Thursday, April 29, 2010

Speed Racer

This guy was caught speeding today.  

Not with his ATV, or his bike-- with his feet.

This kid has got some major speed and a bit of a competitive spirit.  His friend challenged him to a race in the hall as school was letting out and well, he just couldn't say no.

When I pulled up to school to pick up the kids, the principal was waiting with Rugby.  She came up to my car and asked me if I could please remind Rugby not to run in the halls.  I told her that running was his thing and I'd do the best I could.  The last time he was on the wrong side of the law was PRESCHOOL.  (Go ahead check it out, it's stinking hilarious!)

When we got home Rugby said he wasn't going to talk about it.  If I wanted to talk, he'd listen but he wasn't saying a word.  Tim said he had one question, "Did you win?"

That was all it took.  He cracked a smile and admitted he crushed the other kid.

That's our boy!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Art Honors

Rugby and Breckyn had their art displayed in the Public Library this week.
Rugby did this dinosaur drawing.
Breckyn did this butterfly sculpture.

Congratulations on some great art guys!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Rugby

Rugby turned 7 today.

He had a great day filled with donuts, cards, presents, attention and toys.  This is our big boy playing with one of his latest obsessions, Tech Decks.  He also received lots of Iron Man stuff.  He was in heaven all day long.  Happy Birthday Buddy!  We love you!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Z

Today is Zoey's birthday.  This year she wanted to go horse back riding.  I was a little apprehensive considering this was the girl who was deathly afraid of our 3lb. puppy not too long ago.
The kids played at the petting zoo while they were waiting for their horses to come around.
What would a family outing be without Em checking out the potty?
The farm had a dog named Emerson.  He thought that was pretty cool.  It was 190 lb. dog that I'm pretty sure Em could have ridden as his horse.
Here they are on their horses.  They were loving it.
Riding off into the sunset...

Happy Birthday Zoey!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Pinky Q

Z is turning 9 tomorrow.

This week, as we were driving in the car, she said to me, "Mom, if I were a pop star my name would be Pinky Q."


Well, my girl is completely in love with the color pink.  She was dying to have this Webkinz (Dazzle the Daschund) for her birthday.  We surprised her with it this morning.  She quickly named her Pinky Q. 

Pinky Q is in the house yo!

Spring Flowers

Spring is here and I'm loving all of the colors.
I just can't help myself when it comes to flowers.  I stocked up as soon as I knew spring was here.
These are flowers that I planted in our front yard.  If you notice Mr. Sneaky on the left loves to dig in my pots.  He really likes the taste of flowers-- the little punk.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Libby Aleca Barlow

That's right, she's my little baby name sake.  I think I'm going to have to start cleaning up my act so she can have someone to look up to when she gets older.  If that doesn't work, I've always got oreos.  Every kid loves a good oreo and I'm just the girl to feed them to her.
See-- she already has my chubby cheeks.  I think we're going to get along just fine.

Monday, April 12, 2010

More Baby Pictures

Just a few more pictures of the new little Barlow baby.

Congratulations!  This is one good looking family!

Miss Bean with her newest tiny pet.  Watch out baby girl cause Chloe is on patrol.

She's here!

She's here!  Our newest little Barlow arrived this morning around 11:45 a.m.  She weighed in at a whopping 6lbs. 11oz.  She is 19 inches long.  She has been a quiet little presence and wide awake.  She has Jodi's butt chin, dark eyes and of course, the curly hair.  We still don't have a name, but give it a little time and they'll come up with something.

This guy is pretty smitten already.  I think they're going to keep her.

Congratulations Barlows!  Welcome to the world baby girl.  We love you already!

Epidural is in and she is at a 5.  We're just waiting for some more progression.  If we're lucky we'll have a baby by early afternoon.

Jodi is in the hospital and awaiting her Petosin.  She is already dialated to a 3 without drugs so we might be having this baby really quickly.  Go Jodi!  (Pictures are compliments of Barlow and his iphone.)

It's Go Time!

Here's our darling Preggo!  She's all ready to go deliver our newest little person.
She looks pretty happy about it cause it's go time!

This is for all of you that live so far away but still want to be a part in this big day.  I'll keep it updated as information comes in.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Taylor Fun

We are quickly winding down our spring break here in Taylorville.  The kids have had a great week with lots of outside play time.  Tonight was their last chance to get out a little energy before they are back to the daily grind of school.
Brothers gotta hug!  Moments after this picture they were back to wrestling in the grass again.
Big sister usually butts in (literally) and shows them who is boss.
Goob's face is starting to heal up but we are still working on his chocolate mustache.
This one is getting a little too old for her own good. (or mine)
This kid keeps me laughing.  He is quite the spaz these days.  It's a gift.
I just love this guy! 

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Rugby's Got Moves

Watch out ladies, he'll be hitting the scene in about 10 years.  Man, I love this kid!

Poor Emy

Em had a rough weekend-- a really rough weekend.  He was injured multiple times.
This number should look very familiar to my parents.  It's the classic nose burn of my youth.  He came about it in much the same way, only instead of using carpet, he used the trampoline.
Next, he bashed his knee by crashing into a tree.  (don't ask)
...and finally, he managed to get his hand slammed in the back door by the wind.  It took his nail clear off and I hit maximum freak out levels over this one.  (yes, I also find amusement in this picture)  My poor baby.  Don't worry; he is getting plenty of attention over his wounds.  But he will still gladly accept cards, flowers, candy, ice cream, money and credit cards, if you so choose.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Warning! Not for the faint of heart

Yesterday Tim found two snakes in our shed.  I warned you it was nasty and here you are still reading.  Well, you might as well see the rest I suppose...
The biggest one got stuck in one of our mouse traps.
It was still alive and wiggling around.
See this guy?  His face says, "My woman is a weenie!  This is so not a big deal."  Well, it sooo is a big deal.  Snakes are perhaps my most hated thing, aside from spiders.  I've tried to file restraining orders against all snakes and spiders so they can't be within 100 yards of me.  It hasn't worked so far.  It's just gross.  So today I am thankful for my snake-charming husband.  EEEEWWWW!