Tentang Blog Pelaut Malaysia

Visi utama blog ini diwujudkan bagi menghubungkan semua pelaut-pelaut di Malaysia di bawah satu medium online. Misi kami untuk menyampaikan maklumat terkini tentang dunia pelaut, dalam dan luar negara, berkongsi apa sahaja info berkaitan kehidupan pelaut terutamanya kepada orang ramai bagi membuka mata mereka tentang kerjaya yang dianggap mencabar ini.

Sektor perkapalan penggerak ekonomi dunia

Tahukan anda perkapalan merupakan sektor paling penting bagi sesebuah negara. Hampir 90% daripada perpindahan cargo dari sebuah negara kenegara yang lain menggunakan kapal. Walaupun kerjaya kapal tidak popular di kalangan rakyat Malaysia, tetapi sektor perkapalan merupakan nadi ekonomi utama bagi Malaysia.

Akademi Laut Malaysia atau lebih dikenali sebagai ALAM

Di Malaysia sekrang terdapat banyak pusat latihan perkapalan antaranya ALAM, RANACO,PELITA dan banyak lagi. ALAM atau Akademi Laut Malaysia merupakan pusat latihan perkapalan yang pertama di Malaysia. Disini pada mulanya anak-anak Malaysia memulakan kerjaya sebagai seorang penakluk samudra yang berjaya.

Showing posts with label COC ORAL QUESTION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COC ORAL QUESTION. Show all posts


Oral examination questions MARDEP (Jabatan Laut Malaysia)

This is some of collection question being asked by examiner when taking oral examination at Jabatan Laut Malaysia (MARDEP) for DNS 10 (ALAM cadet). All these question sincerely being contributed by DNS 10 themselves, last ORAL examination which being held on 18/10/2010 until 29/10/2010 at Port Klang and Pejabat Laut Melaka. Anyhow, congrates to pass candidates and special thanks for DNS 10 Akademi Laut Malaysia (ALAM) cadets for sharing this question.

Date: 18th Oct
Examiner: Capt Nazri
Duration: 50 mins
Status: Fail

- prefered channel to port & starboard region A
- taking over watch
- GPS posn & plotted posn very far, reason? (one question lead to another)
- sun azimuth Port Klang
- sun MP Port Klang
- radar plotting (plot, interpret, action)
- RM, TM, ground stabilization, sea stabilization
- AIS (info from AIS, y cannot use for collision avoidance)
- rule 7 regarding visual bearing & radar
- how to take bearing using gyro
- difference between gyro bearing & radar bearing

Date: 18th Oct
Examiner: Capt Saat
Duration: 1 hr

-ship's particular: LOA? LBP? LSA?
-explain GRT, NRT, LOA, LBP, TPC
-rules 7 & 9 + explanation
-IALA maritime bouyage system: all characteristics
-lights & daylight signal
-anchor: preparation for anchoring; how to let go anchor; on chart how do see
-GMDSS area 1 - area 4
-distress signals rules 38 ANNEX IV
-RADAR: safe radar watch; how to set up radar+performance monitor; difference
between 10cm & 3cm radar
-immersion suit & TPA
-explain flash point & boiling point
-preparation for arrival port until the vessel alongside
-types of fire extinguisher
-compass errors methods & gyro error(how)
-difference between magnetic & gyro compass
-duties onboard; when keeping a solo watch
-emergency alarm: emergency; fire; abandon ship
-markings on survival craft container + how u maintain it (inspection)
in adddition: fav questions of Capt Saat
-principle of sextant: prove it
-meteorology: trs, ana-kata wind, land breeze, sea breeze, clouds formation
-ship stab: angle of LOLL, stable-unstable equilibrium
-publications on board
-fav rules: 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 19 + explanation

Date: 18th Oct
Examiner: Capt Nazri
Duration: 50 mins
Status: Fail
-passage planning
-reefer cargo
-melaka strait rule
-is tpc is constant or change??
-true bearing of sun
-mp sun

Date: 18th Oct
Examiner: Capt Nazri
Duration: 50 mins
Status: Pass

-tarb book ship particular
-definition LOA,TPC, deadweight, lightship,GRT,NRT, bla3
-difference btween gps n ais
-explen gps
-precauition using gps
-limitation of gps
-how to ensure gps is givin accurate readin
-light n shape
-buoy n light characteristics
-rule 9,13
-explen evrythin abt chart
-what is wgs84
-what is accuracy of wgs84
-what is accuracy of gps
-depth in chart is measured fom which level
-collision situation

Date: 18th Oct
Examiner: Capt Nazri
Duration: 50 mins
Status: Fail

-passage planning- publications used and contents
-handover watch
-rule 3 (wbw)
-true brg calc-sun
-MP time calc
-radar plotting,action n visualisation (as real as possible)
-why position fixed on chart differ from GPS?explain.

Date: 18th Oct
Examiner: Capt Samad
Duration: 2.5 hours
Status: Pass

-Tell me about ur last ship-ship’s particulars
-Define GT, NT,Load & Light Displacement,Deadweight (how to calculate?)
-Principle of Archimedes/ what is GM/ how do u calculate KG
-Immersion suits location o/b ur last vsl & quantity o/b?
-Theory of MP & how to get Local time at Port Klang
-LNG carrier-cargo operation/ what is LNG/ R.D of LNG/draw cargo tank/temp?
-draw: the attachment of HRU,red weak link,senhouse slip,painter/ operation?
-radar plotting:hw to alter course/alter speed/ increase cpa/ OA
-True motion with ground stabilize & relative motion-explain the effect on radar displays
-why use RM for radar plotting
-effect of current/rate on water stationary target
-what is S-band radar
-Rule 2,3,5,17 (quote & explain) ….Rule 4,11 (quote only)
-Rule 8 –explain f(ii)
-Rule 9,10,18 (situations)
-Display of lights-PDV <50m>200m
-Crossing situation with pdv engaged in towing ops. from ur port
-Signals to attract attention/ sound signals in narrow channel
-Buoy : preffered channel only
-what VHF ch. to keep on watch, when transiting Melaca Straits ?..refer to??
-Orion’s Belt-naming stars..how to find ur ‘KIBLAT’/ most brightest star/ 1st pt Aries n Libra
-Winter & Summer Solstice
-fishing vsl shooting nets
-signals to attract attention…gives examples….
-what does ALL n ALRS stands for (no need for explanation)

Date: 18th Oct
Examiner: Capt Saad
Duration: 1 hours
Status: Pass
1. More on Meteorology (TRS-Sketch, cold front and warm front)
2. Situations... Head on and overtaking..
3. Electronic equipment..(GPS error, ECDIS, RADAR and ARPA,COMPASSES)
4. CHART symbols--- thats hard (but luckily he did't gave me such questions.)
5. Rules (code or explain...Better you explain coz he will ask you to explain in the end)
6.he doesn't like LSA and FFA questions.( I got only BA SET)
7. Seamanship (taking over watch in port and fire in bosun store...)
8. He ask so many question i think more than 30... the others i know u can do it..

tips.. Capt Saat is really great.. He is very considerate to your answers and He will help you as well..

Just dont make a silly mistake on rules and buoys..it will make you failed.. but others even just a very short answer its okei with him.. just make sure its correct and be confident...

Date: 19th Oct
Examiner: Capt Saad
Duration: 1.2 hours
Status: Pass
1) Last Ship Particulars
2) What is your cargo flashpoint?
3) what is MSDS
4) All Buoys
5) Explanation and word by word for Rule 1, 6, 10
6) What is safe working load?
7) SOLAS in general, when is it formed and what made the SOLAS formed?
8) MARPOL in general and chapters contained
9) Which ship is require to carry SOPEP?
10) Malaysia government comply with which of the annexes in MARPOL?
11) FFA in general, Name 2 equipments
12) Which of the portable fire extinguisher you use for oil fire?
13) GMDSS in general, name all the equipments to be carried onboard ship at each region.
14) OOW at port watch, fire at bosun store. Action?
15) Preparation before sailing... Action?
16)Proceedures to recceive pilot and rig pilot ladder.
17) NTM in General and its sections.
18) What is CLC?
19) Chart Symbols
20) what is the principle of WGS 84?
21) Lights and shapes
22) what is a safety plan?
23) how do you transmit distress alert by MF equipment?
24) Characteristics of lights, explain.

Date: 20th Oct
Examiner: Capt Azlan
Duration: 1 hours
Status: Pass
a) Publications for passage plan
b) ASD? ALL?
c) Details in ALL
d) Explain Fl(2)65m15M. What range is 65m & 15M.
e) How to do BGT (any SOLAS requirement)
f) How to do SGT as per SOLAS
g) Taking over watch at port
h) Rule 10 (explain)
i) Buoys
j) NTM - weekly, quarterly, cumulative, annually
k) ECDIS (general)
l) Difference between CMAP & ECDIS
m) Towing vsl port bow, action
n) PDV in TSS in general traffic flow, another PDV on stbd side, action
o) Lights, fog signal
p) How to send distress VHF DSC
q) How to maintain radio equipment
r) State requirement to do DSC alert
s) Define NUC, RAM

Date: 20th Oct
Examiner: Capt Azlan
Duration: 1.2 hours
Status: Pass
1.Publication for passage planning
2.GRT-definition and unit
3.DWT-definition and unit
4.Admiralty List of Light and fog signal- how many volumes and what are the lights contain inside the publication
5.REST PERIOD-explain according to STCW
6. ROR Rule 10- a)understanding
b) according to rule 10 a, which organization does it refer to? And why does the organisation adopt these rule 10?(I answered based on 1958 the first ship routeing was established in Dover straits in an area where traffic density is great and congested..etc)
7. Radar Plotting: ship course 090(T) X 12 kts
1700 190(T) 6’
1710 190(T) 5’
1729 190(T) 4’, take action based on rule 19 (pay attention to alteration of WO line if alter course or reduce speed)
8.Recite rule 19 word by word
9.you are onboard vessel of 150 m, LSA as per SOLAS
10. Maintenance of SCBA
11.Lights and Signal- Constrained by draught, NUC not making way through the water, towing vessel more than 50m length of tow less 200m(ENGAGE IN CROSSING SITUATION, ACTION)
12. T & P- explain and how you do the correction
13. How you determine your chart already corrected up to the latest
14.How to correct ASD
15. Buoys- east cardinal, safe water and special water: characteristic and function of the buoys
16. FWA
17. Take over watch at night, action
18. ISM-Explain, what is DPA and function?
20.Is there any requirement stated in SOLAS that a vessel can carry only one lifeboat
21.All the lights in Malaysian water is it compulsory to be put in ALL?

Date : 22/10/2010
Time : 25 minutes
Examiner : Capt Azlan Bin Ahmad

1.Taking over watch in Port
2. How to update ASD and ALL and charts.
3.How to know your chart is uptodate or not?
4.Deviation calculation(from chart,var and compass error given)
5.Bouys- Safe water mark,isolated, special water,east cardinal
6.Towing vessel-light and shape and fog signal(All possibilities)
7.Constrained by draught-light and shape fog signaL
8.Rule 10, 19
9.Own vessel in TSS,PDV cross from stbd, action?
10.Restricted Visibility, heard sound signal forward of beam, action
11.anchor light, vsl more 100m
12.Light NUC,shape and fog signal
13.BA set maintenance
14.lifeboat equipment
16.Regulation of ANNEX 5 Marpol
17.What you know about radar and how many type and specification of S-Band and X-Band.
18.Method of taking compass error

Date : 22/10/2010
Time : 1 hour
Examiner : Capt Azlan Bin Ahmad

1.Joining as 2nd Officer, what should you do?
2.Passage planning APEM
3. How many ways to find compass error
4. Amplitude, Azimuth, Meridian Passage principle
5.Radar Plotting(restricted visibility)
6.Best time to take amplitude, draw the posn of the body and explain
7.MARPOL name all the annexes
8.Annex 1 MARPOL all requirement, everything that is important with regard to this annex
9.How to mark new danger beside using emergency wreck marking buoy
10.How to correct chart publication
11.How to obtained weather info(all available mean eg:Safetynet,navtex…)
12.How to know special water mark in the chart is serving what purpose in some area

Examiner : Capt Saat
Date : 23/10/2010

Compilation of question asked
1. TPC,LOA, Lightship,deadweight,GRT,NRT, ORB-definition
2. Rules 1,6,7,9,10,13,19
3. Buoys
4. Chart symbols( explain all the name )
5. Explain WGS 84
6. Accuracy of WGS 84
7. AIS & Ecdis
8. GPS
9. Precaution using GPS
10. How to determine GPS gicing right observation
11. Keppler’s Law
12. Adiabatic
13. Anabatic & katabatic
14. Range n bearing discrimination
15. Precaution and limitation of radar
16. ATT explain
17. FWA
18. TRS
19. Land sea breeze
20. Flags

Date : 24/10/2010
Time : 1 hour
Examiner : Capt Azlan Bin Ahmad

1.Passage Planning
2.Which publication you should use for passage plan
4.Annex 1, oil discharge requirement
5.Towing vessel 2 pt port bow, action
6.vessel at anchor-light characteristic
7.vessel restricted visibility-light characteristic
8.oil filtering/ODME
10.M Notices
11.Which annex in marpol apply with MALAYSIA
12.Radar Plotting in RV
13.LSA last ship
14.Life raft capacity
15.distress signal annex 4- all
16.Chart Symbol-Rock(PA) ??
17.VHF receive distress/ MF/HF send distress
18.English Channel (steering failure,action)
19.how you send urgency msg
20. DSC frequency in VHF
21.ECDIS how frequently updated?
22.Which type of chart use in ECDIS and differerent between them

Date : 25/10/2010
Time : 1 hour pluss++
Examiner : Capt Mat Noor Kassim

-joining vsl as 3rd mate
-list out life boat equipment
-list out distress signal
-explain Rule 2
-describe bouy characteristics ( 3 bouy , i choose what bouy i want..nice~~)
-what is SOPEP....an as junior officer, how SOPEP can aid me for safe operation during bunkering..
-what is Fish Plate and its purpose
-crossing situation (Rule 15)
-what is TEU
-is it possible not fully load LNG cargo inside tank? just forget about the FSE...
ANSWER: yes..because of stability...if u dont believe me ..check stability booklet lah..
-squat effect
-lifeboat mantainance
-what is RADAR
-what is ECDIS
-what is passage plan
-actions in restricted
-what DWT
-MOB situations..action!!!!

** ok guys..3 things to bear in mind ..if MNK is your examiner..
i) good appearance and speak english as proper as you can
ii) show that u have a wide range of knowledge , eventhough you dont know
iii)he dont want detail answers if u can show him that u know the answer...(wayang2 la sket)

Date : 26/10/2010
Time : 1/2 hour
Examiner : Capt Mat Noor Kassim
-last ship cargo operation,cargo plan
-rule 13,14,15 n hafal name2 rule k..
-annex 4
-LSA & FFA maintenance
-responsible 3rd mate
-passage plan
-life raft equipment

tips:dgn Cpt nie kene cool,ckp dgn yakin n good english..

Date : 26/10/2010
Time : 1 hour
Examiner : Capt Mat Noor Kassim
- Emergencies which may lead you to abandon the ship (as per MSCR course notes)
- Complications / Difficulties which may arise when trying to launch survival craft (as per MSCR course notes)
- Stowage of Liferaft (he wants to hear everything including the extra liferaft at the fwd)
- Difference btwn the Lifeboat on Passenger vessels and Cargo Ships (all the lifeboats on the passenger vessel together can accommodate the total number of ppl on the ship whereas the one on the cargo ship , each side can accommodate the total amount..this is what he wants to hear)
- GMDSS difference between passenger ship and cargo ship ( the portable radios and radar transponders)
- All buoys ( after the characteristics of the first one he just asked me to name the rest of them no need characteristics)
- Colregs (i was lucky, he did not ask me much, i just explained how many rules, how many annexes and how many parts and sections)
- Sextant Error
- LNG Cargo Pipelines, cargo operation and cargo equipment( he forgot to ask me most of it after he told me to draw the pipeline so take your time :) )
- ISPS: Security level 1, Security Level 3, SSO and SSO duties ( as per ayat skema ISPS if not he wont accept, i explained as best i could and was shot down)
- Certificates carried onboard (special attention to certificate of fitness)

That's all folks, i consider myself very lucky, i hope you guys will have the same amount of luck and eventually pass! GOOD LUCK!! (btw he is a very nice guy, eventhough he looks stern, he will try to pass you)

Examiner: Captain Saat
Date: 19-10-2010
Location: Melaka
Duration: 1hour 30minutes

1. Rule 1,5, 10
2. All bouys
3. Situations: Crossing, Overtaking
4. Bouy CHannel - Leaving and entering port. with fishing vessel in the channel.
5. Meteorology: TRS(sketch), warm and cold front, buys ballot law.
6. ISM, Marpol, IsPS
7. Fire in Bosun store.
8. Over taking watch at port
9. Hydrometer
9 Flashpoint,
10. BA set
11. LOA, LBP, Airdraft...
12. GPS, Radar , eCdis
13. Magnetic Compass, and gyro compass

date :28/10/10...

* STCW-watch in congested water
* deadweight,displacement(explain)
* radar plotting
* Rule 24,10,13
* buoy
* Parallel index
* towing light
* liferaft equipment
* load line(draw)

* discussion about last ship
* list down all navigation euipment
* star azimuth calculation
* action vsl aground
* action rcve distress alert by DSC (can u relay this distress)
* sailing vsl action..
* different gyro n magnetic & y we need 2 check C/Error
* chrono test..
* radar detect SART..how it appear at PPI

* action restricted visibility
* action heavy weather
* prediction of storm(buys ballot's law)
* steam line in cargo ship
* cargo operation
* Squat effect & interaction
* mine clearance light & shapes
* rule 19,,action to be taken..

**credit to DNS 10 (name of candidate is a privacy)


Light recognition

ship light

Questions about light recognition

(Q) A Pilot vessel Underway - what lights can he put out if he was Underway but not Making way
(A) None, the only time he can put navigation lights off is is he is tied to the pier, at anchor or aground

(Q) When condition of visibility would you sound the following?

(i) One short blast
(ii) Two short blasts
(iii) Three short blasts
(iv) Five or more short and rapid blasts
(v) Two prolonged blasts followed by one short
(vi) Two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts
(vii) One prolonged blast that is sounded in a narrow channel to alert any vessels coming around a bend

(A) When vessels are in sight of one another

(Q) When do you put your navigation lights on?
(A) From Dusk till Dawn and in any conditions of restricted visibility

(Q) You see a single white light - what vessels can it be?
(A) It can be one of 6 vessels

(i) A stern light
(ii) A vessel at anchor under 50 metres in length
(iii) A power-driven vessel under 12 metres
(iv) A power-driven vessel under 7 metres with a maximum speed of less than 7 knots
(v) A Sailing vessel under 7 metres
(vi) A rowing vessel with a torch of lighted lantern

(Q) A single green light what vessel is it?
(A) A sailing vessel

(Q) How can you stop yourself from mixing up a pilot vessel with a fishing vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling?
(A) A trawler and a vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling have the coloured lights at the top - the pilots coloured light is at the bottom

(Q) A vessel engaged in towing another vessel with the tow over 200 metres - what is the arc of the top masthead light?

(A) 225 degree

(Q) What are the arcs of visibility of the bottom 2 white lights?
(A) They're both 2250

(Q) When does a pilot vessel sound 4 short blasts on the ships whistle and what is the condition of visibility?
(A) This is only sounded in restricted visibility - he can sound it whenever he want's as it's his identity signal


If overtaking another vessel in a Narrow Channel and you get no response from him for you to overtake him (his whistle may be broken for him to sound Morse "C")
He may give you the International code Flag "Charlie"

When refueling the captain wants to hear you'll put up International Code Flag "Bravo"

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