Little Fixer-Upper for my soul? Waco, TX - Memorial Day Weekend, 2021

Apparently my older sis Heidi and I had our thoughts on the same wave length this spring when she texted everyone for a girls trip, following all the seasons of Fixer-Upper. How did she know,.... I was binge watching the same thing! Then, there was Kymn, bless her heart.....who hadn't watched any of the show. Come on, now......hahaha love ya anyway. 

And, the best part - apparently, they are coming baaaaaaaaaaaaack!?

So, naturally, we all met up in Dallas, had yummy lunch and then drove down to Waco, where besides the couple horrible rain storms, we had the best time! 

 Chuy's in Dallas (it was so so so good!)


We stayed in the cuuuuuuutest house ever! It was so cute, did I mention that? I think it pulls up as "Gracious Gables" on airbnb, if you have a large group like we did. We even had a couple Magnolia trees right in our back yard! 

 Silos and Magnolia Market Day 1

We were so happy to see Chip and Joanna's empire that we went more than once! .... some of us a little too much - wait, is there such a thing? No?

Silos and Magnolia Market Day 2

Today, we stood in line to shop at the Magnolia merch store and it was EVERYTHING we dreamed of. I think I almost got some of everything - well, at least what could fit in my luggage! (shhh, don't tell husband)


After shopping, we walked around to see the baseball field and the food trucks, where I got a trio sandwich box with lavender lemonade and it was all DELICIOUS! 

 Later that evening we came back just in time to catch some yummy cupcakes from the Silos Bakery and they were equally as marvelous! 


Lunch at Magnolia Table

DO stay up till midnight to make your reservation 30 days ahead - it's a must go to place! We had such a great lunch together. Everything was delicious, we LOVED the biscuits with the strawberry butter the most! We also got to congratulate our sweet Emily on her recent marriage! Yay, Em! 

 Nearby Flea Market

because you can't skip the Texan flea market!

Apparently, I did not get that hat memo. 

 Little Shop on Bosque

Where Joanna first started her business. This is a cute little store with some discounted items, just fun to visit while you are here. 

Texas BBQ 

For dinner this was a local recommendation and it was meat-a-licious! 

Sunday - Funday!

We went to church, all one hour of it - haha, in Hewitt, and were very much welcomed by some wonderful people!

Mommy's Birthday! 

It was the week before our Mommy's birthday, so we got her the best chocolate cake we could find and sang her a song. We are so thankful to have her in our lives and for the example of goodness she has set for us! We love you, Mommy! 


 Baylor University

Chip (and Joanna too) went to Baylor! What a gorgeous place!!!! Kim and I had so much fun taking photos together. We then, were joined by our sisters and tried to make our way down to the river, but because of construction, had to turn back. At the end of the evening, just the 3 of us ended up driving down to the river, although sadly, the beautiful suspension bridge featured on the show was closed due to renovation - but it was still sooooooooo fun to hang out with our beautiful niece, Abigail. 

 Down at the Brazos River

Because Kymn, Als and Abbey are the best - we made it down to the river to take some photos. Just then, Kymn discovered electric scooters. So, we had to, and it was a blast!


Last day in Waco.

Because I love nature, I had to make it down to Cameron Park Zoo and my 8-months-a-part sissy came with. We had a great time wondering the grounds, taking photos and eating yummy treats. We even had a moment with the orangutan. 

Texas Rain

On our way back to the airport, we made a stop at a family friends' house. Although I did not know them personally, my older sisters and mom did, and they were such beautiful and hospitable folks. So, Kim and I, after saying hello, decided to go for a walk around the park behind their house while our sisters visited....when we got caught in what felt like torrential downpour. We kept thinking it would stop, so we hid under a tree.....but nope, it did not stop, as a matter of fact, it rained for the next 5 hours.... 

We stood at their front door, afraid to come inside because of our clothes dripping wet, but they were so nice and offered us some towels. 

Then, our flights got cancelled. Another day in Texas? What could be better! haha WAIT! Does anyone see my Mom's shirt she chose to wear today???? IS THAT NOT PERFECT? I am not sure, everyone else shared my excitement. However, that night the St. Georgians ended up flying out after midnight, while Heidi, Abbey and I got to spend a glorious night at a hotel. I even had my own room - all to myself (thanks, mommy) - I felt like Kevin from Home Alone! I made them disappear!!!!! Kidding, kidding, kidding.....I love them all.  

The next day, I had a later flight and since Abs and Heidi went home to Arizona, I had the day to explore by my lonesome. I Ubered myself to the Dallas Zoo and around just to take some pics around Dallas. Such a great place! 

Overall, Waco rocked our socks and Magnolia was everything we imagined and better! Chip and Joanna have created such a special place with people literally lining up for hours just to see their empire. I am so thankful for this beautiful time I got to have with our Mommy, my sissies and nieces. Thank you, Waco!