Friday, August 10, 2007

Great News!

They found some endometriosis! I know, wierd that that is great news, but it truly is an answer to our prayers. I went in for surgery yesterday and through the laproscope they were able to find 2 spots, one in front of my uterus and one near my left fallopian tube. The Dr. said that we found it early enough that there isn't any anatomical damage, but it was substantial enough to block the motility in my left falopian. Basically the eggs were being produced and the tubes were open but the endometriosis wasn't allowing the egg to travel down to the uterus. So they blasted them away with a laser and we should have some success in 3-4 months. Thanks to everyone who has wished me well and kept me in their prayers. This has been an amazing spiritual experience for me as I have been wrapped in my Heavenly Father's love. I'm so grateful for Jon and his worthiness to hold the priesthood and exercise it in our home. He gave me a wonderful blessing in the morning which really put me at peace and changed my fear to joy. Yes, joy in having surgery. I know. Crazy. But I'm so glad that our questions have been answered and we can move forward with faith and not feel trapped in this crazy emotional cycle. I'm also really really glad that I don't have to go back on the clomid and do insemination for a while. They encourged us to try naturally for a few months to see how that goes. ;O If you want more info on endometriosis click here.

I've also been really fortunate in my recovery. I have had a great reaction to the anesthesia and haven't been sick at all. Shoulder pain is also typical because they inject gas into your belly to give them more room to move the laproscope around, which agitates your diaphragm which for some reason triggers pain in the shoulders instead of the diaphragm itself. But so far the only discomfort I've had is around the 2 incisions in my abdomen. Jon has done such a good job taking care of me. And my families have been awesome too. Right now my mom is vacuuming my house for me. :) Em has called to check up on me a few times, Wade called to see how I was feeling, Jen and the kids brought me flowers, Ang and her kids brought me a Jamba Juice, and Mike and Nikki came and made us dinner. And on Wednesday Leila and Becky brought me a fabulous smelling recovery basket to papmper myself in the bath. How on earth did I get so lucky?

AND, I got some great news last weekend too. For so many years I have thought that I wouldn't be able to breastfeed my babies because of my epillepsy medicine I have to take. But I got a second opinion from my cousin's husband, who is a neurologist, and he said that I could and my Rx bottle and Dr. were wrong (he has spent years and years testing and re-testing my medicine so I trust him). I am so excited about that! I was really feeling sad because I would have to miss out on that experience, which wasn't easy to take since I took 2 years of classes that all touted how crucial breastfeeding is. So now I'm feeling much better and feeling like things are moving forward.

Thanks again to all of you who sent me well wishes. I'll be sure to keep y'all posted on our progress.


erin said...

wow, what a serious outpouring of blessings. i am so incredibly happy for you alyson. what a relief to be stricken with disease!! love you!

Heather B said...

ALY!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! That was the most WONDERFUL post I've read all month, I am soooo happy for you I am almost crying. All that great news. I love you!

Rachel said...

That is great news! I have had four of those fun procedures! I had endo everywhere and they were able to clean it all up each time and keep everything working!! THe best part is I was able to get pregnant pretty fast after my last surgery!! Good luck with the recovery, I can feel your pain!! Let me know how things go...I will be thinking about you!

kate said...

you are an inspiration. i am so thrilled for you!

~Kreitzers said...

Well looks like your prayers to have a disease have been answered :) Im SO glad you found that out and now have renued hope. I had the best time with you on Tuesday, we must keep doing that!!!

Abby said...

Alyson! I'm ten days too late, but I hope everything is okay! It is so neat to see such a great attitude and see your excitment. Your an inspiration! I love you!!