Showing posts with label Jim Cramer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jim Cramer. Show all posts

Friday, March 13, 2009

Madoff, Jim Cramer and Jon Stewart

The Ponzi scheme perpetrator was in a courtroom yesterday, pleading guilty but offering no explanation of his motives or what happened to the money.

Jim Cramer, who misled investors for years on MSNBC, was on the Daily Show, trying to defend himself against Jon Stewart's indictment of financial "news." Cramer, who built a career as the "wild man" truth teller, was as subdued as Madoff but no more successful in escaping guilt for where Wall Street is today.

Jon Stewart's verdict: "disingenuous at best and criminal at worst." One of today's best journalists, Jim Fallows, who considers Stewart, without hyperbole, the Edward R. Murrow of our time, says that he "without excessive showboating, did the journalistic sensibility proud."

Someone who saw Murrow in his prime has to agree.