The State Archives has put up a special exhibition titled `Captain Tun Datu Haji Mustapha Datu Harun'. According to the archive's director Datu Tigabelas Datu Zainal Abidinthe exhibition was in commemoration with Tun Mustapha, the first Sabah Governor and third Chief Minister.
When a reporter asked Datu 13 why Tun Mustapha and not other leaders like Tun Fuad, the director said, `Stephens was a separuh orang putih (half white)." Yesterday Datu 13 clarified that he it was never his intention to discriminate any personality leaders.
Datu 13 said Tun Mustapha was chosen as Tun Fuad who was an Eurasian was involved in the formation of Malaysia, compared to Tun Mustapha who played a vital role during the Japanese invasion right up to the formation of Malaysia.
My Say:
According to history book, Tun Mustapha is half Suluk, half Bajau. Datu 13 failed to mentioned the other half of Tun Fuad which is Kadazandusun. Tun Fuad's relatives can testify this anytime. In my early days as reporter, I had met and interviewed Tun Fuad who upon knowing me a native, answered my questions in Kadazan. I had also interviewed Tun Mustapha, he spoke in Bajau Suluk.