Sunday, May 20, 2012


There was a solar eclipse today. For those who did not have glasses, sorry about the permanent blindness. The sun turned into a ring of fire as is was blocked by the moon. The college had a little sun party and had a bunch of telescopes set up so we could watch the eclipse.  It was AWESOME!! One of the ways that we looked at the sun was using some old film negatives ( because my husband is to cheap to buy a solar filter for my telescope) ok not really the truth is (my grandma said that is what they used back in the day)  We were able to look directly into the sun without any permanent blindness....although the drive home was pretty exciting.
We were also able to get a few pictures using different sun filters that people had and even a telescope.

 It was awesome to see one of the beautiful displays that Heavenly Father created for us.   I am so grateful for the world, and I am in awe at the amazing wonders that we are able to enjoy here on earth.

 Not the best picture of the boys, but had to use it anyway.  They had just looked through the telescope and had there first real glance at the eclipse, they thought that it was so cool and on the way home Sam figured out that he will be on his mission the next time that we can see one from here. (that will be in 11 years)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Let's Go Fly A Kite

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


After Aaron asking a few times a made a choice to be adventures and kayak down the river with him.  My sister Kammie took the kids down with us to watch and get a few pictures since I thought that they my be the last pictures that I would ever have since I would most likely die.  I think my heart raced most of the run for one reason or an other, but I did survive.  now with that all said and done I will for sure go again, it was so fun and not as bad as I thought it would be.  

Aaron has been having lots of fun on the river this year and has really been learning a lot with his new found hobby.  I am grateful for a husband who encourages me to get out of my comfort zone and try new things.  
P.S. we are so sad right now one of our favorite place to go and kayak was the lake that is close by our house, but because of mussels in the lake is closed to any boats, the kids are so sad that they don't get to take there kayak out right now.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hiking to the Anasazi Arch!

My sister and I have been wanting to go on this hike for a while now so last week we loaded the kids up and off we went to find this arch.  The boys loved it, Sam was our trail guide and Garret followed not far behind.  Ellisa was a trooper and loved the hike also.

 This was our first view of the arch, the boys got so excited when they finally saw it to get there fast.

Me and my cool adventures kids

Sam is such a fun boy right now he reads so much and it seems to make his imagination soar.  This picture is of him sketching a bird in his adventure book that he keeps.


Brothers and best buds


Aunt Meme and the kids

This arch is really cool and wasn't a bad hike.  We can't wait to go back and go with Aaron he was sad that he couldn't go.


The boys have both loved being on a soccer team.  They grew so much and both really improved in their game.  Sam had a coach that was perfect for him he really learned to love the game and worked really hard.  Here are a few shots from spring 2012 season.

Garret had a rough start for the season because the soccer association here in town lost some of his info so after lots of phone calls we finally got him on a team 1 month late.  Thanks to a friend that was coaching a team just older than him he was able to go to a few practices in before being put on his own team.

Garret ended up becoming a aggressive player and scored any where from 1-6 goals at each game!

Ice cream from Vanilla Moose for celebration of soccer being over.

 These are a couple shots of Ellisa she loved to sit and cheer for her brothers at there games.
She love to carry her little purse around.  Getting ready to go.

Curls at the game!