Showing posts with label Divination.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Divination.. Show all posts
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
The Reed. October 28th - November 24th.
NGETAL/REED - October 28 - November 24
People born under this sign have a powerful personal charm, some would even call it magnetic for it is found to be very attractive to a certain type of individual. However, those who are overly sensitive may not find you to their liking. You are able to overcome obstacles that would stump many others and you tend to stick to a strict moral code and this allows you to have a clear view of what you seek in life. You are imaginative and this can be a problem for it will also manifest itself in a jealousy that can even turn violent so be careful. You have powerful friends and this will help you in your lust for power both within and without and you will exhibit traits of leadership.
You are sometimes called secretive but this can be a good thing for you are able to keep secrets. It also means that you will dig deep in order to find the truth even when it has been hidden under many layers. You love a good story and will be drawn to folklore, myth, and legends. Scandal and gossip will be like bread and butter to you but these tendencies also make you a good historian, archaeologist or journalist. You have a great love of people for in them you find all the complexities of life, they interest and intrigue you. You love trying to interpret the thoughts and actions of those you meet and for this reason your sign is called The Inquisitor. You would make an excellent detective for you have the added ability of being able to coax people into talking to you and you can also manipulate others to your will. It’s a good job that you also have a sense of honour and truth so most of your scheming is harmless.
As stated previously you can make powerful friends but as in all things there is the opposite side and you must be wary of making powerful enemies. You will command respect even from your enemies but always remember respect must be earned. You are a survivor and a caring, passionate lover, you will offer a helping hand to those who need it but be careful of those who may see this as a sign of weakness for they will attempt to bite off that hand. Hostility will always surround you for you have a strong sense of purpose and a strong will and there will always be those who will be jealous and feel threatened in your prescense.
You are fearless, proud and independent with a great strength of character. You thrive on challenge and have a strong belief in your own ability, your own destiny. Temper that strength with mercy and understanding and you will go far. May the blessings of Samhain light your way.
Remember this is just a bit of craic and not to be taken seriously,
May I take this opportunity to welcome all those who have joined this blog. I hope you take a moment to look through previous posts and that you find something of interest on these dark winter nights.
Keep smiling
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Ivy-Gort. September 30th--October 27th.
Ivy/Gort - The Survivor.
September 30 – October 27.
It is said that people born under the sign of the Ivy have great staying power and a strong belief in the natural order of things. They have a quick wit and great intelligence, are extremely loyal and make great friends. They will take responsibility for their own actions but unfortunately they can also attract people who are weak willed and with low morals. They are also quite manipulative and can be ruthless when the need arises. Those born under this sign are poor students, they tend not to be “book worms” and will learn far more by experience, they are lucky in many ways and are also very sensitive. Beware when falling in love for like the Ivy you can become quite ‘clingy’. You have a great many talents and this will help you through life, you will be able to overcome many of the obstacles that lie in your path on life’s journey, at the same time giving a helping hand to others less fortunate. Life will be difficult at times but your strong character and perseverance will see you through with a quiet grace. Ivy people have a strong spirituality and you will always cling to this in times of trouble. However, you may suffer from doubts and fears that may visit you in your dreams and personal relationships so don’t allow others to embroil you in their problems for you may suffer disappointment and betrayal.
Ivy is the symbol of resurrection and as such is associated with the butterfly which is also the symbol of the faeries faith. The butterfly is believed in Irish folklore and many other cultures to be the soul of the dead. No negative energies will be experienced where butterflies are found. They are also symbols of freedom from self restriction and help you to see things with more clarity. However, always remember that it is the caterpillar that does all the work but it is the butterfly that gets all the credit so remember those who give you support for like the Ivy you will not survive long without it.
This is just for a bit of craic and just life. It is not to be taken too seriously.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
MUIN/VINE - September 2 - September 29
MUIN/VINE - September 2 - September 29
The Equaliser.
Those born under this sign have a very changeable personality, one minute up, the next down, one minute full of laughter, the next full of tears. In other words extremely emotional. In times of danger or stress they are very cool and in control and are good organisers. If born under this sign you have a gentle and kind nature, you are a good socialiser although a little over indulgent at times. You need to feel in control of your emotions in order to have balance and contentment in your life. People born under this sign are not really ambitious, they have a very simple attitude towards life, they believe happiness and balance is more important than pursuing high ambition. The old saying “You sow what you reap” is the message they tend to send out. Due to their high emotions they are passionate lovers but they can be difficult to fathom out and this may cause problems in long term relationships. They have an earthy quality that can be extremely attractive and they have a good sense of humour. They are very good at seeing both sides of the story and can empathise equally with all concerned.
People born under this sign have a love for the finer things in life like good food, fine wine, music and the arts. They have very good taste and are both charming and elegant and have a certain degree of class. You can bring harmony and stability to others but try not to become dependent on others in order to validate your own self worth.
Top image: On The Vine by Darice Machel McGuire (An American artist).
Monday, August 1, 2011
For those born in the month of August.
Hazel - The Knower
August 5 – September 1
For those of you born under the energy of this tree you are extremely intelligent. You are organised and efficient and you are a gifted academic that will shine in the classroom. You have an amazing memory and are able to retain facts and information that will really impress other people in your life. You have a very sharp eye for detail and you like things to be ‘just right’. Sometimes you may appear to be obsessively compulsive and you may need to watch out for this in the future. You are very good with numbers, science and analysing problems. You like to make the rules but not necessarily playing by them. You are very good at mediating between people and are trusted to know the truth of a situation when you see it. Sometimes you may be guilty of over analysing things and you may be a little too critical of those around you and you should not pry into the affairs of others. You can also be paranoid at times and this can lead you to feelings of low esteem and a lack of self worth. You are very energetic although there are times when this could just be nervous energy so either channel it into something useful or slow down or you may develop a migraine or severe headache. Those born under the sign of the Hazel are artistic and practical; they are creators of things of beauty that can be used for practical purposes. They tend to dislike waste of any kind, rational and logical with a clear understanding of life. You are honest, caring and trustworthy. You will make someone a great partner and when the time comes a loving parent but try not to over indulge those you love as they may take advantage.
Remember this is just for a bit of craic and enjoyment.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
For those born in the month of June.
Oak. Duir. June10th-July7th.
People born under the sign of the Oak are caring, generous and helpful. They have a strong spirit and make the best of every situation. Oak people have a great sense of humour and fair play and will often speak up for those who are classed as the underdogs. They are the eternal optimists, deeply philosophical and truthful, a little indiscrete and prone to exaggeration and a little vanity.
If born under this sign you have the ability to be a great leader as people will be drawn to your magnetic personality and integrity, however beware of that eternal optimism because it may be the cause of some disappointment, not everything works out just because you wish it.
You may attract powerful friends but do not be too trusting, you have a habit of taking people on face value. You can be vulnerable because of this trusting nature both in love and business so beware. People born under this sign also love to share their knowledge with others especially knowledge of the past, they are very interested in history, archaeology and genealogy and they make very good teachers. They need structure in their lives and will go to great lengths to achieve control over their own destiny. You will live a long, happy life surrounded by a strong family and you will be involved within your community.
You may also possess artistic talent especially in the fields of music or literacy and the older you get the better you get so don’t worry about those who appear to surpass you early on, you’re staying power will prove stronger in the end. One little bit of advice. Carry an acorn in your pocket as it will bring you good luck in all your endeavours.
Remember this may not be true for all born under this sign. It is only meant as a bit of craic and is simply a guide on many paths you may choose to follow.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Celtic Tree Zodiac. This is just a bit of fun.

Listen closely and you will hear whispers of rebirth and growth within your soul.
Birch. The Acheiver.
December 24 – January 20.
If you were born under the energy of the Birch you can be highly driven, and often motivate others they become easily caught in your zeal, drive and ambition. You are always reaching for more, seeking better horizons and obtaining higher aspirations. The Druids attributed this to your time of birth, which is a time of year shrouded by darkness, so consequently you are always stretching out to find the light. Birch signs (just like the tree) are tolerant, tough, and resilient. You are cool-headed and are natural-born rulers, often taking command when a situation calls for leadership. When in touch with your softer side, you also bring beauty in otherwise barren spaces, brightening up a room with you guile, and charming crowds with you quick wit. Celtic tree astrology Birch signs are compatible with Vine signs and Willow signs.
To the Druids, the Birch (often referred to as the "Lady of the Woods" due to its grace and beauty) represented renewal, rebirth and inception, since it was the first tree to come into leaf after the Winter Season. The Birch along with the Elder were said to stand on either side of the one "Nameless Day" (December 23). This slender but determined tree, which represented the seed potential of all growth, is hardier than even the mighty Oak and will thrive in places where the Oak will fail to flourish. It also signifies cleanliness and purity.
The Birch once fulfilled many purposes...from providing handles for brooms and axes to the manufacture of cloth and children’s cradles. It is particularly well-known for its use in making writing parchment and oil from the bark was often used to treat skin conditions and depression. People were once "birched" in order to drive out evil spirits, while twigs were given to newlyweds to ensure fertility. Witches would use Birch twigs bound with Ash for their broomsticks or "besoms." Birch has been known to cure muscular pains and the sap used in the manufacture of wine, beer and vinegar.
It is the rod of a Birch that Robin Red Breast used to slay the Wren in a furze or gorse bush on Saint Stephen's Day. In Wales, the Birch is a tree of love and wreaths of Birth are woven as love tokens. Its trunk was frequently used to form the traditional maypole and boughs were hung over cradles and carriages to protect infants from the glamour of the Little People.
There are two distinct types of Birch individuals (a division which relates to all Celtic Tree Signs). The "new moon" character is associated with the first two weeks of a sign and the "full moon" character is associated with the last two weeks.
The "new moon" Birch individual has a more impulsive and emotional nature, but is inclined to be subjective and/or introverted.
The positive traits of these people are displayed by their resolve or faith in themselves in overcoming all obstacles, thereby being more tenancious in pursuing their objectives in life. The "full moon" Birch individual possesses a clarity of purpose combined with a visionary nature. Such people are inclined to be more objective and/or extroverted. The characteristic negative traits, however, hinge upon a lack of reality which can sometimes cloud the judgment.
In general, Birch individuals are determined, resilient and ambitious. Being goal-oriented, they make for excellent leaders, good organizers and supreme strategists. Usually undeterred by setbacks and possessed of an intense need to succeed, Birch individuals believe that hard work, patience and persistance will eventually triumph. Birch people are loyal, reliable and trustworthy, but prone to be reserved in displays of affection, although they are sociable with those they choose to socialize with.
Personal limitations are not readily accepted by Birch individuals and due to their drive and ambition, there is sometimes a tendency to grow cynical. These people thrive best under a well-regimented lifestyle and are often known as the workaholics of society. Serious by nature with a somewhat droll sense of humour, Birch individuals sometimes aim to become less serious, which can lead to identity problems.
There is a tendency for Birch people to become obsessive about health, but they are unlikely to be affected physically or mentally, having developed a powerful resistance. They prefer to keep a low profile, even in high office, preferring not to flaunt their successes, and have an acute sense of money, having worked hard to acquire their financial status. On the more negative side, Birch individuals can have a pessimistic attitude at times and may impose upon themselves a large amount of self-discipline.
There is a tendency for the Birch individual to experience loneliness and successful marriages frequently occur later in life, since it is often difficult for such people to easily find someone willing to fit into their strict routine. Divorce is rare for those governed by the Birch...separations being more likely or the premature death of spouses. Birch people need a goal in life in order to avoid becoming depressed and pessimistic. They possess much individual potential but must cultivate great persistence in order to overcome personal setbacks.
Animal Zodiac Signs.
Date of Birth: December 24 – January 20
Celtic Birth Animal: STAG
Gaelic Name: DAMH (approximate pronunciation: DAV)
Ruling Planet: The Sun
Birthstone: Crystal
Key Words: Independence, Majesty, Integrity, Pride
Description: Stag people direct their energy and enterprise through ambitious strategy; they are also reliable and trustworthy; very successful financially.
Gift, Quality or Ability: Sensitivity to the Otherworld, Shape Shifting, Initiation, Journeying.
Compatibility: Harmonious relations with Adder and Salmon; will also relate well to Seal, Otter & Goose; difficulties may be expected in relation to all other signs.
The bottom image is of a Birch tree in Russia that they call the Lion Tree. You can see why.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Celtic Tree Zodiac. This is just a bit of fun.

Elder - The Seeker
November 25 – December 23
The Elder Tree - Elder tree people command respect. When they are young they are extravagant and wasteful but inevitably, at some point of life something dawns on them and they settle down. They have a great deal of patience and self discipline. They can sometimes be heartless and cruel and sometimes possess a lack of good judgement in their choice of friends. They are ambitious people and are determined to win at all costs.
They are outspoken and can be inclined to speak without thinking first but are very persuasive and elegant when they take the time. They are highly energetic people and have a great deal of physical stamina. They are often misjudged as outsiders because they have a tendency to be a little withdrawn but in actual fact they are deeply thoughtful and philosophical. They are also very considerate of others and strive to be helpful.
Elder tree people are open in relationships but don't tend to fall too deeply. They seem to keep their emotions out of most situations. They make wonderful aunts and uncles but have difficulty taming their restless nature enough for parenthood. The druids and ancient Celts recognized that the elder had natural banishing abilities. The essence of its leaves and the odour of its pretty white flowers were proven to ward off annoying insects.
This origin might have been expanded upon in Celtic lore where we learn branches were hung over doors to ward off evil spirits. Along with its association with banishment and death we have the elder’s attributes of rebirth and renewal. It has long been recognised as a medicinal tree. Everything from its bark to its berries has been used to treat all manner of ailments and it was honoured for its healing abilities.
It is known as a transformative Celtic symbol because it is associated with the realm of fairies. Celtic lore indicates that if you stand near an elder tree at Midsummer's Eve the land of the fairies will be revealed to your searching eyes. Furthermore, fairies love music - particularly the lulling notes of a flute made from elder wood. The Elder tree was sacred to the faeries and branches were hung above stables to protect horses from evil spirits. It was unlucky to burn Elder and an omen of death to bring it indoors.
Please remember this is just a bit of craic.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Celtic Tree Zodiac. This is just a bit of fun.

Reed - The Inquisitor. The Detective.
October 28 – November 24.
Reed signs among the Celtic tree astrology signs are the secret keepers. You dig deep inside to the real meaning of things and discover the truth hidden beneath layers of distraction. When there is a need to get to the heart of the matter, most certainly the Reed sign will find the core. You love a good story, and can be easily drawn in by gossip, scandals, legend and lore.
These tendencies also make you an excellent historian, journalist, detective or archaeologist. You love people because they represent a diversity of meanings for you to interpret. You are adept at coaxing people to talking to you, and sometimes you can be a bit manipulative. However, you have a strong sense of truth and honour so most of your scheming is harmless. Reed people join well with other Reeds, Ash or Oak signs.
Reed, although not a tree but a grass-like plant, is usually associated with Samhain.
The Reed Moon means winter is approaching. It is a month of turning our energies toward hearth and home. The tree symbolises family, fidelity and trust.
Reeds are burned to honour household spirits and a family’s patron deity; and in ancient Scotland, a broken reed was an omen of familial betrayal.
Reeds may be placed through your home, especially the kitchen area, to bring the blessing of unity to your family.
Reed represents the turning within that we must undergo to nurture our souls hunger for spirituality.
The reed's qualities include protection, spiritual progress and hunger for truth.
Reed people have a powerful presence and a great deal of personal magnetism! This attracts most people but will repel the over-sensitive. They are never lacking in the ability to overcome even overwhelming odds. Because of their power they must follow a narrow line of virtuous morals, if they fall off that line they can be dangerous people indeed.
They are imaginative and have a clear view of complex matters. They make powerful friends but can also be powerfully jealous! This jealously can also turn to violence if not held in careful check.
Reed people always strive for complete power within as well as without. They make wonderful leaders but may have a bit of the "peter pan" syndrome.
They are also immensely caring.
Remember this is just a bit of craic (fun). Please don't take it seriously.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Celtic Tree Zodiac. This is just a bit of fun.

GORT/IVY - September 30 - October 27
This is just a bit of craic, it is based on a tree calender. I will start with September 30th to October 27th and post each corresponding month. Please don't take it seriously.
The Ivy Tree - Ivy people have incredible stamina!! They are also usually abundant in talent and win many honours. They have a sharp intellect and a matching sense of humour. On the more serious side they have a quiet kind of faith that believes in the natural balance of things. They are extremely loyal and accept responsibility for their own actions. They can however be extremely manipulative and can use their power ruthlessly when they desire. They tend to attract people with little or no morals and should keep this in mind when meeting new friends. They tend to be poor students; they are just not "book learners" and learn better by experience. They also tend to have very good luck!! In love Ivy people are extremely sensitive. They fall in and out of love at the drop of a hat!! Then, when IN love they can lean toward being clingy. They make generous and caring parents.
The Woody Nightshade.
Also known as Bittersweet, Scarlet Berry, Violet Bloom, Mad Dog's Berries the Woody Nightshade belongs to the Solanaceae, an immense family of plants which includes Belladonna, Henbane, Potato, Tomato, Peppers and Tobacco. The plant was so named by the ancient herbalists in order to distinguish it from the Deadly Nightshade. Shepherds once hung Woody Nightshade around the necks of their flocks as a charm against the "evil eye" and a necklace of its berries was found in the tomb of Tutankhamen, the Boy-King. Tradition dictated that if placed on the body, Woody Nightshade would dispel the memories of old loves and former sweethearts.
The Opal is a historically treasured gem and 6,000 year old Opal artefacts have been found in Kenyan caves. However, most are believed to be approximately 60 million years old (or more) and generally date back to the Cretaceous period when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Early races credited the Opal with magical qualities and traditionally, the Opal was said to aid its wearer in seeing possibilities. It was believed to clarify by amplifying and mirroring feelings, buried emotions and desires. It was also thought to lessen inhibitions and promote spontaneity.
The Butterfly - Celtic Symbol of faery faith, the Butterfly was believed by many cultures to be the souls of the dead and the keepers of power. Traditionally, no negative energies were said to be experienced in any area of the Otherworld where Butterflies could be found. They were symbolic of the freedom from self-imposed restrictions and the ability to regard problems with greater clarity.
The Boar - Important to the art and myths of the Celts, the Boar (once common) was known to be cunning and ferocious. The battle horn of the Celts sported the figure of a Boar's head, their shields were decorated with engravings of the Boar in warfare, and figures of this animal were mounted upon their helmets. The Boar was said to lead the Celts in battle and show direction for their warriors. The skin of the Boar was also believed to heal wounds.
The name means "Silver Circle." Arianrhod is also known as "Star Goddess," or "Full Moon Goddess". Her palace was called "Caer Arianrhod," otherwise known as the Aurora Borealis. She was Keeper of the Silver Wheel of Stars, a symbol of time and/or karma. This wheel was also known as the "Oar Wheel," a ship which carried dead warriors to Emania, the Moon Land. Arianrhod is sometime depicted as a weaver, linking her to lost myths of creation and magical practices. Daughter of the great Welsh Goddess Don, Arianrhod is said to be useful in helping females find their own feminine power.
Famous people of this sign.
Oscar Wilde,Gandhi,Hilary Clinton,Sigourney Weaver,Kate Winslett.
Remember this is just a bit of craic (fun). Please do not treat it seriously.
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