Via Rosa is a female producer and singer currently living in the city of Chicago. When she isn't making wonderful music you can most likely find her creating exquisite meals. Recently Chicago has been buzzing with talented acts which is why you should pay attention to Via Rosa.When I first started this blog it was meant to share some cool music I enjoyed. Earlier this year I posted music from Via Rosa and now I'm interviewing her!!! Please enjoy.
Is Via Rosa both your artist name and birth name?
V: No my real name is Lluvia Rosa Vela the name Via was given to me by the kids on the reservation we didn't have cell phones so we'd scream at each other from outside the house and Lluvia was to long they said haha
How did you end up in Chicago?
V: I lost my job and apartment in Hollywood and my best friend had been living here for a few years already n my grandmother had cancer and wasn't doing well so I came to be closer to my friend and help my grama and the triple threat was that THEMPEOPLE was fuckin wit my music so being closer to them was definitely the move
Many times when Chicago is brought up people discuss it in a negative way. What are some positive things you'd like to say about your city that people forget to mention?
V: Well even though I've lived here for 4 years I know very little about Chicago I'm still learning I live under a rock but the parks are awesome and there are so many cool and free things to do I've met some outstanding people here I still have to sit back n be like "damn all my homies are freggin amazing!!"
How do you keep yourself strong during difficult times of hardship?
V: Man it's clichè to say but my friends get me through man I prolly have the best friend in the entire world that and cooking/ writing I'll cook a 9 course meal n write while I cook n then not even eat it....
Can you describe your childhood and your most vivid childhood memory?
V: My parents were in a reggae band my entire childhood the last tour I went on I was 13 never went to any real schools besides private culinary schools and an independent study that I dropped out of I spent most of my time just listening to music and coloring most vivid memory though? Hmmmm okay one time my dad sent me to the store to get 2 dozen tortillas an he looked me in the eye n said "ok Lluvia I need 2 dozen tortillas that's 24 tortillas" n I walked to the little Mexican shop n slammed my money on the counter n said "ok I need 24 dozen tortillas" n sat there for 3 hours while they made them from scratch long story short my dad was pissed n I was eating tacos for months
At what moment or age did you know you would be doing music as a career?
V: Man lm still not sure what I'm doing to be honest I'm a chef I was trained as a chef I love cooking Ive wanted a restaurant since I was like 9
I've been officially been making music since I was like 14 but never thought about taking it serious serious till we started recording the DeathViaLove album when I was 22 i just like making music wether people like it or if I get famous off it is another story it'll be made regardless hopefully people like it enough n I'll be able to buy me a restaurant :) plan b: sell everything I own and move to South America haha
At what age did you discover your miraculous voice?
Why did you choose to make your music very personal?
V: Cause music is not a game to me it's not a show to be put on with entrances and exits music is forever my music is me it's my story it's how I feel if I write about anything other then that I feel like I'm lying and an I'm a horrible liar I always say if you wanna know exactly how i feel just listen to the music it never lies...
What was the most difficult track to create on Death Via Love in terms of working with your emotions?
V: Probably "one more" just cause I felt so bad about the situation dude prolly would of been a great boyfriend n prolly would never hurt me ever In life smh funny how love works the heart wants what the heart wants we'll have
someone willing to love us with all our flaws and we still want the one person we can't have that or "moving on your body" haha that song means a lot to me as well
What is ThemPeople?
V: A group of silly gooses haha naw it's a production team consisting of Michael Anthony, Lboogie, Sean Deaux and The Mind aka my brothers aka the coolest cats in the Midwest aka my fairy god fathers haha I'm just the little sister everyone has to love
Can you describe the story of how you and ThemPeople got together to make music?
Not only are you known for your wonderful music but you are also a talented cook. What are some of your favorite meals to make?
V: I could lie n talk about all the exotic things I like to make from all over the world but to be honest good ol Mexican food is my true love it was the first cuisine I learned how to make n it reminds me of my family in Texas but I love to make everything especially Thai and Indian curries
What did you hope to achieve by releasing your latest project?

What's the next big step for you?
What's the most important thing to keep track of in life?
V: Your mind and your energy being aware of the energy your sharing with the world and the energy you surround your self with the mind is very powerful it has the power to create and destroy you it's important to keep track of these cause if you don't you might walk into a portal you don't like and end up somewhere you're not supposed to be at the wrong time
What troubles you most in modern society?
In your opinion where do you believe the current state of music is at?
Favorite Nina Simone track?
V: I honestly didn't grow up listening to her so I don't know
She's amazing all the songs I've heard by her are good I just don't listen to them
Do you picture yourself in front of thousands or do you prefer performing at more smaller intimate venues?
V: Intimate shows with thousands of people
What keeps you going and alive every morning?
Besides Savemoney, Jean Deaux, Noname Gypsy, Mick Jenkins, and Saba who's the next to blow from Chicago?
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