Showing posts with label Randomness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Randomness. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Random phone Pics

What kid doesn't want a huge container of cheese balls?

 He stole Adam's sun glasses and didn't want to give them back

 Waiting for Claire's recital to start.

 Adam made no bake cookies one night - I ate my fair share and probably 1/2 of his!  haha they were soo good!
 The quality of this one isn't so great, but I love this picture of Rigs - Mom thinks she has one somewhere of her that looks a lot like it! 

 This is the rose Adam gave me a few weeks ago - it opened so pretty

 Aunt Mandy let Parker ride the horse outside of WalMart one day - he didn't want to get off.

 Stud with a haircut
 Mom and I were cleaning things one day and Parker was sitting at the table coloring - when I came to check on him, I found him like this!  Poor Kid!
 My brother, Kev, and his wife, Sarah, took us to an Astros vs Red Sox game.  The seats were amazing - on the first baseline row 9!!  We had a lot of fun even though the Astros lost!  My $7.75 ball park nachos were so good and Adam's $8.50 burger wasn't to bad either - I just wish he had waited in line to put something on it besides cheese!

 My mom, Kari and Matt kept Parker for us and we brought Rigs! 

 She slept a few innings in Aunt Sarah's lap!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I didn't realize how hard life would be with two kids.  Don't get me wrong - I got pretty lucky with two amazing kids - Riglee usually sleeps from 10pm until 9 or 10am and when we can get Parker in bed and to sleep, he'll sleep until 8 or 9am.

Riglee hardly cries - usually it's because she's starving or wants attention. 

Parker loves laying by her on the mat on the floor or on the bed. 

He holds her hand in the car.

He really is a great big brother.

However, adventuring out with two kids, not so easy...
At the grocery store, Parker has to be buckled in or he climbs out so I have to put him in the seat belt - which means Riglee's car seat ends up in the back which leaves little to no room for anything!  Hence the reason when I have both of them, I only get a few things or I go to HEB because their carts have seats for two.

I've been slacking going to the gym - it's just been to hard to get there - but I def need to start back up.

We went and watched Kung Fu Panda 2 this weekend with Adam's fam - Parker only liked the action scenes.  He got bored during the rest of it.  We saw previews for Happy Feet 2, Cars 2, and ZooKeeper and Parker said that he wanted to go see them.  We shall see.  ZooKeeper seems like another Night at the Museum type show - except it's a zoo.  We'll see -

When Parker says "Who's That" it sounds like, "Oh s***".  Not good - Kari told Mom that it sounded like "Oh Shoot (you know because we don't curse)" and Parker repeated her and said "Oh Shoot".  We really have to watch what we say around him. 

He throws tantrums like no other.  He's spoiled rotten and somebody usually gives him what he wants - but not all the time.  We have started holding our ground and telling him no.  That means he cries, but that's life. 

He knows how to work the Ipod and Ipad - He can pull up netflix and pick a movie, he can play games, he's pretty smart for only being two.  I swore that my kid would never use them as much as he does, but with Adam being the tech guru that he is, he gives in and gives them to Parker.  He says it's okay - he's learning...

It seems like life has been so busy lately with everything and we can't keep up.  Adam is on his last part of school - only 3 or 4 weeks left and then he will be done and graduates in August!  I am super proud of him for sticking to it and working so hard.  I asked him if he was going to go on to do his Doctorate and he said not for a while haha - Poor kid is tired of school after getting his Bachelors and Masters. 

He will be able to teach classes online with his Masters though - So if you are taking online classes from Lamar this fall, look for a class from him!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

On the News Last Year

Summer Fashion Flip Flops

I was on the news last year for flip flops my sister and I were making - I wanted to put the like somewhere so I wouldn't lose it! haha

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Brrr It's Cold

This is the picture Adam emailed me this morning when he got to work - This is the fountain outside his office (Kari's Office too - they work in buildings next to each other).  It's so cold here!  They are saying it could snow Friday Morning.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Random Notes for Myself

January 3 - We finally decided on a name for our little girl - Riglee Madalyn

I'm sure she will probably get made fun of and asked what flavor of gum she is supposed to be or why her parents would name her after a baseball field etc.  Honestly - Adam made the name up.  I was at Time Out for Women with my sister and Adam called me and said that he was watching Friday Night Lights I believe and he heard one of the guy's name and from there made up Riglee.  I was skeptical at first, but it really has grown on me and I kinda like it now.  There were so many ways to spell it, but for some reason I keep going back to this one!
I picked out Madalyn.  After looking at thousands of girl names, this one just stuck.

We made a list the other night of the words Parker can say and we are up to 145 - the doctor said he should be able to say at least 50 so I think we are good!  He's a smart kid and copies everything we say.  So we have to watch what we say and watch around him! 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Feeling Accomplished or Something Like That...

I love having a productive day and actually getting things done off my to-do list!  I haven't had a productive day in a long time because I've been so tired and lazy and haven't felt like doing anything...

I guess because the baby will be here in less than a month, I'm nesting or attempting to anyways.

I've gone through several buckets (that I never unpacked when we moved) and thrown a lot of stuff away that we don't need, don't use, it's broken, etc.

I've gone through my clothes and Adam's trying to get rid of clothes we don't wear anymore.  (I didn't get rid of any of my pre-pregnancy clothes yet though because who knows what will fit and what I will wear when I am back to normal.  (Though I have only gained 4 lbs so far this pregnancy total!! - I've lost some and gained some but as of right now I am 4 lbs more than I was at my first ob appointment!!)

I started cutting up all the t-shirts we don't wear to make another t-shirt quilt.  It seems that's the best way to save old t-shirts you don't want to get rid of due to sentimental value etc.  We have tons!  I made one for me back in High School and started one for my little sister that same year - I finally finished her's and gave it to her for Christmas!  I have all of the sleeves and collars and backs that I'm not using cut off.  I just have to square them up and put it all together!  Hopefully one day soon!  I still have a few more shirts to cut up - but I have to wait for Adam's approval since they are his.  Some of his I knew I could cut up...others I'm not so sure of!

I've cleaned the big portion of our bathroom which consists of the garden tub, 2 counters, the sink, and 4 mirrors!  I only have the closet shower, toilet and floor to go.  I needed a break after bending and all that jazz.  I told Adam that starting tonight he will have to start showering in the hall bathroom because that's where I shower (it's a bigger shower - not a tiny closet or stand shower or whatever you want to call it) and I don't want to have to scrub two showers again before the baby comes!  Haha I'm a mean wife!  Parker just might have to start taking his baths in there as well so that I don't have to clean that huge garden tub again for a while - I have decided that I don't think they are worth it! haha

Looking at the list I suppose it doesn't look like much, but it's more than I've done in one day in a long time it seems! :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I've been totally lazy.  Haven't done much.  I do the laundry when it's absolutely necessary.  I do the dishes every day because I don't want to give an invitation to any critters or rodents to move in.  I hate cleaning the bathrooms, so I only do it when absolutely necessary. 

However, today I've been in cleaning mode. 
1.  Cleaned shower in Master Bath - I never use that shower so I didn't realize how gross it had gotten.  It's nice and clean now!
2.  Cleaned toilet in Master Bath
3.  Cleaned shower in Hall Bath - I use the one down the hall because the one in the Master Bath makes me fell claustrophobic.  You see it's one of those itty bitty closet showers and I can't stand those!  It's needed it for a few days now, but I haven't really felt like it.  But it's totally clean now!
4.  Cleaned toilet in Hall Bath
5.  Washed 1 load of darks and 2 loads of towels - I don't mind doing a load of laundry because it makes me feel like I can say I've done something that day other than be a total bum and sit on my butt watching tv! 
6.  Put away both loads of laundry that have come out of the dryer.
7.  Had dinner ready when the husband walked in - major accomplishment for me - that's 2 days in a row!
8. Loaded, unloaded and reloaded dishwasher with dinner dishes
9.  Organized the top of Adam's Closet
10.  Sorted through Parker's baby clothes and pulled out clothes for the new baby and clothes for a family friend.
11.  Sorted through a bucket of crap and thrown half of the crap away - because I hate keeping stuff we don't need.  Adam likes keeping "cool" things and I always throw everything away because I hate clutter and crap every where!

Now I am totally exhausted and need a nap.  I did manage to get a bath today as well so that is an accomplishment right?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'm a Total Dork

Last night I washed a cookie sheet, pizza pan and cutting board by hand and put them in the oven to dry.  I know what you are going to say...Don't ever put something in the oven that can't go in there...

Well I knew that I would check the oven before I turned it on again...hahaha yeah right!!
I turned the oven on today to preheat it to make dinner and a little while later I started smelling something.  It finally clicked that I put that cutting board in there.  I opened the oven and got it out as fast as I could and took it out.  It was too late!  It had already melted some.  Luckily I had the cookie sheet underneath it so it wasn't that bad of a mess.  Adam came home just about then and cleaned everything up for me.  The house no longer smells like burnt plastic and the oven is totally cleaned out now.  I still cooked dinner at my grandma's tonight just it case though!

Check out the pictures of the burnt cutting board...

Two sides were hanging over the pan and that's where it was melting. This is the bottom side...

Monday, August 2, 2010

I Absolutely LOVE...

Nutter Butters!!!

Not just any Nutter Butters, but the Nutter Butter Creme Patties - They are so freaking good!!! :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Paybacks are Tough

When Adam and I were dating, we'd talk on the phone late at night like most dating couples do.  At times I would fall asleep and when he would say something to wake me up I'd be so out of it that I would blurt out random things like bugspray and give me back my pen.  Adam laughed and thought it was funny. 

Well last night it was Adam's turn.  I was watching America's Got Talent (you know off the dvr so I could fast forward through commercials and the nasty and gross acts) and Adam was sound asleep.  Out of no where he said "It's my job to make noise".  I'm not really sure what he was dreaming about.  Maybe the fact that I make him turn down his radio low and the tv low and he is tired of it so he was fighting with me in a dream and that was his comeback?  I'm not to sure, but I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that randomly blurts things out!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

We have been so busy lately and I have a lot of good stuff to tell you! But it is naptime, so I am going to take advantage of it while I can! I promise to post everything that has been going on! Honest! I will!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Broken Door, New Home, Rich Uncle (Random Huh haha)

So I feel someone should buy us or build us a house with 3 or 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with a huge tub to relax in and a shower that you don't get claustrophobic in. I mean I love our home because it's a roof over our head and somewhere to sleep at night etc. But if things keep breaking I just might go insane!

Yesterday when I opened my bedroom door (I keep it closed during the day so it is cooler in there at night - its hard for the window unit to keep up with it open) it fell off the top hinge and the door split a little. The kitchen sink leaks. The closet door fell off it's hinges a few weeks ago. Its' just crazy!

Where is the rich uncle or family member when you need/want them??? Do they even exist in every family because I don't think I have one in mine!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What are your Thoughts on Tattoos?

I'm curious to see what people think about tattoos.
Do you love them?  Hate them?  Are you indifferent? 

Personally, I don't like them at all.  I would never get one because 1. I hate needles absolutely hate them.  and 2. I think they look tacky.  Why would someone want to cover their body with pictures (albeit some are actually cool or pretty) and ink?  Why would you go through something like that? 

The prophet of our church, Gordon B Hinckley, said in 2001,

"I recently spoke to your mothers and your fathers. Among other things, I talked with them about tattoos. What creation is more magnificent than the human body? What a wondrous thing it is as the crowning work of the Almighty. Paul, in writing to the Corinthians, said: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
“If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are” (1 Cor. 3:16–17).
Did you ever think that your body is holy? You are a child of God. Your body is His creation. Would you disfigure that creation with portrayals of people, animals, and words painted into your skin?
I promise you that the time will come, if you have tattoos, that you will regret your actions. They cannot be washed off. They are permanent. Only by an expensive and painful process can they be removed. If you are tattooed, then probably for the remainder of your life you will carry it with you. I believe the time will come when it will be an embarrassment to you. Avoid it. We, as your Brethren who love you, plead with you not to become so disrespectful of the body which the Lord has given you."

I feel that if the prophet has said to Avoid it and to not be disrespectful to my body, I definitely wouldn't get one.

With that being said...How do you feel about getting eyeliner tattooed on?  It's like make-up right?  It will save you and extra few seconds when putting on make-up.  But should you do it?  What are your thoughts?

You can read the whole talk from President Hinckley here.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Adam decided the other night that he wanted to cut his hair. I told him he couldn't do it in the bathroom because it always makes a mess. So he went out on the front porch to cut it. Do you like his choice in shoes for the occasion?

It's sooo short!

"I will cut you"

I was tired of all of Parker's Stuffed Animals being all over the floor and in a bucket so we headed to Academy with my $5 gift card I told you about here and bought this fish net. It is bigger than the ones you get online made for stuffed animals and it was around the same price. Bigger is almost always better!

Friday, January 1, 2010

It's 2010!

We had a dull New Years Eve. Up at 9:30 with Parker. Back down for a nap from 1-4 with Parker (he wouldn't nap in his bed - the little stinker). At fiveish my stomach started killing me. I was so sick to my stomach. Adam left to go get him and Parker food. I stayed home in fear of being to far from the porcelain palace. Around 6:30 or so the fun began. I haven't puked in 2 years and here I was. All I could do was lay down on our bed in fear of puking again. Adam kept taking Parker out the front door to see the fireworks everyone else was shooting off. When they came back inside Parker would cry and point to the door to go back out. I puked about 4 more times in the night and Adam was up with Parker from about 3:30 to 6:00 or so. He stayed on the couch and finally came back to bed around 9.

Today I have eaten half a cracker and been able to hold down 1/2 a can of sprite zero. I'm too scared to eat anything else, but chicken noodle soup is starting to sound good.

And NO I'm not pregnant! :) Thank you Have a nice day!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Saturday is a Special Day

It's the day we get ready for Sunday. We clean the house and we stop at the store so we don't have to work until Monday. As a child we sang that song and it seemed like this past Saturday there wasn't time to clean the house because we had so many parties to go to...First we (Parker and me) went to my cousins bridal shower, then we went to Adam's Family Christmas Party with all his Aunts and Uncles and Cousins, then we went to our Church Christmas Party.

At the family party, we ate lots of good food, and had time visiting. The kids under 18 draw names and do a gift exchange that way. Parker got maracas! He loves them. The adults to a "chinese" gift exchange where the girls bring a girl gift and the guys bring a guy gift and then we draw numbers and sit in a circle etc. Adam ended up with a huge thing of drill bits (that he says he needed - I wouldn't really know haha). The funny thing about the girls exchange was there were three crock pots. Seriously. I am not kidding. It was a lot of fun and we enjoyed spending the time with his family. It was Parker's first time to open a present so I videoed the whole thing, but I cut some of the middle out to post on here. Feel free to watch if you are interested.

At the Church Christmas party, we were bummed that it started at 6:00 and we didn't start eating until 6:45 or so because of food competition. I wish it wouldn't have taken so long. Parker was hungry! Then a family in our Ward (the Linder's) Played music for us. They are really good. The dad and oldest daughter play guitar, youngest daughter on piano and the son on the drums. I am not sure the kids ages but I think they range from 16-8 or something like that. The 8 year old is the one on the drums. I videoed Parker dancing and clapping to the tunes. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Thoughts

Today, Parker and I attended a funeral for my great uncle. He has been battling cancer for 23 years (give or take a few).

I am a very emotional person. If I see other people crying, I cry. My mom was sitting next to me tearing up (I think that I held my composure because I was having to deal with Parker that wanted down to play). His son gave the eulogy and the only way he could get through it was to tell the funny stories first. He was sobbing when he first got up there (I continued to hold my composure). Throughout the rest of the funeral I was able to hold back the tears and even through the grave site ceremony. They had two marines fold a flag to give to my great aunt and had a gun salute. It was amazing to see.

It wasn't until I heard my great uncles grand-daughter with down syndrome sobbing afterward that I started to tear up. It was difficult to see. I know that our families can be together forever and that we will see my uncle again.

On a side and less serious note - everyone in my immediate family and a few family friends know I have a fear of dead bodies. When I was a little girl and my great grandpa died I had a horrible dream. He was a carpenter and I dreamed that they were burying him with all of the tools that he had ever owned and that they were in the bottom half of the casket. In my dream when I went up to view the body, he sat up and chased me out of the church with a chain saw. I have since then received two toy chainsaws as gifts after telling a few people about this (one from a family at church and one from a missionary that served in our ward and we ended up in a class together at BYU-Idaho).
Going up to see the body of my great uncle I had to stand several feet back to pay my respects - I just can't get up the courage to stand that close. It's no offense to the dead at all...I just can't do it. Is that crazy of me?

Monday, December 7, 2009


Adam Here.

You guys may have noticed the google ad sense ads over in the sidebar of the blog. Hopefully they don't bug anyone too much. You know what would be pretty awesome? If you gave it a couple clicks every time you visit the blog. We make a couple pennies of each click so yeah, share the love.

On a somewhat unrelated note you guys may want to check out kim's recipe blog over at She's already posted dozens of recipes that vary from cookies to gumbo. While your there be sure to click on those ads as well. I would greatly appreciate it.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


We have had a fun and crazy week it seems. 

Wednesday evening we headed to Buna to see Adam's Family.

Thursday we ate with my family at noon.  It was different this year.  Usually it is My Mom's Parents and her brother and his family and my siblings.  This year, Christoper stayed in Utah (usually the normal - it's hard for him to get down twice a year, however, he did it last year with two weddings), Caryn's family stayed home and Kevin's family spent it in the hospital with their three month old who was getting antibiotics through an iv due to salmonella poisoning getting into his blood (he was there ten days).  Court and his family came and Kari and Matt were there for a while.  Kari (has a job at a local tv station) had to go to work.  My Mom's Parents still came, but didn't stay all day like normal and her brother and his family stayed home.  It was weird having such a small group at Mom and Dad's house.  Caryn and her daughter and her friend came down that evening to spend time with me! (well with all of us, but I like to think when she comes to visit she comes just to see me).

Friday I got up at 6:30 showered and got ready and Caryn and her friend picked me up and we met Mom in Beaumont and we all went shopping together.  We shopped until around 5 or so.  It was a lot of fun.  I didn't buy too much - just a few clothing items for Parker.  I wish I would have gotten more, but I have no clue what to buy for Parker or for Adam or for Adam's family Christmas Party or for Kevin's family (which is everyone on the list but our parents - luckily Adam got a gift for both of our parents already).  I came home tired and not feeling well.  I had no voice by the end of day.  Adam met his parents halfway and Parker got to spend the night with them.  It was the first night he has had a sleepover.  I was a bit nervous when Adam and Parker left.  I know that my inlaws can take care of him, but it was just nervous to not have him in his room at night.  All mom's know how I felt.  I snoozed on the couch (or tried to - I kept getting phone calls and texts).  I picked up some nyquil and hoped to sleep well without worrying to much and to hopefully feel better.  I didn't sleep well, but I didn't worry either.  I knew he was in good hands. 

Saturday we got up and went to see Blind Side with Kari and Matt and it was such a good movie.  Then we headed to Buna to get Parker.  I fell asleep on their couch.  Then we headed home.

Adam has been great to take care of Parker.  I still have no voice.  It's as though it's getting worse and worse. 

Parker is walking more and more every day.  I've hardly seen him crawl all day.  He is getting faster and faster! 

Life is crazy and seems it will only get crazier with Christmas only weeks away!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What's Up with That?

Yesterday, I watched my niece while her little baby brother is in the hospital.  Right when she got to my house she wanted her Mom.  I felt so bad.  We headed to my grandmother's house in Vidor to play with our little cousin that it my nieces age and they had a lot of fun.   Well, my niece was having fun as long as Parker was leaving her alone.  Every time he wanted the toy she had, she cried and got upset.  We distracted Parker with other toys and I told him to quit being a bully! :)

We (Grammer and me) then headed to Chuck E Cheese with the kids to entertain them (thanks Ryan)!  They had so many tokens and I was ready to go so I took them to the game Rubble Bubble (or something like that - Maren can correct me) so that each girl could put a coin in at the same time.  We got a lot of tickets.   The only prize my little cousin wanted was a purple snake.  I couldn't convince her to get anything else.  Without thinking and considering the fact that Grammer is deathly afraid of snakes, I let her get it and when she went to show Grammer, I was in trouble!  I can't believe I didn't think about it.  But I didn't want her to cry.  Grammer said she will never let me forget it.  Luckily I had picked out another toy for her and so she gave Parker the snake.

Then I took my niece to stay with her parents at the hospital and I headed home.  I had a really bad migraine (probably from my lack of drinking water during the day) and told Adam I didn't want to eat anything.  Parker hadn't gotten a nap so Adam fed him and changed him and got him ready for bed for me (I was dozing off on the couch).  Parker was in bed before 8:45 and I told Adam I was heading to bed.  I fell asleep so fast.  Adam came in and asked me who texted me and read it to me (I had no idea I had a text message).  He also got up with Parker and they cuddled on the couch for an hour (I had no idea).

How could I not hear my phone above my head or this cute kid crying?

What's up with that?  I can't believe I was so out of it.