Sunday, October 24, 2010

Your Sunday Funny (Video)

I've already posted one video today (See the post below). But I just couldn't resist posting another one! I love satire!

Hat tip to Indigo Red:

Can you name the actors in the above video? The one I most quickly recognized was Ed Ames, who portrayed Mingo in the television show Daniel Boone.

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posted by Always On Watch @ 10/24/2010 10:21:00 AM  


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Weekend Humor

(If you must have politics without humor, please scroll down)

With a hat tip to Z! for making me aware of the poem below:

I do not like this Uncle Sam, I do not like his health care scam.
I do not like these dirty crooks, or how they lie and cook the books.
I do not like when Congress steals,
I do not like their secret deals.
I do not like this speaker Nan,
I do not like this 'YES WE CAN'.
I do not like this spending spree,
I'm smart, I know that nothing's free,
I do not like your smug replies, when I complain about your lies.
I do not like this kind of hope.
I do not like it you BIG Dope.
I do not like it NOPE, NOPE, NOPE!

Read about Dr. Seuss below the fold.

Before there was The Cat in the Hat, Theodor Geisel (aka Dr. Seuss) drew over 400 political cartoons. His many cartoons focus on World War II and the major political players during the wartime era, including Roosevelt, Hitler, Mussolini, Phillipe Petain, and Winston Churchill.


Starting in 1942, Seuss put even more energy into supporting the U.S. war effort. He drew posters, akin to his political cartoons, for the Treasury Department and the War Production Board. In 1943 he joined Frank Capra's Signal Corps and began making movies for the Army, including an animated short in his usual style titled "Private Snafu." This marks the end of Seuss' career as a political cartoonist. [source]
So, of course, Dr. Seuss didn't really write the poem in this post. HERE is the claimed author.

Would Dr. Seuss have penned the above poem? You decide by reading these two links.

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posted by Always On Watch @ 7/11/2010 08:30:00 AM  


Monday, April 05, 2010

More Political Malpractice

In Congressman Phil Hare's own words, when it comes to ObamaKare “I don’t worry about the Constitution...":

Democratic Congressman Phil Hare represents Illinois's 17th congressional district. He took office in January 2007 and at that point took the following oath:
"I, (name of Member), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."
Obviously, Hare doesn't give a hoot about the oath he took. Did he have his fingers crossed behind his back, or what?

Quoting now my fellow blogger Epa over at Infidel Bloggers Alliance:
This off hand comment is not some GOOF. This is the offhand, unguarded REAL OPERATING FEELING OF RIGHTNESS AND ENTITLEMENT these utter morons work with, and are elected to do.

This guy is not from some downtown, left wing district ...this is farm country and FOLKS WILL DRIVE THIS MORON OUT,,,


Do they?
In my view, now that Hare has decided to disregard the Constitution, he should be drummed out of office and into court for oath breaking and, possibly, treason. Now.

In the meantime, as we await the November 2010 elections, each and all the member of Congress as well as the White House need this reminder drummed into their thick skulls:
"Constitutions of civil government are not to be framed upon a calculation of existing exigencies, but upon a combination of these with the probable exigencies of ages, according to the natural and tried course of human affairs. Nothing, therefore, can be more fallacious than to infer the extent of any power, proper to be lodged in the national government, from an estimate of its immediate necessities." --Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 34

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posted by Always On Watch @ 4/05/2010 03:00:00 AM  


Saturday, April 03, 2010

The King Of Maroons

I wasn't going to post during this Holy Weekend, but simply couldn't prevent myself from posting this gem.

With a hat tip to my good friend Mustang:

From Congressman Hank Johnson's official Congressional web site:
Prior to his election to Congress, Rep. Johnson served twelve (12) years as a DeKalb County magistrate judge, five (5) years as a county commissioner and three (3) years as chair of the DeKalb County Budget Committee.

Rep. Johnson practiced civil and criminal law in DeKalb County for twenty-seven (27) years. A staunch supporter of public education, he is a graduate of the District of Columbia Public Schools...
The case for private education and homeschooling grows stronger every day.

And then we have this, also from the congressman's web site:
One of the earliest congressional supporters of President Barack Obama, Rep. Johnson served as co-Chair of the Obama Campaign in Georgia.
You can't make this stuff up.

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posted by Always On Watch @ 4/03/2010 08:28:00 AM  


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Martha Coakley's Defeat

No matter the spin after the fact, the Democratic Party's defeat in Massachusetts is today's news of the day.

Reflective of the significance, today's lead editorial in the Washington Post states the following:
...The hard truth for Democrats is that the Massachusetts election resonates with national polling results. Voters, not just in Massachusetts and certainly not just in the Republican Party, are worried about government spending. Budget deficits and the national debt alarm many Americans, and rightly so. Voters also are disappointed that President Obama's promises of pragmatic, bipartisan cooperation have not been fulfilled....


...[V]oters also are nervous about one-party rule, especially when it tends toward arrogance or taking them, the voters, for granted. When state Democrats rewrite and then re-rewrite their special election law in the space of five years to suit their party interests, people notice. When the federal tax code is stretched in the health-care bill to give advantages to union workers that non-union workers won't share, people notice that, too....
Read the entire essay HERE.

The loss of Kennedy's seat to a Republican in the bluest state in America hard on the heels of a Republican sweep in the Virginia elections of November 2009 exactly one year after BHO took office serves an an indication that WE THE PEOPLE are fed up with the Democratic Party's arrogant and oligarchical attitude.

BHO tried to shore up the Democratic candidate in both the Virginia and Massachusetts elections. Oops. Is BHO becoming political poison? A year ago, could any of us have imagined that Kennedy's Senate seat, long a bastion of the Democratic Party, would go to a Republican?

Oh, to be a fly on the wall in the White House this morning!

Now, on to November 2010, when WE THE PEOPLE will cast our ballots in an election that will really tell the tale.

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posted by Always On Watch @ 1/20/2010 07:25:00 AM  
