In the early twentieth century, almost a century ago, old money seemed more valuable then new money. The gap between these two seemed to be wide and unbridgeable. Old money in America in fact isn't really old. Its mealy the behavior of those who acquire it quickly tends to offend others. Old money is known to be waisting away in large banks and scheduled trust funds. While new money is thought of as a way to provide important financial advice for ones self. The new money clients differ from old money clients, because there is an increase in wanting family service. Though these new money clients tend to demand the services of old money services over new services that have been made. Although some say that new money clients services are completely different then those of the old money clients. So, this is why they have made new services for new and old money clients because even if their is tradition between these two groups there is still a large difference that is between them.
Old money is know to be inherited wealth in upper class families. A person from ones lineage is able to inherited ones wealth of someone who is from old money. those who came from old money are thought of to be living on inheritance rather then on a salary. in the opinions of othey their beliefs are that the generation that we are in now is not only the weathiest generation to have come about but also, that because of old money inheritance their has been an inclease and raise in the fortiund of these families. Some families that are know to have come from old money are: the Rockefeller family; the Vanderbilt family; Du Pont Family; Rothschild family; Guggenheim family and Astor family.

New Money families are also know as a Nouveau Riche is a term to decribe a person who has been able to aquire a considerablly large ammount of money during their own generation. A person who has come from new money is know to have been previously part of a lower social economic class. Although this term is used to express that a person has made considerable acheivements in their lives, there are some who would use this term in a way to belittle those who are apart of this group. Some whould do this because it is a way for others to show how a person from this group is unexperinced with the managment of there new found money and success. Also they aprove in showing how the new money people are unable to adopt to doing things the way that people who are from old money have been doing things for genorations.
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Good post, but you must make sure to put post into your own words. Visuals go with post well. 70/75
ReplyDeleteMs. Donahue