Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I remember the conversation we had on FB chat. Well, not word for word, but I'm pretty sure it went something like this:

Me: "Hey! How's it going?"
Kami: "Good. I'm pregnant!"
Me: "What?!?! No way! Seriously? That's crazy! How fun! Congrats."
Kami: "Thanks. Total surprise."
Me: "I'm totally surprised. :)"

And on and on we went. Who would've guessed that one month later, roles would be reversed and I'd be saying the same thing?

Kami and I were inseparable growing up. {Except the time she had a sleepover at her house with some of our other friends. I don't remember if I wasn't invited, or couldn't go, but either way, it was my house that was targeted for the evening's late night toilet papering adventure. Somehow my mom knew it was them and made them come back in the morning and clean it up. Then we all had pancakes together. It was awkward for me. I think I wasn't invited. Sad.} Other than that, we were best friends and always together. And now here we are, approaching 30, and expecting our first offspring a month apart. She lucked out with a boy. I'm still nervous about having a girl. Maybe I'm nervous because I think of all the crap Kami and I did together and pray my girl is a little smarter than I was! :) Sheri was my second mom and I looked up to her so much. She still teases me to this day about sneaking around her house and stealing candy. Yup. Guilty.

It was so great to see them at Grandpa Carl's 92nd birthday celebration. Can't wait to meet her little guy in Nov. and warn him to stay far far away from our little girl. Ha ha! kidding. :)

And because it was the first Sunday of the month, we took a drive up to beautiful Stoddard for our monthly family meeting at my Grandma and Grandpa Gibbs' house. I thought it would be fun to take a few pictures for my family members who live out of state and those who couldn't make it. (I know how much I missed it when we lived in NZ!) We kicked off the fall season with yummy soups and salads and breadsticks (food always comes first!!!) and then all settled in for each family's monthly report...

The pics aren't that great. I only had my point and shoot and the battery died on me!


Unknown said...

I had no idea Kami was pregnant! That is awesome that you guys are only a month a part. It was fun seeing pics of you two together and of Sheri. Thanks for sharing.

sara and wade said...

aw... so sweet. kami and sheri look great. funny how time goes on and then brings you back to the good ol days...

thanks for taking pics of family meeting. we miss that lots... but where is the the rest of the family???? :0)

Heather B said...

Two cute preggo bellies for sure! How ya feelin these days Aly?

Bundy Family said...

Your hair is so long! I haven't seen it that long in years. It looks great. Been thinking about you. Hope everything keeps going well.

Christa said...

Agree with Kat....love the hair!!! You look great prego! I'm so exited for you... have a name yet??

Lynne said...

You look great! Every time I see you I just feel like smiling!