They didn't even go to medical school (well, they did go several times, just weren't enrolled); they were doing a history and physical, drawing up a list of symptoms, discussing treatments, giving shots, consoling the patient, and even referring to a pain scale all without any prior knowledge that real doctors do all that stuff. Well, they knew about shots, of course. Nature or nuture anyone?
This guy went to the doctor for his 2 year old shots. 22 lbs while fully clothed and holding a toy car. However, anyone will tell you that he has enough attitude for 220 lb linebacker.
As far as the real doc--he's playing the part by golfing...
...and eating steak.
For real though, that was the first steak I've bought in many years. I guess you can count it as the first ever since it was more than $3/lb--those cuts aren't usually classified as "steak". Anyhow, it was amazing. Maybe we'll get it again when we pay off our loans in 20 years.
Oh yeah, I went to the doctor, too. This could mean a couple of different things:
a) I really am a loon, it's confirmed
b) I want my arms to be fatter
c) I should slide down the stairs in sleeping bags more before my condition worsens
d) I'm due Jan 20th, 2013
e) All of the above