I Love Christmas! I just really love Christmas. It is such a wonderful time to celebrate the gifts we have been given and enjoy the gift of giving. I am sure that every parent says the same thing but my kids are so joyful on Christmas morning. We continued this year with our slow opening presents tradition. We open one, play with it for a few hours, and then open the next. We enjoy this because the presents last all day long. This year Christmas was on Sunday. I love love Christmas on Sunday. This year South Dakota had a major ice storm happen on Christmas day so church was cancelled.
Here is a video of Katherine opening her Santa present. It is such a sweet moment experiencing the joy of a child.
As usual Santa brought Lego's to all the children with the exception of Kate she asked for Ponies this year. Lots of ponies.
Sibling Gifts!
Grandma & Grandpa Hunny gifts...not pictures is Greg's Dremel. He is so excited he even brought it with us on our trip to Eureka just in case he could find something to use it on.
This was from our friends the Roggenkamps. We put it to good use on Christmas. Awesome gift!
Here are some of the Lego sets the kids got.
Presents from Mom & Dad
Presents from Alec!
Presents from Grandma and Grandpa Francom!
Mom and Kate trying out the Selfie stick from Alec!
Clara's craft corner
I got a little weather thing that predicts the weather. I am obsessed with the forcast so this is perfect! Not pictured is the beautiful table/dresser Greg built me for the bathroom. I need to take a picture of it! Mom and Dad also gave me a gift of a beautiful necklace made by Syrian Refugees.
We also had to get some new shelves and table to help contain the massive amount of Lego's we have. We love our legos!
Hopefully sometime soon we will have pictures of our other gifts from our Uncle Pat Pat and family. They included a toilet light! Secret life of pets and a giant flying shark.