Thursday, April 01, 2010

Warning! Not for the faint of heart

Yesterday Tim found two snakes in our shed.  I warned you it was nasty and here you are still reading.  Well, you might as well see the rest I suppose...
The biggest one got stuck in one of our mouse traps.
It was still alive and wiggling around.
See this guy?  His face says, "My woman is a weenie!  This is so not a big deal."  Well, it sooo is a big deal.  Snakes are perhaps my most hated thing, aside from spiders.  I've tried to file restraining orders against all snakes and spiders so they can't be within 100 yards of me.  It hasn't worked so far.  It's just gross.  So today I am thankful for my snake-charming husband.  EEEEWWWW!


Christina said...

Oh that is bad! I hate spiders as well and lately they have formed an army against me. We've had so many in our house lately because the builder left a nice size gap under our door.

The Snow Queen said...

If he were a real man he would take off those gloves.

Julie said...

I'm totally with you. If there were a snake at my house, I'd just die. That's why we keep men around--to take care of the snakes and bugs!

Jodi said...

Blllaaaahhh, yuck & more bllaaahhhhh!!!!!!! Those snakes are nasty & gross me out. I can't believe you left out the part where he let all the kids pet the creature. Double yuck with yuck cherries on top!

iammommahearmeroar said...

One word...NASTY!!!! What is it with you guys and finding nasty animals lately? EEEEEWWW!

Margene said...

Poor little snake they just wanted to find a warm place to spend the night or winter. I am suprized the mouse trap didn't kill the one.