Showing posts with label morons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label morons. Show all posts

Monday, November 30, 2009

Worst Blog Post of the Year

Treason in Defense of Slavery Yankee on the cop killing in Tacoma makes the "connection" that because left-leaning Evergreen State University is 30 miles away, it's probably some leftist tied to the school.

Meanwhile, in reality the killer turns out to be someone Mike Huckabee pardoned while governor.

In comments that TIDOS Yankee quickly deleted, I suggested a more plausible connection--that there are killer whales nearby in the Puget Sound and that they have declared war on local police. I also recommended that he go back to his more respectable posts--such as asking readers for donations after a wind storm broke his grill just after complaining about federal assistance to Katrina victims.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Let the Hilarity Begin

Awesome. My attacks on The Art of Manliness are being picked up by men's rights sites.

Warning, this site is incredibly scary. Read at your risk. These people are batshit insane.

The best part: they take my smart-ass comment that I am a man-hater literally.

Example 1:
"And it's true, I am a man-hater."
admitting your problem is an important step to recovery

Example 2:
I don't get it. He hates his own gender. What's this guy's angle?

Dude, my angle is that I want to castrate all men in order to give the world over to a race of Amazon superwomen who will enslave all ex-men. Isn't that obvious?

Oh, this is going to get pretty funny.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The 45,376,235,237th Time Someone Called Someone Else the Antichrist

Last night I received an e-mail forward. I often get them, especially ones that are keen on Jesus or begging me to not purchase gasoline on a specific date. The one I received last night was really astounding— I had no idea that Barack Obama was the Antichrist.

According to The Book of Revelations:The Anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, he will destroy everything.And Now: For the award winning Act of Stupidity Of all times the People of America want to elect, to the most Powerful position on the face of the Planet -- The Presidency of the United states of America A Muslim Male Extremist Between the ages of 17 and 40.


Aside from the absurdity of the Obama/Muslim thing (and the sub-Junior High writing and syntax—what’s with the weird capitalization? Was this badly translated from German or what?), I was astounded by the complete lack of regard for the actual biblical text. First of all, it is the Book of Revelation, not “Revelations”. Minor, sure, but if you really think it to be the word of God, you ought to proofread. More importantly, the term Antichrist is not even in the Book of Revelation. It appears only in John I and John II and is used to describe any person who denies that Jesus is the son of God. So by my count, there are a few billion Antichrists—and even so, Obama isn’t one of them.

Of course, the police APB bit about being a Muslim man in his 40’s doesn’t appear anywhere (even allowing generously for allegory). This is just racist tripe that the author typed (presumably with his or her knuckles). Hell, Jessie Helms thinks the Antichrist will be Jewish. Something tells me his buddy John Hagee would agree.

If I had a book that I thought was the word of a magical, all-powerful and all-knowing super-being, I think I’d read it. A lot. Or at least actually leaf through it before I quoted it.

My head hurts. But for fun, you can play the Antichrist Quiz Game on the PBS website.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Dusty Baker: Still Working for the Cubs?

I think Dusty is still on the Cubs payroll. Or maybe he's just the crappy manager he's always been. In his first spring training with the Reds, he says this (you might have to scroll down):

"A lot of this on-base percentage is taking away the aggressiveness of some young kids," he said, according to the Cincinnati Enquirer. "Most of the time you've got to put handcuffs on a young guy to keep him from swinging. [The young players are] playing good, real good. I'd like to see them more aggressive."

"I really, really hate the called third strike. I hate that. You're guessing and you ain't ready to hit."

Dusty would WAY rather see his players strike out swinging than take a walk. That's great. I'm sure that will really turn the fortunes of the Reds right around. Well, that and Homer Bailey's 140 pitch outings that Dusty likes so well. After all, it worked out so well with Kerry Wood and Mark Prior.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Lovin' It

In the blogging world, there has to be nothing more amusing to me than to see my post questioning the value of the American Revolution get spread around the right-wing blogs. I clearly committed 3 crimes for these people--I mentioned Michael Moore, I suggested that Canada might be a good place to live, and I dared say that maybe, just maybe, the American Revolution was not the greatest event in the history of humanity.

Also, this adds proof to my theory that the more half-assed the post, the better chance people will talk about it. Strange world.

It's funny how crazy these people are and disturbing to see their poor levels of thinking. I won't bore you with the details. I'll only say that this guy said my post, "may be the most moronic post in the history of political blogging." But given that his favorite writer is St. Jonah of the Literacy Test and that he thinks this is funny, I'll take his claim with great honor.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


This is a bit old now, but I love this Boston Globe bit a friend sent to me about Romney and his hunting prowess. (Note: it's below the Obama/Edwards story)

"I want you to know that those small animals can be ferocious," he said. Then Romney pulled out his "trophy" kill: a toy squirrel mounted on a piece of wood. (The squirrel even squeaked, which Romney said was "the sound I heard just before I let it have it.")
On a roll now, Romney continued the joke by saying how disappointed his grandchildren were this year when the Easter Bunny skipped the Romney household.
"He heard I was packin' heat," Romney said, and the room erupted in hearty laughter"

This guy is a serious candidate for President?