Showing posts with label Arashi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arashi. Show all posts

Monday, June 4, 2012

June is my favorite month

yeahhh~! my favorite month of the year is now arrived! ^^
it's JUNE!

but first.. I'm sorry for abandoned this blog for a reaaaallly long time~
I just can't find any ways to cure my laziness ~ :D

so, back to the topic... it's June now..
it's already middle of the year of 2012..
and it's already 4th week I'm in 4th year.. in Psychiatry posting.
but put my med-life aside.. there's other events that happen this month that I'm really looking foward to it~^^

5th June
my mom's bithday :) she'll be turning 49 years old this year~ ^^
I'm happy that she is spending half of her life time with me all this while~ :)
thanks Mak~! love u a lot~ ^3^

6th June
Arashi's Your Eyes release and HSJ's JUMP WORLD album release.
I've watched PV for Your Eyes and it's freakin nice! XD
I'm currently addicted to it..
for JUMP WORLD.. they got many songs that I'm looking foward to~ ^^
I feel bad because I can't spend my money on them..
NEWS comeback makes me poor~ XP

10th June
AFA aka Anime Festival Asia~
yayyyyyy~! I'm sooo excited about this! XD
I already bought the con tickets~! :D
this would be an event where I'll cherish for my whole life~ :)

13th June
NEWS BEST album release~!!!
kyaaa~ it's NEWS comeback.. :D
I'm really happy for this.. but I'm sure that my pre-order CDs will came 2 weeks after this release date.
I have to be patience and wait for it~ ^^

16th June
it's my dad's birthday and he'll be turning to 55~ ^^
means that his work will be stopped this June~
for working hard all this while... otsukaresama! ^^
thanks Abah~! love u to bits! ^3^

17th June
it's my Nino birthday~! :D
hoho~ it'll be the first Nino birthday that I came across since I just knew Arashi last year.
and Nino will be turning 29~~ :O that's old. haha~ XD

18th June
it's my housemate's bithday..Rosliza Ali..
it'll be her 22nd birthday..
Happy Birthday Ja~! :D

19th June
my 22nd birthday~! :)
I'm getting old...
I don't know whether this year birthday gonna be the happy one or not, or it'll be the same as before..
but I'll make sure I'm happy on my very own day~ ^^

22nd June
HSJ's Inoo Keii's birthday desu yo~! :D
Inoo-chan gonna be 22 too~! ^^

24th June
my fren's birthday Syaza~
she'll be turning 22 too~
Happy Birthday Syaza! ^^

--th June
the many batch-mate's birthday~
I know that many of my batch mate whose birthday is on June..
but I can't remember the rest..
but well.. Happy Birthday~!! :D

okay.. till here..
I have to search on Journal for my SSM project..
got research to do.. and it'll be freakin hard! ><
but well...good thing is Psychiatry is not a busy posting and I'm happy~ :D


Monday, March 5, 2012

[PV] Arashi - Wild at Heart

while I'm still not over with SUPER DELICATE by HSJ~
Johnny's make Arashi to reveals their full PV of WILD AT HEART~ -.-

Johnnys is killing me~! D:
btw, WHERE'S MY NEWS!! >__<
K8, K-T, YT all got new single, why not NEWS? :(
Johnny-san no baka! ><

okeeeeyyyyyyyy, here's d PV!
douzo~! ^^

Lyrics~> HERE

btw, u got to see this bcoz it'll be taken down soon~ ^^
HSJ Super Delicate that I posted before has been claimed~ :/

I love the chorus part~
maybe bcoz I had been used to OST of Lucky7~ ^^
the song is so Arashi-like ne!
ermm~ the feeling is like listening to their Energy Song ^^
aaaaand, love the 70's dance! haha XD

btw, when I'm watching this, I remember other PVs bcoz of some similarities~ 
haha, that bcoz I repeated this vids so many times! XP 

the same person here~ MatsuJun!
above from Wild at Heart, below from Believe~ ^^
the one from Wild at Heart is much more narrower tho~ :D
oh, I love Believe~ mecha kakkoiii~ :3
u can see the PV here :)

the circle around camera!
above from Wild at Heart, below from Kaze no Mukou e 
n really I love Kaze no Mokou e too! ^^ asexpected
bcoz my Nino is playing acoustic guitar! :3
haaaaaaaa~ fall - in - love! <3
PV here :)
the best part -> the 70's dance! XD
if it's 70's then we will always talking about NEWS' Koi no ABO!
:D   :D
gotta see em here!~> PV Koi no ABO
bcoz NEWS are dem funny! XD
NEWS desss~! :D
ah, yabai~
this is supposed to be an Arashi's post~
can't mix them~ -.-"
btw, I'm done! :D

ohhh, last pic fo yah!
because I'm bias! hah XD
I'm so busy with JUMP lately~
missing my Ninooooo~ =3=

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

HB Sho-kun!


shashiburi da ne! 
it's been a while! ^o^/

know what~ I'm soooo busy that I couldn't update my blog~
so sorry kayh!

ok, that's a bluff! haha~ I'm lazy. *awkward smile*

ok, for Arashian~
it's 25th Jan guyssss~ it's sho-kun's birthday~!!! *throws confetti* \^^/*

Sho has become my niban since I knew Arashi last year~
so, just like other Johnnys birthday, let's do some pic and gif spamming!! :D
*pic and gif are not mine! credits given to d owner~ >_<*

Aiba will b following later.. n then my Nino tooo~! *gasp* @_@
I love this pic d most!
don't he looks like a gorgeous newscaster~
less than 3 sho-kun, less than 3~^^

He just love himself~ ^^
he has a good eyes in cute things!! ^_^
just like me~~~~ aaaaw~
he once said that being cute is a crime! :D
and basically fails at everything~ :(
especially VSA games! :D
well, he's still a hot newscaster! :D
he inspires Keii-chan from NEWS to pursue studies~
and the most hardworking idol I've ever seen~ ^^

once again,
Outanjoubi Omedetto Sho-kunnn~!!!
and get married already! 

p/s: Arashi is getting a new single~!!!
owyeahhhh~! ^^
it's called Wild at Heart
it's for MatsuJun's drama "Lucky 7"~ with keii-chan in it!! ^o^

owh, and
Sho will b in new TBS drama sp~! ^o^
d title is so long~ sorry! ^^"
ganbatte Sho-kunnn!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

medcine oo medcine~

uwaaaaa~ PANIC!!!!

my short case for Medicine posting is on Tuesday next week~

pleaseeee pray for me!
I'm scared of failing! huaaaaa~

sooooo manny to learn! D:

otchisukenasai Leez!!
ganbarimashou yo~! ^^

okay, to others as well~
especially my posting-mates: GUD LUCK GUYS!!!!

Tegomasu wishing Ganbatte! ^^

uwh! I can't wait for my JKM posting!
time please be faster~ 


oh yea~
sorry for the hiatus~^^"
I'm quite busy lately~(is it?)
I'll update the proper entry soon~ :)

aaaaaaaaand know what?
I'm hooked with Sakurai Sho~
OMG, doushiyou? D:
iya2~ dame2~ it can't be~
I must be faithful to Nino!! :D
Sho shall be my niban~ ^^

haha~ LOL
okay, i love Nino more~ XD

haaaaa~ gomen ne for this weird random entry....
I can't think~ @_@
my head full with physical examination..

hahaha~ ok, go study!
Ohno-kun says "go study n stop watching Arashi-related vids!"

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Arashi - Energy Song~Zekkochou Chou!!!!

here we go minna~!

it's Arashi new song yo~! :D

Energy Song~Zekkochou Chou!!!!

kyaaa~! I love this!! <3 <3

:D :D :D

~just listening to this song make me happy~

well, check out the lyrics and translation HERE~ ^^

La la la nante utatte mitara nanda Karuku natta ki ga shita

Kono manma nara ikeru ki ga suru Dokomademo zutto
Soko ni nani ga aru ka wakaranai kedo Dakara bokura wa arukunda
Minna wa dou suru? Nara kimari da! Issho ni aruitekou

We tried singing “la la la,” and what happened? Somehow, we felt lighter

If we keep going like this, it seems like we can do it To any place, forever
We don’t know if there’s actually something there That’s why we’re walking
What are you guys going to do? Then it’s decided! Let’s walk together

Sunday, October 30, 2011

back to KL~ holiday is over :(

the heart talks:
I dont wanna go back~!

I don't wanna go back~!




brain saying:
okayyyy~ that's it Leeza!
stop ur imagination~
go and pack ur things~

me: haaaaaiiiiiittt~ :'(

let's get excited for tomorrow beginning of SEM 6!
ngee heh~! =_="

Saturday, October 29, 2011

[PV] Arashi - Meikyuu Love Song

ARASHI new Single full PV revealed~!!!


huaa~ the boys look soo happy!
I'm happy too! :D

I apologize in advance~
I'm sure enough the vid will be taken down soon~
gomen ne! :D

haaa~ Neko Nino! :D
ehh~ Neko? chotto chigau?

oh yey! sweet~ sweet~ ^o^

J-Dramas Review

it's SATURDAY guys!!

which meaaaansss~ I have to go back to KL tomorrow! yaaaay~ =_="
ouuhh~ I hate this! holiday never enough for me~ :'(
the next posting is Internal Medicine~
the most cramped posting ever? @@ owell, we wait and see~
yosh! ganbarimashou!:D

okeh~ regarding the title above~
it's time for JDrama review!! :D

first, I would review on Dramas that Arashi starred in~ :)
Arashi sugoii yo!
every drama that one member starred in, the other member will appear as one small role~ :)
a member ai :)
the screenscaps I posted after I reviewed all the dramas kayh!~

Freeter, Ie wo Kau
starring Ninomiya Kazunari
about the drama--> HERE
the drama is sooo family like!
and at some point I think that I have the same exact problems that Seiji(Nino) had..
oh, I cried when Seiji(Nino) cried~ haha~ what a pathetic girl!
this Drama might seems boring because it implies a normal life of a man with problems..
in other words~ it's more interesting if ur ichiban is Neen~ :D

and the SP? uohhh~ I love it!
especially moments of Seiji and Manami~ ahaa~ sooo sweet~ <3
screencaps taken from raw vid bcoz I used softsub :)
*phone rings* "you have phone call"
haha~ what a bad timing! blame the phone~ XD

okay~ second Drama
starring Ohno Satoshi

about MAOU--> HERE 
Ohno-kun with Ikuta Toma~ yay~! ^o^
this is a great drama~ ^^
it's about revenge and something like that~
Ohno-kun mecha mecha kakkoi yo! this is the only place u can see sleepy riida with serious character~
fall. in. love! :D
oh, the name of the character is Naruse Tomoya (or Manaka Tomoo)

I love the ending~ :D
ooopss~ SPOILER!
haha~ XD

owryte~ moving to the third one
My Girl
starring Aiba Masaki
about My Girl --> HERE
ah~ this drama is sooooo sad~ T_T
it's about Masamune (Aiba-papa) with Koharu-chan (Ishii Momoka)~
a young guy raising a daughter~ it's tough ne?

Momo-chan sooo cute! ^^
she's a great actress~! the way she talk~ awww.. I died watching the over-cuteness!^^
[as usual, screencaps taken from raw vid]
"I don't know if it'll work.. but would you like to try living with me?"
awww~ soo cute! ^^
oh, don't ask me whether I cried or not~
that is a must right for a sad genre drama like this~

okey~ the drama from which Arashi members starred in: FINISH~
and I would like to share some screencaps that other members appears in every drama~

Aiba Masaki in Nino's Drama Freeter, Ie wo Kau
in last episode~ ^^
as Manami replacement
in Freeter SP
Ninomiya Kazunari in Ohno's Drama MAOU
in first episode
as murdered Kumada's son

Sakurai Sho in Aiba's drama My Girl
in last episode
as Aiba replacement
so, shall we expect the same thing in Sho-kun new drama NazoDi? :D
I wish I could see all Arashi members in one drama~ 
like those in movie Pikanchi and Kiroii Namida~ :)

ok, I want to add another Jdrama~ :D

Love Shuffle
it's sooo unlike me to watch Drama with no Johnnys Idol XD
about Love Shuffle --> HERE
this Drama was recomended by my friend~
it stays on my HD looong enough that I could finished two postings~ ^^"
but once I watched the first episode~ wuoh, seriously this is the best!
it's funny and sweet~ ^^

they gave each other nick names so cute!
usa-tan/ai-ai/kiku-rin/o-chan~ ^^ 
yay~ panda~ XD love these!
they make a pun such
furai PAN DA [fry pan]
PAN DA [a bread]
no PAN DA? XD lol

the other is Mr. Brain
About Mr. Brain --> HERE
this drama is amazing.. 
it's about a neuroscientist (Kimura Takuya) solving police thingy~
aaanndd I as a medical student who likes Neuro~ this drama is AWESOME!
it's funny and yet sooo "waaaaa" for me~ ^^

and every episode they got a great guest! waaaaa~ ^o^
omg~ he's sooo handsome! >.<
even he's acting like a mad guy here
Kamenashi Kazuya~!
as a DOCTOR! huaaa~ kame! XD
Takeru Sato~!!
uwaaa~ sooo much Ikemen in this Drama~ XD
he's acting as a guy with amnesia~ poor takeruu T_T

aaahhhh~ I think I should stop~ too much images in this entry~ XD
sorry if it's makes ur loading slow~ gomen~ m(_ _)m

okay! that's the Drama that I able to finished within these two weeks holiday~
and that includes rewatching Soukon and HanaDan.
also I managed to continue and finished Ikemen Desu Ne and Ouran Hostobu.. ^^
[it seems like Zenkai Girl need to wait a lil longer~ gomen Ryo-chan!:( ]
the movie also... it's GANTZ and Kiroii Namida :))

not to forget..the fangirling activity
JUMP show, VS Arashi, Himitsu no Arashi-chan, rewatching Concerts of Tegomasu and NEWS
haha~ I sure spend a LOT of time with my beloved HP naaa~ XD

my younger sis told me to stop playing with laptop and watch TV instead~ XD
that's because she never see me watching TV~ lol, that's true~
I never watched any drama or any shows on TV this 2 weeks holiday~
haha~ cruel huh? but I'm serious, I have no interest on watching TV~ ^^
I got plenty of J-STUFF to do! XD haha~
I'm a total Japanese freak and I'm proud of it~ ^^

 what a looong entry~ phew~

Friday, October 14, 2011

[PV] Arashi - Lotus (fakelyric)

this is tooo funny!

Arashi getting pissed at magazine which thinks they are too old to be in cover page magazine~ XD
it's a FAKE LYRIC! remember yah.. it's just some of the Arashian do it for the sake of their beloved~ ^^

"Just because Ohno's 30, doesn't mean all are 30"
haha~ EPIC! XD

oh btw, the TRUE LYRIC is here (Lyric & Translation) :)

**click on the gif if it doesn't work!><**
they doesn't look even more than 20 with the pose like this!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

2 weeks holiday starts now!

hey~ hey~
the exams is over yo~! ^^

all the burden now had been released from my heart~
I feel like wants to fly up to the skyyyyyyy~~~~ :D

post-mortem of the exams?
ah~ no need la kan? it's over right~
but one thing is~ OMG! OnG is a killer!! DX
the theory paper, the SP (Stimulated Patient) of the OSCE~ =_="
I'm speechless~ =/

oh well, Usaha-Doa-Tawakal
I've done the Usaha part~ now, Tawakal and Doa~ :)
I hope I can pass all paper~ ameen!
if not, oh well, it's just that my hardwork doesn't pay off~ :(
I need to work hard~ **reminding to not keep playing again next sem~! X(

let me pass~ let me pass~ let me pass~
u(_ _)u

btw, I'm gonna fill my 2 weeks holiday with maaaaaaaanny things~!!!
or else, I'm gonna regret later~ :D

first: going to J-FEST~!!!
I've been waiting for this~^^

FB : J-Fest 2011
jom~ jom~ kite g ramai2~! the place and date stated in the poster~ ^^
I will be going with my coursemates~ :D
ah~ with kak Alun and Ain too~! ^^

second: watching J-dorama non-stop!
ahhh~ I have a LOT of J-drama to watch..
that would include the one that I downloaded loooooong before but neva had a chance to watch it~
that would be
~Ikemen Desu Ne (with Hikaru-kuuuunnnn~!! ^^),
~Ouran Hostobu Live Action,
~Maou(with Ohno in it!! ><), -->ah, I'm soo late ne? I've dL-ed this before but I didn't watch yet~ =_="
~Zenkai Girl (with Ryo *silence, what an awkward situation*~ =_=")
~re-watching Hana Yori dango~ (ahh~ MatsuJun~! ^^)
~Freeter, Ie wo Kau
aaahhh~ Ninomiyaaaa~!! ^^
leez, u're bias! ><
~My Girl
kawaii janai no?
papa Aiba soo sweet! koharu too cute~ <3
Im sooo in love with this drama~ sooo saaad!! TT_TT
~ aaaaaaand upcoming drama of Sakurai Sho~!!^^
Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de
this will be the best!
it's sho-kun dakara ne~ :D

third which is the last~ FANGIRLING~!!
oh yey~! **sile excited sekarang~ haha~ :D
~ I'm gonna re-watching SOUKON.. 
variety which NEWS was on.. the yon-nin NEWS! [my prev post on soukon :)]
that's to make me familiarize with the new NEWS~ ^^
yappari~ the four was doing better from the start ne~

~ other is VS Arashi and other arashi-related video~
arare-chan so cute! haha~ ><
oh, I'm totally a new Arashian...**whisper: my bias is nino><
jya, Yoroshiku ne~ m(_ _)m

~ and lasttttt fangirling activities~ continue in watching Shounen Club and Yan-Yan JUMP for the sake of my beloved Jumpers~ ^^
I always love Hey!Say!JUMP performance in Shokura (Shounen Club)
they are sooo kakko-kawaiii~! ^^

ah~ I have so many JE favorite ne?
NEWS, Hey! Say! JUMP and Arashi~
maaa~ I'm a J-fan u kno~ or to be exact.. JE-fangirl~! :D

ok, with that...I end my entry with hope that I can fulfill all these activities~
ah~ it seems so un-productive ne?
but, who cares.. haha~ It's my holiday u kno~ ^^
I'll be spending lots of time with my beloved laptop HPpavillion~
please bear with me honey! >_<

jya, mata nee! ^^/