Showing posts with label Life Savers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life Savers. Show all posts

Friday, September 10, 2010

A "4th watch" God. - Revisited.

I know I have done quite a bit of 'Revisiting' lately, but I guess I need some more! Today before work, I was reading a friend's blog. She had posted a story called "Saving the Bees" that had me in tears. {Please read-it's short.}

It reminded me of what I had written in 'A "4th watch" God. -Mostly for My Memory':

"There were tons of great talks about enduring and fighting for right and counting blessings, A man in my ward even talked about how Christ was a 4th watch God. He waited until almost the end of the storm to help his disciples. He delivered them after they had weathered most of the storm…I was trying so hard. But I lost it. I prayed for assistance…."

Then I read, 
"As I thought about what he said, I realized how much I was like one of those drowning bees. When I faced a struggle in my life, I was prone to battle it out alone, convinced I was strong enough to make it. Trusting the Savior enough to stop 'treading water' was 
difficult. But as I watched Ben patiently pulling each bee out of the water, I began to understand how willing the Savior is to help me. " -STB

I have been feeling confused again about Utah/School and when I read this, I felt like coming home to AZ was the Savior offering the pole to me. I was treading water/drowning in Utah. 

I feel so blessed! Being in Arizona has given me many opportunities to let my wings dry so that I can take flight again. Thank you Melissa for posting that story this morning. You helped me make a connection that I sincerely needed to make to be able to move on with  my life.

I know that Jesus Christ is there, just waiting for us to turn and ask for help. We can call out to Him at ANY point, and He will help! 


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Utah Re-visited {+.}

{Only the beginning of the Insanity that was packing.}

Life is funny. Well, I think it is anyway.

Remember how I was scared to go to Utah? Silly me. It was fun! I had a good chat with Mom on the way up. We enjoyed the scenery, pointing with oohs and aahs here and there. There was even an awesome lightning storm on the way up.

Packing & cleaning everything was a little overwhelming, but eventually it all came together. And Surprisingly, we got everything into the van. Well, all except the fridge. {Which serves as my excuse to go back and visit soon.}

Visiting with friends was fabulous. We went and bugged the Taylors for about an hour. Sooz & Devin gave us the Grand Tour of their new house and told us of all of the fantastic ideas they have to improve their new living space. Mom & I LOVED it! We admired their ambition & ingenuity. Oh and a little tidbit of information that I thought was superfanamazwonglorfect? Mr. Nielson (the very one from The NieNie Dialogues) is the Taylor's home teacher. That means NieNie is in their ward!!! {A side note: I LOVE NieNie. And her Blog. And I think her Children are Adorable.} I even met one of NieNie's nieces. Haha! I'm a nut. But I think she is wonderful and brave and that's that!

I also visited with my dear friend Nora, who, in October is going to be Sister Nora Hansen, serving the people of the Hungary Budapest Mission. She & I talked about the Hand of God in our lives. And I saw the glow. Sister Nora Hansen has arrived and she is passionate about sharing anything that will improve the lives of others; Most especially the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And you know what? Her testimony is electrifying. I'm have been so unbelievably blessed by her friendship. {Nora, you are truly Beautiful. I will miss you terribly when you are no longer just a text away.}

After I got all checked/moved out, Mom & I watched the Kiera Knightly version of Pride & Prejudice. I love that movie! It, along with Emma and Sabrina, is definitely a favorite of mine. We stayed up WAY too late, and got up WAY too early the next morning. Driving home was tiring- poor Mom. She stayed awake & drove while D, C, and I slept. It was good to arrive home and unpack pile my entire apartment in the living room. Hopefully I will get to move into my new room soon, for Mom's sake, of course...

Anyway, I'm so glad that everything is coming together and that I've been able to see the hand of the Lord in my life. I've learned so much in the past couple of months, and I hope that this enlightenment period will last for awhile. It's been a long time coming.

{The only way to travel. Gotta have the tunes.}
{ ♥.}

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

{A New Adventure}

May 28th, 2009 started out like any other day...I got up, went to work and was able to endure the bits of books flying off the grindstone past my face until 5 o'clock- needless to say, I was STOKED that I was able to work that long. I had decided to ride my bike that day because the weather was GORGEOUS. So I start to ride I am FLYING down Rape Hill (don't worry, it was still light outside) I start thinking "my brakes are almost dead...I need to get that fixed...and my gears don't shift like they should...I think I just need to take the bike in for all-around maintenence...". I came to the light at University and 1st W. and had to stop...Red Light! I start to go, change gear, stand up on the pedals to gain momentum and my foot goes Chrashing into the street...."WHAT?! OW!!!" I get off my bike awkwardly, pick up my keys that I dropped, look back at the car behind me to see their faces twisted in concern and I limp off to the side of the road. I catch my breath...and try to start riding again. Nope. Something is wrong with the bike...limp a few hundred feet, take a closer look at the bike...THE CHAIN CAME OFF. Stupid bike. So I put the chain back on and ride the rest of the way home. I ice my foot which by this point is already bruising and swollen. I think it might be broken. Whoops. The next day, it is still swollen, bruised and Killing me so I decide to skip work and the Amazing Quinn (No not Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman) takes me to the Urgent Care Center. The doctor tells me that it doesn't look broken, but since it hurts so bad that I should be on crutches. BUMMER. It was exactly like this ...
Seriously. The Sore armpits were the worst part of hurting my foot!!! Anyway, now I know that crutches are NOT TOYS. I'm just glad I'm off of them! That is not an adventure that I'd like to repeat!