Monday, November 2, 2009

Settling In

We have made it to beautiful Auckland and have been consumed by apartment hunting. I'm proud to report that we have found an amazing place on the 27th floor with beautiful views of the harbor and city. Now all we need are some visitors to help us fill it! :)

We are doing well and can't wait to be in our own place and get back to a semi-normal life. I have a million pictures to post of our month-long cruise, but those will take some time to get to. We miss being at home and all of the traditions around this time of year. We're loving the warm weather and plan on heading to a beachy/resort town this weekend before we move into our apartment on the 15th. Jon heads out to Chicago on the 26th, so I'll be a lone woman in a foreign city (pray for me. pray hard.) for a little bit.

I miss catching up with everyone's blogs and can't wait to devote some time to that, and to revamping my own blog. :)


oh, ps. NZ has the best candy ever!!! Pretty sure I entered sugar heaven tonight with little delights that are textured like circus peanuts, but are banana flavored and shaped. MMMM. :)


tiare said...

YEA! glad you made it safely! can't wait to see your pictures.
p.s. they REALLY do have the best candy!!!

LeShel said...

Hooray to hear from you!! I can't wait to see pics. I'm so close to Chicago that I could be your first visitor. I'll hop in Jon's bag when he stops by here. Blog more good stuff!! I love reading about all you're up too.

Katie said...

Yeah for finding a place to live! I would love to travel there someday, maybe you'll still be there?!

Abby said...

I'm glad you are "settling in" and lovin it down there! It was great chattin' with you the other night. Thank Goodness for internet and facebook!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are happy Aly :) It sounds wonderful. I can't wait for pictures!! :)

Heather B said...

Yay Aly! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures. Your apartment sounds like heaven.

Rockin' Rowes said...

Wow! Can't wait to see some amazing photography of NZ coming from your camera Aly!

sara and wade said...

candy heaven... bah! so you.. i'm going to start calling you "queen frostine" from candyland... sounds like you're in heaven!! sure love ya... glad you found a place! can't wait to see it!

Joseph and Divinity said...

Its so good that you made it. We would definitely love to visit! I hope you have fun