
Pada 10 haribulan 11, 2016, saya menerima jemputan dari Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja yang menjunjung titah perintah Majlis Raja-Raja untuk menghadiri Mesyuarat Majlis Raja-Raja Yang Ke-244 (Khas) di Istana Negara, Kuala Lumpur pada hari Selasa 13hb Disember 2016 bersamaan 13 Rabiulawal 1438H jam 11.00 pagi sempena Istiadat Melafaz dan menandatangani Sumpah Jawatan oleh Seri Paduka Baginda Sultan Muhammad V, Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-Lah, Timbalan Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Saya jawab bahawa saya akan hadir kerana saya anggap acara ini sebagai acara nasional yang tidak ada kaitan dengan mana-mana parti politik.
Pada 6hb Disember, 2016 saya terima surat dari Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja yang menyebut:
“Dengan hormat saya menyusuli undangan yang dihantar kepada YABhg Tun dan memaklumkan bahawa undangan tersebut adalah dibatalkan.
Surat ini bermaksud untuk mengelak sebarang kesipuan (embarrassment) jika YABhg Tun hadir pada hari dan ketika tersebut kerana Pejabat ini tiada menyediakan kerusi kepada YABhg Tun.”
Rupa-rupanya acara negara adalah sebahagian dari politik parti.
Saya minta maaf kerana membuat anggapan yang salah. Saya akan ambil ingatan bahawa Istana Negara adalah milik Najib dan Parti Barisan Nasional. - Che Det
Terima Kasih.
Istana Negara belongs to Najib and BN...
In a blog post, the former premier said he received an invitation last month, and accepted it because he believed it was a national event which is apolitical.
"It turns out that a national event is part of a political party (event),” he added.
Without mincing words, Mahathir also suggested that the cancellation could be related to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
"I apologise for making the wrong assumption (that the palace is above politics). I will note now that Istana Negara belongs to Najib and BN," he said.
Yesterday, an aide to the former premier confirmed that a letter was hand-delivered to the Perdana Foundation office in Putrajaya informing Mahathir of the cancellation.
The letter, dated Dec 5, said mentioned that no seat would be provided at the event for Mahathir and that the former premier was being informed of this beforehand to spare him any embarrassment if he attended.
The letter bore the signature of the keeper of the ruler's seal Syed Danial Syed Ahmad.
Kelantan's Sultan Muhammad V will succeed Kedah's Sultan Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah effective Dec 13 and be installed as the 15th Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Perak's Sultan Nazrin Muizzudin Shah was appointed the Deputy Yang di-Pertuan Agong. - mk
drngsc - So sad. Najis has place the King squarely in his personal politic vendetta. Najis should know that the King is above politics and he should respect that. Be that as it may, I hope that all Malays in the Kampong can see that Najis no longer respect Malay customs and tradition. He is being disrespectful to his elders. That is not how a good Malay should behave.
Anonymous_4020 - You invited a person willingly and he then accepted your invitation with an open heart. Then you tell him later that you got no seat for him and he is not invited. Some where along the way we have lost our common courtesy that Malaysian are proud of
Nans Man - Skrg kita nmpk kn plitik mlyu, hati mlyu, dendam mlyu, pmikiran mlyu, dgki mlyu, iman mlyu, tindakan mlyu dll yg mlibatkn mlyu? Aku malu dgn mlyu, ada ke bgsa lain dlm komplot ini? pasti tiada! Sama2lh kita rkyt mnonton wayang pmmpin kita.
Abu Bakar Selamar - Melayu dah makin jd lembu bawah jibon.otak makin jd tahi.bangsa lain hilang hormat pd melayu perasuah.Mungkin akibat makan lebihan dedak expired ladang lembu NFC.
Apa ‘gomen DAP’ buat
kat Kampung Mutiara...
Semalam, isu Kampung Mutiara, Batu Ferringghi naik lagi dalam Utusan Malaysia. Ia cuba menggambarkan bahawa ‘kerajaan DAP’ Pulau Pinang ini jahat, tidak pedulikan nasib orang Melayu.
Soalnya, sebelum kita bertanya benarkah nasib kampung Melayu ditindas kerajaan negeri, kita perlu tanya adakah dakwaan Utusan itu benar? Atau sekadar manipulasi fakta.
Apa yang perlu diketahui sebelum itu? Tanah Kampung Mutiara dibeli sekitar tahun 2007- sebelum Pakatan jadi kerajaan. Keduanya, tindakan mahkamah dimulakan pemilik tanah dan isu tersebut melibatkan tiga pihak iaitu pemilik tanah, pemaju dan penduduk asal.
Dalam kes mahkamah ini, kerajaan negeri tidak terbabit. Namun, ‘kerajaan DAP’ mengambil langkah proaktif membela nasib penduduk Melayu kampung tersebut menuntut supaya penduduk diberi pampasan setimpal dan tidak akan meluluskan sebarang projek jika pampasan setimpal tidak diberikan.

“Bagaimanakah Kerajaan Negeri boleh dikatakan lepas tangan apabila wakil-wakil rakyat Pakatan Harapan termasuk saya sendiri telah terlibat dalam usaha mempertahankan penduduk Kampung Mutiara daripada tindakan pengusiran yang dikenakan oleh mahkamah?” soal Ahli Parlimen Bukti Bendera Zairil Khir Johari dalam satu kenyataan terbarunya.
Jika Utusan Malaysia masih mahu membakulsampahkan segala fakta sahih dari kerajaan negeri berhubung isu itu, mungkin sudah sampai masa Utusan rujuk sendiri ucapan yang diberikan Ketua UMNO Bukit Bendera, Datuk Ahmad Ismail.
Pada Ogos 2015, Datuk Ahmad Ismail menyatakan penghargaannya kepada Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang, khususnya Datuk Rashid Hasnon dan Zairil sendiri atas usaha untuk membantu penduduk kampung.
Beliau berkata, isu Kampung Mutiara bukannya isu politik dan tidak seharusnya diputar belitkan oleh sesiapa pun.
Usaha Kerajaan Negeri telah pun diiktiraf oleh Ketua UMNO Bukit Bendera Datuk Ahmad Ismail yang secara terbuka memuji sikap bekerjasama kepimpinan Kerajaan Negeri bagi memastikan kebajikan penduduk terpelihara. Adakah Datuk Ahmad Ismail akan turut difitnah oleh Utusan? –Roketkini.com
Jemputan Dr M ke majlis Agong
dibatal pasai tak dak kerusi...
The first line of his letter says : "Dengan hormat saya menyusul undangan yang dihantar kepada YABhg Tun dan memaklumkan bahawa undangan tersebut adalah dibatalkan."
Is this really representative of the DYMM Raja-Raja Melayu? I am positive the DYMM Raja-Raja Melayu have sent numerous invitation letters before, including to past Prime Ministers, to attend official functions.
I am guessing this but I dont think the DYMM Raja-Raja Melayu have ever cancelled any invitation to a former Prime Minister to attend an official function, especially something as important as the installation of a new YDP Agong. This would be a first.
And the reason is also given. There are two reasons.
1. Surat ini bermaksud untuk mengelak sebarang kesipuan (embarrassment) jika YABhg Tun hadir pada hari dan ketika tersebut
2. Kerana Pejabat ini tiada menyediakan kerusi kepada YABhg Tun'
Bear in mind this letter is from the Pejabat Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja Malaysia. It represents the DYMM Raja-Raja Melayu.
In the logic sequence, No 2 comes first ie the Penyimpan Mohor Besar Raja-Raja Malaysia is saying that there will be no chair for Tun Dr Mahathir to sit on.
"kerana Pejabat ini tiada menyediakan kerusi kepada YABhg Tun"
I believe the new Istana was built at over RM4 billion. This would include sufficient chairs and tables. I suppose they are short of just one chair.
I have a question : if the issue is a shortage of chairs to seat the guests, then how did they decide to cancel Dr Mahathir's chair ?
Why not cancel the invitation to the Ambassador from Myanmar? Then there will be an extra chair.
Why not cancel the invitation to the United States Attorney General? Then there will be an extra chair.
I mean why not cancel the invitation to someone else, instead of canceling the longest serving, the most successful and the most highly respected Prime Minister that Malaysia has ever had?
Something does not tally here. Do the DYMM Raja-Raja Melayu really want to cancel this invitation to Tun Dr Mahathir ? It is being done in their name.
I have another question. What if Dr Mahathir says "I will still come. I dont need a chair to sit on. I will remain standing." Oops ! Then the embarrassment will be on the other foot.
The other reason given is to avoid kesipuan (embarrassment).
Some Malay scholar has written, 'Melayu itu adalah pada majlisnya.." Meaning the Malay character is defined by how a Malay behaves and carries himself at public ceremonies and functions.
If the Penyimpan Mohor Besar wants to cancel the invitation, then just say so, politely with regrets and apologies. I am certain Tun Dr Mahathir will understand.
There is no need to say things like
i. 'untuk mengelak sebarang kesipuan (embarrassment)' or
ii. 'Pejabat ini tiada menyediakan kerusi kepada YABhg Tun'.
By the way shouldnt it be 'Pejabat ini tiada menyediakan kerusi untuk YABhg Tun'.
Most certainly this cancellation was done to save the Chief Kleptocrat and the Band of Thieves from suffering severe embarrassment. You dont need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.
I believe the eight other DYMM Raja-Raja Melayu or their representatives will be attending this Royal Inauguration. I wonder what they will think. Who is coming from Johor?

Anyway here is something from the Quran. But as you know, few people care about what the Quran says. Here goes :
Surah 58:11 : Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Apabila diminta kepada kamu memberi lapang dari tempat duduk kamu (untuk orang lain) maka lapangkanlah seboleh-bolehnya supaya Allah melapangkan (segala halnya) untuk kamu. Dan apabila diminta kamu bangun maka bangunlah, supaya Allah meninggikan darjat orang-orang yang beriman di antara kamu, dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan - beberapa darjat. Dan Allah Maha Mendalam PengetahuanNya tentang apa yang kamu lakukan.
It is a commandment from Allah that you should make room for other people to sit down.
I think offering a 91 year old elder (who has served his country and his people for so long and with such great distinction) a chair to sit down would certainly capture the true budaya or culture of the Malay.
Melayu adalah pada majlisnya . . wrote the Malay scholar.
Somehow 'Pejabat ini tiada menyediakan kerusi kepada YABhg Tun' does not seem to fit this description. - ostb
Syed Hassan Syed Ali - Istiadat Pertabalan YDP Agong biasanya mana-mana penerima Anugerah Tun dijemput apa lagi bekas seorang PM. Tapi sebaliknya tidak berlaku kpd Tun M untuk Pertabalan YDP Agong yg baru pd tidak lama lagi.
Difahamkan jemputan awal kpd Tun telah Tun jawab akan hadir. Tu yg mereka terkejut ingatkan bila hantar jemputan pasti Tun tak mahu hadir sbb depa ingat Tun tak mahu serempak dengan Najib; sebab tu depa hantar surat susulan memaklumkan tak ada tempat duduk disediakan untuk Tun di majlis tu....he...he..he..depa ni baru kenal Tun kaaa..??
Ramai kata jemputan Tun dibatalkan tetapi bila dibaca betul2 surat itu menyatakan cuma kerusi tidak disediakan bukan tidak dijemput atau jemputan dibatalkan. Cuma memaklumkan tempat duduk tidak disediakan.
Ayatnya kira bahasa halus utk nyatakan jemputan kpd Tun M dibatalkan. Itu yg sebenar. Tapi itu adalah bahasa biadap terhadap seorang Negarawan bergelar Tun. Walau Tun M bukan lagi menyokong atau separti dgn UMNO, beliau tetap seorang Negarawan dan bergelar Tun. Masakan tokoh2 biasa boleh disediakan tempat duduk tetapi tidak boleh sediakan kepada seorang Negarawan bergelar Tun? Yang biadapanya bahasa ini adalah bermaksud kalau Tun M nak datang tiada masalah tapi kena berdirilah sbb tempat duduk Tun M tidak disediakan.
Yang paling biadap adalah menyatakan kpd Tun M bahawa tempat duduk tidak disediakan setelah dijemput hadir kepada seorang tokoh yang menerima Pingat DK (Darjah Kerabat) Kelantan negeri YDP Agong yg angkat sumpah pada hari tersebut.
Cakap je lah orang tu takut nak bertembung muka dgn Tun M kan senang..!!! He..he..he jangan terperanjat kalau Tun M muncul juga sbb jemputan masih valid cuma tak ada tenpat duduk je...Tun M tiba nanti di Istana Negara dan kata "Tak pa laaa...saya berdiri pun tak apa...saya nak saksikan juga YDP Agong baru angkat sumpah"..agak2 depa nak biarkan Tun M berdiri kaa..??
Gerard Lourdesamy - It is not the installation ceremony but only the oath taking ceremony. The installation is usually held in April next year. Invitations are at the behest of the federal government and not the Agong or the Conference of Rulers. In fact it is handled by the Ceremonial and Protocol Division of the PM's Department. The new Agong should intervene and put a stop to this misuse of his name. What sort of Malay adat and custom is this? As a Tun and former PM, Mahathir is entitled to receive an invitation for state functions and he takes precedence ahead of the Cabinet. Perhaps the invitations should be limited to kleptocrats and looters of the nation's coffers. Any reign that starts on such an ill footing does not bode well for the nation. Political differences should not be used to embarass and humiliate national leaders who have served the country well.
Ferdtan - Fact 1: the invitation was extended from the Conference of Rulers to Dr Mahathir to attend the installation of the next di-Pertuan Agong on Dec 13 at the Istana Negara.Fact 2:Then the invitation was withdrawn on the 5 Dec. By the same party.Question1: The occasion will be held at Istana Negara meaning shouldn't the Rulers have their prerogative to invite their own guests? Question2: What does it mean that the excuse of pre-warning Dr Mahathir to spare him embarrassment that no chair will be provided for him?Why the indirect way of telling Mahathir that he was not welcome? Was the wording as a kind of putting the blame to the one who “ordered” the reversal? Who was it? It is not hard to imagine.We thought that our rulers are supreme; that anyone who acts against the wishes of the sultans/Agong is committing treason, isn’t it?
Mohd Alli Mat - Apa lagi perkara2 buruk yg belum dilakukan terhadap Tun Dr Mahathir oleh regim sekarang ni. Aku rasa tak jadi hal pada Tun kalau tak d jemput pun. Cuma ia menunjukkan satu lagi reaksi atau tindakan pemimpin2 kerajaan yg menunjukkan kedangkalan pemikiran atau mentaliti yg sangat rendah. Pada hal upacara ni tak de kena mengena dgn politik pun. Sebagai bekas saorang Perdana Menteri dan Elder Statesman yg banyak berjasa kepada negara ape salah nya kalau Tun d jemput. Perangai macam budak budak. Ini lah ape yg d katakan orang "first world facility but third world mentality"

Foreign investors dumping
more M'sia shares on the KLSE...
Here is more scary news. This is more relevant :
The net amount of Malaysian equity sold by foreign investors amounts to -RM780.5 million, up 58.2 percent from the week before (-RM493.3 million).
According to a report by MIDF Research's strategy team, this amounts to a "heavy tide" out of Malaysian equity, which was less evident in other Asian markets.
Read more: https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/365265#ixzz4S3jG1Ynw
This will not be relevant to any of the kleptocrats. Maybe not even the PNBs, ASBs, EPFs, KWAPs, GLCs etc that do invest in the stock market.
Neither will this news be of any relevance to the ikan bakar operators and their lot.
Felda FGV raised RM9.3 billion from their IPO in 2012. What happened to that RM9.3 billion?
In 2010 Felda borrowed RM6 billion (??) from EPF for a replanting exercise. Talk is Felda is having problems servicing the loan, let alone paying back the principle amounts. RM6 billion repayable over say 20 years is RM300 million a year. Or RM50 million a month - principle alone.
The question is what is EPF doing?
If the businesses dont pay EPF caruman even for one month, EPF will send lawyers letters.
Now EPF has loaned out RM6 Billion to Felda in 2010. Have they paid back? Is the loan current?
Now Felda is short of cash (Felda proper, FGV etc). Can they pay back RM300 million a year to EPF?
But I believe Felda has said they have not enough money for replanting. So what happened to that RM6 billion EPF laon that was supposed to be used for replanting?
As late as 2004, Felda had huge cash reserves maybe RM6 billion to RM8 billion? Correct me if I am wrong. Whats a few billion in Malaysia anyway?
So RM9.3 bil from IPO + RM6.0 bil loan from EPF + cash reserves RM6 - 8 bil = RM23 billion.
Where did all this money go?
Felda shares have 'bounced' to RM1.60+ . Strong buying support from GLCs ?? Ikut arahan?
Do you all understand what is going on?
You are going to be poor. - ostb

Ayub Khan Confirms Malaysia
Extradited People To US...
The Royal Malaysia Police (RMP) foiled 14 attempts by the Islamic State (IS) militant group to stage attacks in Malaysia, it was revealed here.
Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay, principal assistant director of the Counter Terrorism Division of the Special Branch in Bukit Aman, said the public only knew of the IS militant attack on an entertainment centre in Puchong, Selangor, on June 28.
"They also have five groups of hackers. A Kosovo national studying at a private institution of higher learning in Malaysia had hacked the website of a company, stolen the personal details of United States soldiers and passed them to IS.
"We arrested him and he was extradited to the United States, and he has been tried and sentenced to 20 years in prison," he said. Read full article here...
Let us keep this in mind. Tomorrow if the US asks the Police here to arrest MO1, step son, Jho Low and the band of thieves and extradite them to the US, please do not say that there are no extradition treaties between Malaysia and the US or that there is no precedent.
Extradition treaty covers individuals as well as groups of any nationality. Let us keep this Kosovo student extradition in mind. Folks, it is you who must remember this. - ostb




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