Tuesday, May 8, 2012


After Aaron asking a few times a made a choice to be adventures and kayak down the river with him.  My sister Kammie took the kids down with us to watch and get a few pictures since I thought that they my be the last pictures that I would ever have since I would most likely die.  I think my heart raced most of the run for one reason or an other, but I did survive.  now with that all said and done I will for sure go again, it was so fun and not as bad as I thought it would be.  

Aaron has been having lots of fun on the river this year and has really been learning a lot with his new found hobby.  I am grateful for a husband who encourages me to get out of my comfort zone and try new things.  
P.S. we are so sad right now one of our favorite place to go and kayak was the lake that is close by our house, but because of mussels in the lake is closed to any boats, the kids are so sad that they don't get to take there kayak out right now.

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