
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Home Inspirations. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Home Inspirations. Mostra tutti i post


{ Bright White }

Skonahem is always a great source of inspiration and I want to end that great week, full of personal successes, with a fantastic house I've just founded on their website
Skonahem è sempre una grande fonte di ispirazione e voglio concludere questa bella settimana, ricca di successi personali, con una bellissima casa che ho appena scovato nel loro sito!

I really can't wait for spring but I couldn't resist to show you this house even if there is too much snow... however it's still raining outside and spring seems to be so far away!

Non vedo l'ora sia primavera ma non potevo non farvi vedere questa casa, anche se c'è veramente troppa neve... ma d'altronde fuori sta ancora piovendo e per la primavera dovremo aspettare ancora un bel po'!

A beautiful wide open space. 
The big windows are what I love the most about that house, maybe because mine are really really small!

 Un bellissimo open space.
Quello che mi piace più di tutto di questa casa sono le finestre , enormi finestre , forse perchè le mie sono piccoline ine ine!

This is my dream. 
If you ask me what kind of living room would you like , I will defenitely say: THIS!

Questo è il mio sogno. Se mi chiedeste che tipo di living room vorrei nella mia casa ideale, vi risponderei senza dubbio: QUESTO!

I adore the palette....

That house is the perfect example of mix-and-match: Swedish style and vintage/old french decorations.
Questo è l'esempio perfetto di mix-and-match: stile svedese con arredi francesi.

The red stripes, the baskets give to the house a french touch.
Le strisce rosse, i cestini danno alla casa quel non so che di francese.

... and a beautiful bedroom to end the day, relaxing watching the view from a big window ...

...e una bellissima camera dove ritirarsi alla fine del giorno, rilassandosi guardando il panorama ...

Before to leave you 
if you have missed my last posts  here are the links...
Prima di lasciarvi, se vi siete perse i miei ultimi posts, vi lascio i link...

I wish you a great weekend!

Buon fine settimana!


{Christmas Inspirations}

I'm having an heart attack!
I was looking for some ideas on the web and I've found that amazing website.

Ragazze ... sto per avere un infarto!
Stavo cercando qualche idea e sono incappata in questo sito meraviglioso!

It's a danish company!

E' un'azienda danese...

Take a look yourself!
Date un occhio voi stesse e ditemi cosa ne pensate...

I'm totally in love!
Io ne sono totalmente innamorata!

I'm looking for tea light zinc house!!!!

Sono alla ricerca delle casettine di zinco!!!


{Cosy details - part 2}

Few weeks ago, I've spent an entire day with Irene and her family. You can read here (More than a lunch - Part 1) how beautiful and intense that day has been!

This is the 2 part of that day....

After  lunch we went to Valdirose her beautiful Bed & Breakfast. A charming old villa that used to be her house when she was young. In 2007 the house has been totally renovated by her father and transformed in a charming Bed & Breakfast.

Actually it's very reductive calling it B&B. Do you know the "Chambre D'Hotes"? Well, they are charming villas all over France where you can rent a room and eat amazing food! 

Valdirose has nothing to envy to those "Chambre d'Hotes". Irene, Paolo, her husband and Irene's parents run this beautiful place with passion and love. Love that you can feel all over the house and the garden in every single details. 
Irene it's "obsessed" from details and that's one of the thing we have in common!

I couldn't take any pic of the cosy rooms...They were all occupied. A pity for me but a joy for them!!!

If you want to see them you can visit her website Valdirose.

Valdirose has a fantastic veranda where you can enjoy a good breakfast with homemade products!

Irene and Paolo serve breakfast every morning! They made all the efforts to make their guests happy and they try always to satisfy their requests! 

Flowers from her garden 
and pillows everywhere ...

In the kitchen beautiful porcelaine...

They have a cute wood stove just outside the house were they prepare Pizza every Saturdy for their guest!

They have an outdoor swimming pool too...

Just in front at Valdirose ther's her parent's home!

We spent few hours there talking about some renovation Irene wanted to do to the rooms and playing with Beatrice! I love her! She 's a fantastic girl! I'd love to show you some pics... I'll have to ask to her mom first!

That's enough for now! I could go on and on talking about it but I'm sure there will be soon another occasion to show you some good pics from Valdirose!

If you need and information about rooms, reservation and whatever else, write to Irene...

Tell her I've told you that !

Have a nice day!


{More than a lunch - 1 part}

It's the first time that I don't have any words to describe the lunch at Irene's house.
She lives not far from Florence and with a sunny day and the blue sky you can see the cathedral from her bedroom's windows. She lives a Lastra a Signa a very tiny "village" so carachteristics.
I can't say nothing bad about Tuscany...I'm from Tuscany too!

It's in the counry side, no traffic, no noise, and a beautiful surround. Totally immersed in the nature...

 Irene & Paolo welcomed us in their amazing enchanted garden... 
As soon as we entered in the path I've been overwhelmed from a huge Hydrangea's hedge.

As I've told you it's so difficult to write about them, their home and their Valdirose B&B.
All the things I could say they won't be enough to describe them and how we felt.

Irene is a fantastic girl. She seems to be so "shy" but she's strong, too modest, very generous and with a talent for receiving that let me speechless. I'm an aesthete and a perfectionist and as soon as you get inside their home it's seems to be in one of the famous home decor's magazine...

I won't show you their home, I don't want to violate their privacy...
But I want to show you something better... Her home's details that say more than thousand words.
you know that I have a thing for details. Faschion details or home decor details define a personality! 
And Irene has a strong defined personality!
But if you follow her blog you know that already!

The attention she put in all the things tell me so much about her, about her style and her natural and not artefact personality.  
I think that style, like class and elegance, are something that you can't build or create or even buy...
you can work on it...But if you don't have it... people will understand it.
And Irene has it, and a lot!!!

Paolo, her husband, her friend, her partner, her world is a genuine and pure person. Mr B is not known to be a very open person. Usually he likes to listen and to analyze who is in front of him. With Paolo something happened. They started talking from the first minute they met that Sunday. 
Irene and Paolo are a magic and real couple. They couldn't find a better person for each other. 
Only at the end of the lunch, when he served Champagne they told us that it was Paolo's birthday. 
He served the cake with a style... he made a design on the slice...HE!!!

whatever...He suffle on the candle with his little princess Beatrice.
She express a desire ..."I want to be loved by Dad" and I almost burst into tears...

I was so excited that I didn't took any pics at the kitchen. My favourite place. For me that I love to bake, to have people for dinner, to cook their kitchen is heaven. 
But all the rooms are amazing... 

You've already seen this pics on her blog... I like the place she found for the trunks...It couldn't found a better home!!!
What I've loved about their home is that even if is so elegant it's comfortable and it doesn't make you feel worried to sit on the sofas!
They've that elegance....

The lunch...
she knows how to satisfy your eyes, your mouth and your soul...
The food, the presentation, the table set were perfect!

she's an angel! Big blue eyes, dark hair, white skin with pink cheeks ...
her tattoo!
She get along with Denis... 
I played with her all day... she's a gentle spirit and she 's so mature!

This is it! for now...
I had a fantastic day, I wish I could do it again soon...
I won't tell you what we talked about, it's the treasure I want to keep just for me from that day.
But she gave me good advises and she helped me a lot to spend a carefree day that is something I need now.
I'm jelous of my things and of my friends but I  wanted to share with you 
her kindness, her grace and her world made of beautiful things.
This is what a friend does, don't you agree?
Share and complicity is what friendship is for !

Before to leave she gave me lots of hydrangea that I put all over my tiny! apartment...

I will tell you more and more about Valdirose that needs and entire post!

Don't miss my next Guest...she's so sunny!!!
Have a wonderful Week darlings!


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