Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Sequel

O Chocolate, Chocolate, how I love thee.
What are you anyway, a he or a she?

If you are male, what does that mean?
Rich, dark, and dreamy, but probably not clean.

Maybe like woman, a gift from God.
Soft and smooth, but sometimes quite odd.

No, they both have flaws; and let's tell the truth:
Chocolate is PERFECT, the fountain of youth!

Ok, so that is a bit obsessive, I know. That is what you get at a 2am, trying to fall asleep, mind-wandering spell of creativity. I have to admit that the first one was better. In case you missed that click here.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Oh the irony

I am a sucker for sourdough bread. I've since changed my views, but I used to not care for the crust so much. My mom would often bring home a fresh loaf from Raley's and I would just take a chunk out of the middle. Sometimes it tasted so good, that I took a lot of chunks, and there wasn't much left but the crust with no innards. I know it is horribly wicked and all, but my family always says I don't eat anything but cereal and ice cream so they really should be grateful that I added that to my diet.
I like making bread, and as a side note, I'm going to attempt sourdough when it is warmer (the yeast can't hack it in the 60's). So anyway, I tried a different recipe for bread, and I don't think our oven performs the way others do, because I followed the directions, and it seemed like it was done at the given time, so I took it out then. Well, it wasn't done yet, and the middle was still all doughy. It worked out for Alex and Bekah because they love eating bread dough and had plenty to keep them content. The remnants of the gutted grain were very tasty, and I had to laugh that I was stuck with only the crust.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Baring All

The kids wanted to go outside, so I asked, "Ok, you going to go out bare foot?" Alex said, "No, I'm going out with people foot".
He said he needed a container for collecting berries. "What berries?", I asked. "From the bear tree", was his response.

Monday, April 14, 2008

You might live in Missouri if.... have totally crazy, unkempt hair. have food on your face. are holding a naked baby. have mismatched, untucked, hand-me-down clothes. have on nice, dressy shoes to go with your worn clothes.
...those shoes are on backwards.

These probably also apply to Placerville as well. I mean, that's where I grew up and look at me--

Yeah, not any better. In fact, I'm still not any better. If I am wearing jeans when Matt gets home, he asks what I'm all dressed up for.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Scouting for Rainbows

It was pretty warm yesterday...and then it started raining. Who can resist going outside and splashing around? I got them to help me pick up sticks and put them in a pile. What won them over for this job is the way I showed them to wash their hands off in the gutter. Zippity do da.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Silly Sayings

Alex asked me the other day how tall a tree in the front yard was. I gave him my best guess: 34 feet. He thought for a minute and then asked how many arms it had. When I told Matt this story, he asked Alex if trees have arms so they can give hugs. He said, "Hey Alex, do you want to hug a tree?". Alex said, "Hey, you want to hug a bum?" Sassy fellow.
Trivia: How do you know someone is a medical student?
Matt was reading the holy writ aloud. It read "into the land of promise." He read "into the study of promise."
As I was leaving the other night, I called out "Bye!" Matt complained, "You're leaving and you didn't give me a kiss? You could crash and die and I'd never see you again." I responded, "Don't worry, you could kiss my bloody remains." In case you were wondering, I did kiss him, and I didn't die. I know you were worried. Where I went was a meeting where we had the elections for the SAA. Mary asked me why I was running for treasurer and I also had to give a brief "speech" on why I wanted the position and why I'd be good. I didn't really have a good reason other than "I like math" (pretty lame). I should have added that I need something to occupy my mind so that I'm not looking for mathematic patterns everywhere I go--like in the car odometer, account numbers, phone numbers, digital clocks, and birth dates. Maybe as treasurer I'll stop doing such crazy things.
Alex is into fast cars. He's always asking what is faster--a Cobra, a Corvette, or a race car? He came up with the ultimate, fastest car ever, on his own: a purple ambulance with a spoiler. I'd love to see one of those speeding around.