Sunday, March 28, 2010


I'm not sure what inspired all this, but my kids have had a thing with where meat comes from. They know perfectly well that it is animal muscle, so they always ask what animal it came from, what part of the victim it is, and how we came about having it on hand.
I'm cutting chicken breasts before dinner...

Bekah: What's that?
Me: Chicken.
B: But what animal did it come from?
Me: A chicken. You know, the bird. Bok, bok.
B: Is he dead?
Me. Yes. Definitely dead.
B: Does he even know that you're cutting him?
Me: No, I don't think he cares right now. He's dead.
B: What part of his body is that?
Me: His chest.
B: And you got part of his chest at the store?
Me: Yep.

Once I caught her making sawing motions, so I inquired after the purpose. She was cutting a little army man up for his meat to feed to Megatron.
We might have a future butcher in our midst.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A lot to live up to

 This new baby has to be pretty cute to be able to compete with these three...

I'm not trying to brag, because if you consider what kind of gene pool they had to work with, you'd think they were genetically engineered.
Oh, I hope her eyes stay that color.

Friday, March 5, 2010

blue eyes, fat thighs

Our computer decided to hibernate for the winter, so we've been a little disconnected from the outside world for a while. Turns out, when you have no TV, cell phones, or internet, you can still live off of chocolate. Survival Skills 101. So we rescued our pal out of his coma and now we are back to life as we knew it.
We celebrated Keturah's birthday about a week ago, but it felt like she was already 1 for the past 6 weeks. She's been walking, stalking, and squawking for at least that long, so there really wasn't anything to graduate to. But, it was really fun to spoil her (more) for a day. We had the Crellins over for the weekend--appropriate since they were the first ones to meet her besides her own family.

The cake fun:

The evidence of her distant doting family in Cali...

Bekah requested this picture of them both on their horses.

It was hard to get her to look up for a picture, but at least that means she was really into all her gifts.

Also, the drool gets progressively worse as she opens more and more presents.