Released in 1976, this Disney comedy stars some favorite actors, including Don Knotts, Tim Conway, Dick Van Patten and Ed Asner. The movie was well-received when it came out, which should be a surprise to no one considering its topical subject matter.
What famous football player made a cameo in Gus, as himself?
a) Johnny Unitas
b) Joe Namath
c) "Mean Joe" Greene
d) O.J. Simpson
Answer below.
Welcome to August 15th. There are only 138 days remaining in 2013, we're almost two-thirds of the way there!
It was this day in 1935 that America lost two of its favorite sons in a tragic plane crash just outside of Barrow, Alaska: the famed pilot and first aviator to fly solo around the world, Wiley Post; and cowboy/humorist/social commentator/movie star (all rolled into one) Will Rogers.
Four years later, The Wizard of Oz premiered at Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood, California.
Celebrating a birthday today is Florence Harding, the ambitious and exceptional wife of the 29th President of the United States, Warren Harding, he having been considered one of our less-than-exceptional presidents. If she were still alive today, she would be 153 years old.
Quote for the Day:
There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.
--- Will Rogers
Quiz Answer: a) Johnny Unitas