
Apr 1, 2012

“ MINI GIVEAWAY BY MANJA( I’m Limited Edition)”



>>i do think that i'm a limited edition, kind of person. because only me have the thought of myself. i be what i want to be. i do what i want to do. and i love people who loves me. but i didn't and wouldn't hate people who hate me.. >>i'm a limited edition of myself since i live for Allah, Rasulullah and also my beloved mummy, of course my family and for sure my friends. i really love them.. >> i'm limited edition of human being as no one will ever be like me and me myself will never be like others.. >> because it is just..... me, myself and i... ^^

3 pilihan hadiah::
1- maxi dress sponsored by Facebook Shawl Hijab Room
2- sexy bag sponsored by Bags Aholic (Nurul Numan)
3- hot slim purse sponsored by Girl's Favourite Shop

my labely pesbuk::

bersempena dgn bulan kelahiran cikLah (marchgurl) so cikLah nak join GA caramelGurl sebab sume sponsors are so awesome n of course la sebab hadiah2 yang dioffer y superb.... seriously!!!!! n actually dah usha lama dah GA ni tp disebabkab masalah teknikal so harini je la baru dpt releasekan entry ni (cewah) hahaha.... 
n tambahan, kot2 menang, bleh la bgaya time konvo di univ nnt.. hehehe

1 comment:

Unknown said...

complete. gud luck