Showing posts with label Kjarvalstaðir. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kjarvalstaðir. Show all posts

Monday, July 8, 2013

Thank to our Icelandic friends who joined us on the 4th of July

One of the many values we share with Icelanders is the deep love and respect each of us has for our respective countries.  I saw it in Iceland on June 17 when we were honored to participate in the celebrations of Iceland’s National Day.  So, on July 4th, we wanted to share the celebration of our independence with our Icelandic friends.  We hosted a reception at Kjarvalstaðir and tried to emulate what we do in the United States:  show deep respect to our nation and enjoy festive music, hot dogs and hamburgers, all mixed in a with a bit of nostalgia.  

We are grateful to the crew of USS The Sullivans and the Icelandic Coast Guard for presenting the American and Icelandic Flags and to our Helga Magnusdottir for singing beautifully our national anthems in a solemn ceremony.  We are also grateful to Maggi Kjartansson, the Icelandair Choir, Stefanía Svavarsdóttir and Geir Ólafsson for presenting a fantastic music program, to our corporate sponsors, and to our Icelandic friends who displayed an array of American Car Classics ranging from a 1914 Maxwell to a 2013 Chevy Volt and roaring Harley Davidsons.   We think our guests had a good bit of fun.