This is the inside of the bookmark. There are two pieces of flat magnet on both sides so that when it's closed across a page, it holds the bookmark in place.
Bookmark Dimensions: 5-1/2" X 2-3/4". Score at 2-3/4" for a square bookmark.
Easy Peasy and fun! Have a wonderfully creative day!!
Geek Is
The New Chic Magnetic Bookmark
Stamps: Geek
is the New Chic, p. 37, $19.99
Hipster Icons, p.
37, $21.99
Cardstock: Grapefruit
(20), p. 115, $7.50
Grapefruit Petite
Polka Dot(20), p. 118, $9.95
Ink: Berry,
p. 115, $5.95
Memento Tuxedo Black,
p. 116, $5.45
Other: Thin
Adhesive-backed Magnet