26Zulhijjah1425H
- umrah.
- today, buat umrah for nenek.
06Feb05 aka 27Zulhijjah1425H
- mama hadiahkan batu cincin. :)
- dapat jumpa nasi kerabu.
- same routine.
07Feb05 aka 28Zulhijjah1425H
- umrah.
- visit ladang unta.
- same routine.
08Feb05 aka 29Zulhijjah1425H
- buat Qiyam kat Masjidil Haram.
- tawaf Wada'.
- sedihnya nak tinggalkan Baitullah...
- off to Madinah with bus.
09Feb05 aka 30Zulhijjah1425H to 16Feb05 aka 07Muharram1425H
- Sampai Madinah, Alhamdulillah....
-Alhamdulillah, dapat complete 40waktu di Masjid Nabawi.

- dapat melawat makam Rasulullah&Raudhah, 2 kali.
- ziarah ke PerkuburanBaqi', Qiblatain, Quba', PasarKurma, PerkuburanUhud, MasjidBilal & Masjid7.
17Feb05 aka 08Muharram1425H
- Back to Malaysia.
- From hotel, 5:30am, subuh@MedinaAirport, checked in at 06:18am and departure at 09:35am.
- jama' Zuhur&Asar in plane.
- touched down at 10:30pm Malaysia time.
- dsambut sis&family and Aunt2&family.
- BigD screamed when he saw mom. touching moment.
18Feb05 aka 09Muharram1425H
- Aunt1 tunggu kat rumah.
- reached home around 2am.
- Alhamdulillah, sumenya selamat....
all in all, banyak2 experience travelling, nothing beats my haj journey.
eventhough dah pegi Umrah twice before Haj, it is not the same at all.
Ya Allah... sampaikan lah lambaian mu sentiasa padaku...amin....

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

haji... Jan05-Feb05 - a journey that i wouldn't forget.. PART I

wow! sedar tak sedar, it's has been 3 years since my haj.. (but dats the hijrah calendar lah.. if masihi calendar, it's already 4 years)...


the flashback (Aug03)
after i graduate my bachelor, i decided not to work immediately. i need to settle lotssa things before i can start working.
what happen in between, can't really be revealed here, but enuff said that mom are officially got the freedom that she deserved.
i was unemployed for almost a year. i joined SLG at got my CCNA in 6 months.
after my CCNA course, mom decided to proceed with her haj application & registration. after a short family meeting, i decided to accompany her and CousinZ. it's a requirement for a muslimah who is not accompanied by her muhrim to have 2 related female as a mahram substitute.
so, we decided to inter-mahram-ing. :)

the haj journey begins
the registration.
me & CousinZ register to TH a month after mom.
soon after, we enrolled to the Kursus Haji Bersiri with Ustadz Shamsuddin.
since CousinZ lives in SJ, she decided to follow the one that is nearer to her house and we followed the one in TM.
and yes, it's the same ustadz, same day but different time, of course.
it went well.
untill... the drama begins...

the offer letter.
me&CousinZ did not received our offer letter.
only mom did & due to no mahram registered together, her name was being KIVed again.
we went all out to TH main office is asking advise and procedures on where to go about.
we prayed so hard that Allah will lead us the way.
yes, orang kata, kenalah pasrah, kalau x dapat, but that doesn't mean that we all x payah usaha langsung, right?

our prayers has been answered... Alhamdulillah, with just one appeal letter (our main reason is, MAHRAM) our application went tru and we received the offer letter 2 days later.

we were then called to attend the Kursus Haji Insentif and Kursus Haji Perdana provide by TH. It is a compulsory course for all registered and confirmed jemaah.
We were so happy and excited.
We were told on how to clean our soul and also to stick with one divine attention going for Haj which is Lillah hi taala...

job offer.
rezeki kan kat tangan ALLAH.
somewhere in Aug04 (genap setahun unemployed), i received a job offer from one of the anchor bank (which is where i am currently still working).
the day i collect my offer letter, i decided to tell my future boss,ML about my Haj status.
she's not a muslim.
and what did she said?? "Siti, if you were to accept this offer, i will assure you that i will approve your Haj leave".
was i delighted?
of course, Alhamdulillah.
i sign the letter and headed straight home to tell mom the good news.
on Nov04, 2 months after i started working, i got an offer to attend some sort of exam in enrolling to gov, which i applied online during unemployed, a year before.
mom ask me to just give it a shot since it is only an exam. no other assurance or confirmation.
a month later, Dec04, i was being called for an assesment camp for 3days 2 nights. yes, it is the next step if you passed the exam. oh yes, i passed the exam.
when was the assesment?
when will i be going to Haj?
also the good Jan05!!!!!!!!!!

the delima
i pray and pray for answers.
i believe, the best answer will only come from ALLAH.
and then, i sit with mom and discuss.
i gve out my reasons.
Allah gves me rezeki yg berlimpah2, Alhamdulillah...
dengan Haj offer, dapat keje, and now the assesment.
takkan la i nak tamak & rembat sume kan? no no no...
so, i decided to decline the assesment.
InsyaAllah...ada rezeki, ada lah nanti.

the preparation.
we started to shop for our necessary usage.
luggage will be given by our travel agency later.
we bought a wudhuk spray, a zikr counter, non fragrance lip balm&moisturiser, additonal pure white jubah from SriMunawwarah(my fav boutique) and other listed items.
Thnks for my cousin bro, AbgZ for sharing his and her wife's Haj list to us.

the road'show'.
we travel to all relatives house during weekends after our Kursus Haji Bersiri.
reason? to seek forgiveness and prayers for our Haj ibadah & trip.
most of my relatives are surprised as i am going with mom...
"muda muda lagi, dh pegi Haji... takut tak?"
"untungnya... sihat2 lagi dh dapat pegi.."
all that makes me more strong and ready to face Haj.
not only for the Haj journey but also of course, to took great care of mom&cousinZ.

the day.
our flight was scheduled 11:45pm.
during the day, guest non stop at home.
wishing us the best of health and the best of ibadah.
after maghrib, mom & me did our mandi sunat ihram & solat sunat ihram.
after isyak, we read the doa ihram and also doa tinggal kan rumah.
then, all of us (our close family&relatives) gather at our living room. AbgZaidi recite doa for us. tears started flowing to my cheek. now, i realise... this is a big Jihad for me. anything could happen. this could even be the last time i'm going to see all of them, the people i love most.

i seek forgiveness from everyone.
i console mom&myself that, we are doing this for Allah... so, we should be proud & happy bout it. the rest, just leave it to Allah.
AbgZaini recite the azan for us.
that azan... the azan that iring me&mom out from the house.we didn't even looked back.
straight to sis's car we go.
BigD was all the time with me in the car.

dat, makes me cry.
he is very very very attached to me.
yelah, since he was born, i was unemployed. so, i am the one who baby sit him during the day.
sis even told me to doa so that BigD won't terlalu rindukan we all.
sampai kat TH, we gather with CousinZ and another bunch of close relatives.
another heart-to-heart scene.
oh! my cousin saw MishaOmar. heard dat she is sending her parents for Haj.
at sharp 11:30pm, we are called to be in the departure hall at TH.
BigD wouldn't let mom go. so sad.
we even got to lie to him that we needed to go to the toilet and then only sis managed to take him away.
now, just the three of us.

the departure.
at the hall, we were given another last ceramah on the current cuaca, our status, the ring ring card and also on the current exchange rate.
we then, lead ourselves for a wudhuk and perform our solat sunat musafir.

and then, we wore our ihram.
yes, we decided to perform Haji Ifrad. (performing Haj 1st, then, umrah).
and..its 12 days to wuquf.

the flight.
on the flight, bila sampai tempat miqat, all 3 of us, pasang niat ihram.
on flight, we never stop chanting our zikr until we fall asleep and terjaga again n again...
sampai la sampai at Jeddah airport.
we perform our Subuh prayer on flight.
we landed at about 8am.

the arrival.
when we landed at Jeddah airport, we all sume dikumpulkan to this one area for immigration purposes.
and..the queue is veeerrryy looonngggg.
yelah, all around the globe ada kat situ kan?
itu tak termasuk all the mujahiddin yg masuk untuk buat haji sendiri. not tru any package or specific haj visa/passport.

jeddah airport.
TH served all jemaah haji from Malaysia with lunch. nasi putih, sayur campur & ayam masak merah.sedap! Alhamdulillah....
i still wonder till today, nape la orang banyak complaint pasal makan. Alhamdulillah, for us.
then, we perform our zuhur&asar prayer, jama'.

soon after, the bus that are supposed to bring us to Makkah arrive.
and the next journey begins...

makkah al mukarrama.
we stayed here for 30 wonderful days.
sampai je kat Makkah, we all banyak kena stop.
check itu ini... but, dats not a problem to us as all our important docs were with our agent. so, he's the one handling all those questions in arabic.

i always love the smell of makkah. i can sense the smell once we are in town. the smell of masjidil haram... Subhanallah!
all the stops, berebut2 orang2 kaya Makkah, bagi macam2 hadiah...
bagi tasbih, bagi air zam zam, bagi sejadah yg kecik2 tu... bagi buku2 doa...
berebut2 umat nak cari pahala...
may Allah blessed them with blessed rezeki, always & forever...amin...

sampai hotel, Alhamdulillah, just around 20m away from Masjidil Haram. we were advised to settle down first.

tawaf qudum & sai'e haji.
we performed our first jemaah in masjidil haram for maghrib.
after isyak, we first do our tawaf qudum aka tawaf selamat datang. soon after, we perform our sai'e haji.
alhamdulillah, all went well. we even managed to perform our tawaf very near to Kaabah.
we did everything like told by UstadShamsuddin... he advise us to do it slowly but surely and most important is... to do it the best that we can.
alhamdulillah, mom was ok and so was cousinZ..and also me, of course.

to be continue.....

Note: all pictures were copied from the internet search