Thursday, July 22, 2010

FAV Book! Day #6 30 Day Drawing Challenge!

DAY 6 Favorite Book!

-Jeaux Janovsky

To see more of my 30 Day Drawing Challenge entries, CLICK HERE!
Or Here:

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Myth-ery Loves Company


Remember Whit Hertford's Life After Myth project I did some character design work on? Previously mentioned HERE & HERE.

Here is the LAM trailer we are unveiling on-line!!!

LIFE AFTER MYTH - trailer from Whit Hertford on Vimeo.

I am still very amazed by this trailer, and am so very proud to be part of Whit's vision & project. Julia Vickerman, Nick Bachman (he did the crazy awesome BGs), & Puny Entertainment did a Mythological sized job! AWESOME.

Here are a few High Rez screengrabs for your viewing & desktop pleasure:

As always, Click all to make Godzilla sized.

Don't just stop there!
Why don't you check out the brand spanking NEW Life After Myth Tumblr site? There's lots of LAM goodies there, and hopefully I'll begin posting up some early Myth design work on there during the on-coming weeks!

You know you guys wanna see this on the small-screen! I know I do. ;)

Enjoy & please help us Spread the Myth!
-Jeaux Janovsky

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010


click to embiggify!


A while back, I did some design work on my pal Whit Hertford’s Life After Myth project!

About Life After Myth:
“Creator Whit Hertford brings you the story of a has-been Loch Ness monster trying to deal with life after his star has faded and finds that misery loves company when he begins attending group therapy for washed-up Myths.”

Well, this little monster is growing up to be a full blown Godzilla!!!

We just got the fully cooly rendered up animated trailer back from PUNY, and it came out completely jaw-dropping. It looks amazing!!!

Above are a few stills from the trailer! Yip! Jump!

I am so PROUD to be a part of this project! WooHoo! Great job Whit, Julia & PUNY!!!


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Compooter Animation by Avi Tuchman based on art by JEAUX Janovsky!