Monday, November 25, 2013

The Fantastic Hunt for Elk and Mushroomical Magic

This here post is about Jason's huHn' trip back over in September. Since I warn't there myself, I guess I'll just post the pichures without much wriHn'. ( I tease Jason about how he turns a little redneck when he's out hunting, or even just in Richfield.  He especially sounds redneck when I talk to him on the phone while he's on these trips.  It cracks me up, it does.)  Anyway, here are the pichures:

This is a flat tire on the Razor that happened early on in the hunt and required a trip back into town to repair.

 A rainbow, which may be a good hunting omen.

 Dan and Uncle Marty.  There were several people on this hunt, but only one person had an elk tag: Grandpa Utley.  Everyone else was there just to ensure that he got one (and because they like any reason to wander around on mountains with guns and camouflage).

Uncle Marty, Dallas, and Jason.

He got one, hurrah! Grandpa Utley, Dan, Jason, and Uncle Marty. 

While wandering around on mountain tops with much manly vigor, Jason encountered many mind-blowing mushroom species.  Fortunately for all of us, he documented them so that we may enjoy their splendor.  Take for example, the ruffly one in the photo above.  Is your mind already blown?  Well, it's about to get even blowner.

 This is the underside of a very large mushroom.  I believe the scientific name for this particular species is Fungi Shagiolus ElePhantomeous of the Operaus.

True, Dan is a funguy, but for the purposes of this mushroom unit we are looking at the orange fungi on the fallen trunk.  (Ho ho, I bet you haven't ever heard that joke before!)

I know what you're thinking: What, those are real?!  They aren't just in fairy books and Willy Wonka factories?!  Yes, I thought the same thing: this proves fairies and Oompa Loompas are real, too.

 And golden mushrooms also exist, my friend.  Imagine the royal stir-fry this would make!

This concludes our mind-blowing mushroom studies.  Please do not operate any heavy machinery  for the next twenty-four hours.

Jason and Dan went on their own little hunting excursion and were rewarded with three grouse... grouses... grouslings... grousers?... birds that live in that particular mountain terrain.

When he began cleaning the birds, he discovered the remains of their last meal.  Yeah, I think this is a good place to end the hunting post.  Enjoy!


val said...

Wicked cool mushrooms!!

Zach said...

If'n ah dinh know inny behr, ah'd-uh-thunk'n ya grown uppin thim mowens.

And speaking of mountain men speech and such, yesterday I was with an old-timer who saw a barstool and said, "Hey, a bar-stool... That's what Davy Crockett stepped in!"